This is the one where I went back and un-did the cube.cpp file

Dependencies:   BNO055_fusion_tom FastPWM mbed

Fork of NucleoCube1 by Tom Rasmussen


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
29:37dc63b57d6e 2017-04-18 tomras12 Added button debounce and equilibrium angle setpoint on press default tip
28:b813a8f685c3 2017-04-18 tomras12 Fixed equilibrium angle
27:c3ca97f1db60 2017-04-18 tomras12 Fixed hall sensor analog read
26:f2bb916262c9 2017-04-13 tomras12 Having problems with loop timing
25:41abce345a12 2017-04-13 tomras12 Detect orientation doesnt work if i put it in the control loop and i dont get why
24:c7b3bac429c5 2017-04-12 tomras12 Implemented orientation detection
23:abe76b7c377a 2017-04-12 tomras12 Refactor to make code more adaptable
22:9f3022fe9084 2017-04-11 wchurch hardware check
21:4f60d60b2e5a 2017-04-11 wchurch no printf - almost works!;
20:79c99bbf6dd7 2017-04-11 wchurch theta limits;
19:3118e8e60182 2017-04-11 wchurch working;
18:6f120b374991 2017-04-11 wchurch working but where's my r offset;
17:5b341d64c644 2017-04-10 wchurch yuh;
16:27069802baae 2017-04-10 wchurch It's ".p", man;
15:1d21cf90cd47 2017-04-10 wchurch velocity read working;
14:90ac96893fcd 2017-04-10 wchurch radians implemented;
13:e41d32a48931 2017-04-10 wchurch current read
12:c1e72469eea4 2017-04-10 wchurch import tom rasmussen memorial library;
11:a4c89e669754 2017-04-10 tomras12 Updated to new library with angular velocities
10:69eb22acaea3 2017-04-09 wchurch current limits
9:6a83e2777d24 2017-04-09 wchurch temp d2r conversion;
8:1011786787a4 2017-04-09 wchurch basic loop going
7:1be7e6735fe2 2017-04-09 wchurch pwm f = 5kHZ;
6:f2c930a90873 2017-04-09 wchurch button enable working, needs pwm disable on stop;
5:9247f07a954a 2017-04-09 wchurch interrupt test working;
4:ae9e664301dd 2017-04-05 wchurch sp
3:6b08122b6ac8 2017-04-05 wchurch just the working imu code
2:93c7a7fb3203 2017-04-03 wchurch sync works with euler;
1:d81f93d3f819 2017-04-03 wchurch pwm synced
0:604ceafb7bb3 2017-04-02 wchurch init commit - working pwms;