
Dependencies:   FatFileSystem SCP1000 mbed

Fork of SDHCFileSystem by Klaus Bu

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jul 04 10:33:20 2014 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

FATFileSystem.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SCP1000.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 90601632692f -r 4dfe0d37c606 FATFileSystem.lib
--- a/FATFileSystem.lib	Sat Jul 24 19:45:29 2010 +0000
+++ b/FATFileSystem.lib	Fri Jul 04 10:33:20 2014 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 90601632692f -r 4dfe0d37c606 SCP1000.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SCP1000.lib	Fri Jul 04 10:33:20 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 90601632692f -r 4dfe0d37c606 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jul 24 19:45:29 2010 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 04 10:33:20 2014 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,215 @@
- #include "mbed.h"
- #include "string"
- #include "SDHCFileSystem.h"
- SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
- int main() {
-       FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/myfile.txt", "w");
-       fprintf(fp, "\n\rHello World!\n\r");
-       fclose(fp);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SCP1000.h"
+#include "string"
+#include "SDHCFileSystem.h"
+DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
+DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
+DigitalOut myled4(LED4);
+Serial xbee(p9,p10);
+SCP1000 scp1000(p11,p12,p13,p14);
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
+I2C i2c(p28, p27); // sda, scl
+const int AQCM0802_addr = 0x7C;
+unsigned char mode;
+unsigned char contrast = 0; // 0-63
+unsigned char contrastFlag = false;
+int CGcounter;
+int FADEcounter;
+void lcd_cmd(char x) {
+  char data[2];
+  data[0] = 0x00; // CO = 0,RS = 0
+  data[1] = x;
+  i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
+void lcd_contdata(char x) {
+  char data[2];
+  data[0] = 0xC0; //0b11000000 CO = 1, RS = 1
+  data[1] = x;
+  i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
+void lcd_lastdata(char x) {
+  char data[2];
+  data[0] = 0x40; //0b11000000 CO = 0, RS = 1
+  data[1] = x;
+  i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
+void lcd_printStr(const char *s) {
+  while(*s) {
+    if(*(s + 1)) {
+      lcd_contdata(*s);
+    } else {
+      lcd_lastdata(*s);
+    }
+    s++;
+  }
+void lcd_printHex(unsigned char num) {
+  lcd_contdata(num);
+void lcd_init() {
+  wait(0.04);
+  // LCD initialize
+  lcd_cmd(0x38); // function set
+  lcd_cmd(0x39); // function set
+  lcd_cmd(0x04); // EntryModeSet
+  lcd_cmd(0x14); // interval osc
+  lcd_cmd(0x70 | (contrast & 0xF)); // contrast Low
+  lcd_cmd(0x5C | ((contrast >> 4) & 0x3)); // contast High/icon/power
+  lcd_cmd(0x6C); // follower control
+  wait(0.2);
+  lcd_cmd(0x38); // function set
+  lcd_cmd(0x0C); // Display On
+  lcd_cmd(0x01); // Clear Display
+  wait(0.2); // need additional wait to Clear Display
+void lcd_setCursor(unsigned char x,unsigned char y) {
+  lcd_cmd(0x80 | (y * 0x40 + x));
+unsigned char cg[13 * 8] = {
+void setCG(int src,int dst,int len) {
+  lcd_cmd(0x38);
+  lcd_cmd(0x40 + dst);
+  if (src >= 0) {
+    for (int i = 0;i < len;i++) lcd_printHex(cg[src + i]);
+  } else {
+    for (int i = 0;i < len;i++) lcd_printHex(0);
+  }
+void setContrast(unsigned char c) {
+  lcd_cmd(0x39);
+  lcd_cmd(0x70 | (c & 0x0f)); // contrast Low
+  lcd_cmd(0x5C | ((c >> 4) & 0x03)); // contast High/icon/power
+  lcd_cmd(0x38);
+//main start
+int main() {
+    char a;
+    char c[256],g[256],u[256],d,sta[6],wake=0,res=1;
+    int pre,j=0,i=0;
+    unsigned long kiatu=0,pre2=0;
+    float kiatusa=0,tmp2,high=0,gosa=0,goukei=0,goukei2=0,heikin=0,heikin2=0,den,vol;
+    double high1=0,high0=0;
+    long presa=0;
+    lcd_init();
+    setContrast(30);
+    lcd_setCursor(0, 0);  
+    lcd_printStr("pre");
+    lcd_setCursor(0, 1);  
+    lcd_printStr("TEST02");    
+    while(1){
+        if(xbee.readable()==0){   // serial in falt
+        }
+        if(xbee.readable()==1){  // serial in true
+            //old program
+            while(xbee.getc()!='$');   //form can-sat                 
+            //d=xbee.getc();
+            pre=0;
+            while((c[pre]=xbee.getc())!='#'){
+                printf("%c",c[pre]);
+                pre++;
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            pre=0;
+            while((g[pre]=xbee.getc())!='@'){
+                printf("%c",g[pre]);
+                pre++;
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            pre=0;            
+            while((u[pre]=xbee.getc())!='\n'){
+                printf("%c",u[pre]);
+                pre++;
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            //c[pre]='\0';
+         /*   if(d=='p'){
+                sscanf(c,"%d",&kiatu);                
+                goukei=goukei+kiatu;
+                goukei2=goukei2+pre2;           
+                j++;       
+            }
+            printf("%d\n",j);  
+            if(d=='v'){
+                sscanf(c,"%f",&den);
+            }
+            if(d=='m'){
+                strcpy(sta,c);
+            }
+            vol=den*3.3+(den*3.3*2/3);
+            //printf("%s  \n",sta);
+            if(j==5){           
+                heikin=goukei/5; 
+                heikin2=goukei2/5;           
+                high1=(heikin-gosa)/heikin2;
+                high0=pow(high1,0.1902);
+                high=153.8*(tmp2+273.2)*(1.0-high0);
+                printf("H=%lu\n",high);
+                j=0;
+                goukei=0;
+                goukei2=0;         
+            }*/
+            c[0]='\0';
+        //if(sky.readable()==0){
+       // }    
+        }            
+       /*     myled4=1;
+            a=xbee.getc();
+            printf("XBEE=%c\n",a);
+            wait(0.2);
+            myled4=0;
+            wait(0.2);        
+        } */
+      /*  FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/pre.csv", "a");
+        fprintf(fp,"%d\n",scp1000.readPressure());
+        fclose(fp);*/
+    }