A GPS serial interrupt service routine that has an on the fly nmea parser. Works with a STM32F411RE and a Adafruit GPS logger.

Dependents:   Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-F411RE Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-L476RG

Fork of GPS by Simon Ford

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  1. define PIN_RX_GPS PA_12 GPS Shield RX pin
  2. define PIN_TX_GPS PA_11 GPS Shield TX pin

Set up serial interrupe service handler for gps characters. GPS MyGPS(PIN_TX_GPS,PIN_RX_GPS, 9600);

if (MyGPS.dataready()) { MyGPS.read(); pc.printf("NMEA has valid data"); pc.printf("Sats : %d \n", MyGPS.buffer.satellites); pc.printf("%d-%d-%d\n", MyGPS.buffer.month, MyGPS.buffer.day, MyGPS.buffer.year); pc.printf("%d:%d:%d\n", MyGPS.buffer.hours, MyGPS.buffer.minutes, MyGPS.buffer.seconds); } else { pc.printf("NMEA has no valid data"); } <</code>>

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