Demo code for a Wi-Fi controlled wall outlet that monitors light intensity, temperature, and motion and can control which plugs are supplied with power based off of user preference.

Dependencies:   BH1750 DHT11_Lib mbed

Fork of ECE4180_Lab4_ESP8266_IoT_Outlets by Deron Mai

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Apr 23 22:22:59 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Apr 23 22:49:05 2016 +0000
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 // WEB page data
     strcpy(webbuff, "<!DOCTYPE html>");
-    strcat(webbuff, "<html><head><title>ESP8266 Mbed IoT Controlled Outlets</title></head>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<html><head><title>Wi-Fi Controlled Smart Wall Outlet</title></head>");
     strcat(webbuff, "<body>");
     strcat(webbuff, "<div style=\"text-align:center; background-color:#F4F4F4; color:#00AEDB;\"><h1>ESP8266 Mbed IoT Web Controller</h1>");
     strcat(webbuff, "Hit Count - ");
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
     strcat(webbuff, Vcc);
     strcat(webbuff, " </sup>V");
     strcat(webbuff, "</div><br /><hr>");
-    strcat(webbuff, "<h3>Mbed RTC Time -&nbsp&nbsp");
-    strcat(webbuff, timebuf);
+    //strcat(webbuff, "<h3>Mbed RTC Time -&nbsp&nbsp");
+    //strcat(webbuff, timebuf);
     strcat(webbuff, "</h3>\r\n");
-    strcat(webbuff, "<p><form method=\"POST\"><strong> Outlet 1 Current:&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" size=6 value=\"");
-    strcat(webbuff, Cur1);
-    strcat(webbuff, "\"> </sup>A <form method=\"POST\"> <strong> &nbsp&nbsp");
+    //strcat(webbuff, "<p><form method=\"POST\"><strong> Outlet 1 Current:&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" size=6 value=\"");
+    //strcat(webbuff, Cur1);
+    strcat(webbuff, "\ </sup> <form method=\"POST\"> <strong> &nbsp&nbsp");
     if(SetMotion==0) {
         strcat(webbuff, "<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet1\" value=\"0\" checked>  Outlet 1 off");
         strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet1\" value=\"1\" >  Outlet 1 is motion controlled");
@@ -218,20 +218,20 @@
         strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet1\" value=\"1\" checked>  Outlet 1 is motion controlled");
     if(setOut2==0) {
-        strcat(webbuff, "<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"0\" checked>  Outlet 2 off when temp >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOff\" size=4 value=\"");
+        strcat(webbuff, "<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"0\" checked>  Outlet 2 on when temperature <&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOff\" size=4 value=\"");
         sprintf(setTmpOff, "%d", tmpOff);
         strcat(webbuff,"\"> </sup>");
-        strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"1\" >  Outlet 2 on when temp >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOn\" size=4 value=\"");
+        strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"1\" >  Outlet 2 on when temperature >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOn\" size=4 value=\"");
         sprintf(setTmpOn, "%d", tmpOn);
         strcat(webbuff,"\"> </sup>");
     } else {
-        strcat(webbuff, "<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"0\" >  Outlet 2 off when temp >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOff\" size=4 value=\"");
+        strcat(webbuff, "<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"0\" >  Outlet 2 on when temperature <&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOff\" size=4 value=\"");
         sprintf(setTmpOff, "%d", tmpOff);
         strcat(webbuff,"\"> </sup>");
-        strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"1\" checked>  Outlet 2 on when temp >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOn\" size=4 value=\"");
+        strcat(webbuff, "<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"outlet2\" value=\"1\" checked>  Outlet 2 on when temperature >&nbsp&nbsp<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmpOn\" size=4 value=\"");
         sprintf(setTmpOn, "%d", tmpOn);
         strcat(webbuff,"\"> </sup>");