This is the program that runs on the Mbell (

Dependencies:   DS1307 LcdWindow TextLCD mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 870ce81eb888 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Oct 25 16:19:55 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "hd44780_8bit.h" 
+#include "ds1307.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Serial toWifly(p13, p14);  // tx, rx
+DS1307 my1307(p28,p27); // start DS1307 class and give it pins for connections of the DS1307 device
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); // Create the local filesystem
+ int sec = 0;
+ int min = 0;
+ int hours = 0;
+ int day = 1; //sunday
+ int date = 1;
+ int month = 1;
+ int year = 12; //2012
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+DigitalIn top(p20);
+DigitalIn aup(p18);
+DigitalIn bdw(p17);
+DigitalIn bot(p19);
+InterruptIn dbtrig(p24);
+int trigState = 0;
+InterruptIn menuButton(p25);
+int menuState = 0;
+DigitalIn menuUp(p26);
+DigitalIn menuDown(p29);
+//motor control pins
+DigitalOut mena(p21);
+DigitalOut mdown(p22);
+DigitalOut mup(p23);
+ void test_rw(int test) {
+     if (test == 0) pc.printf("Last R/W operaion passed!\n\r");
+     else pc.printf("Last R/W operation failed!\n\r");
+ }
+void up(void){
+    mup=1;
+    mdown=0;
+void down(void) {
+    mup=0;
+    mdown=1;
+void stop(void) {
+    mup=0;
+    mdown=0;
+void gotoTop(void) {
+    if(top) up();
+    while(top) {
+        led1=1;
+    }
+    stop();
+    led1=0;
+void gotoAup(void) {
+    if(aup) up();
+    while(aup) {
+        led2=1;
+    }
+    stop();
+    led2=0;
+void gotoBot(void) {
+    if(bot) down();
+    while(bot) {
+        led3=1;
+    }
+    stop();
+    //give the ball time to enter lift
+    wait(0.5); 
+    led3=0;
+//doorbell trigger interrupt routine
+void doorbell() {
+    //a little debouncing
+    wait(0.01);
+    if(dbtrig) trigState = 1;
+//menu setup trigger interrupt routine
+void menuSetup() {
+    wait(0.06);
+    if(menuButton) menuState = 1;
+int main() {        
+    //LCD init
+    BusOut *data=new BusOut(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p15,p16);
+    HD44780LCD8bit* lcd=new HD44780LCD8bit(16,2,data, p6, p5);
+    lcd->init();
+    lcd->writeText(0,0,"Alustetaan..");
+    // set some default time to these values on the ds1307 connected device
+    // test_rw(my1307.settime( sec, min, hours, day, date, month, year));
+    wait(1);
+    //sensor switches pull down the mbed pins when triggered   
+    top.mode(PullUp);
+    aup.mode(PullUp);
+    bdw.mode(PullUp);
+    bot.mode(PullUp);
+    //pushbuttons also pull down the mbed pins
+    menuButton.mode(PullUp);
+    menuUp.mode(PullUp);
+    menuDown.mode(PullUp);
+    mena = 1;  //enable the L293D
+    mdown = 0;
+    mup = 0;
+    //do a test run at start to find out where lift is now
+    lcd->writeText(0,0,"Menossa alas");
+    gotoBot();
+    lcd->clear();
+    wait(0.1);
+    lcd->writeText(0,0,"Menossa");
+    wait(0.1);
+    lcd->writeText(0,1,"valmiustilaan"); 
+    gotoAup();
+    //setup doorbell interrupt and menu button interrupt
+    dbtrig.rise(&doorbell);
+    menuButton.fall(&menuSetup);
+    //main loop
+    while(1) {
+      // DISPLAY CURRENT TIME AND DATE /////////////////////
+      if(trigState==0 && menuState==0){
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        //read time from ds1307
+        test_rw(my1307.gettime( &sec, &min, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year));
+        lcd->locate(0,0);
+        if (day == 1)
+            lcd->printf("Su");
+        if (day == 2)
+            lcd->printf("Ma");   
+        if (day == 3)
+            lcd->printf("Ti");
+        if (day == 4)
+            lcd->printf("Ke");
+        if (day == 5)
+            lcd->printf("To");
+        if (day == 6)
+            lcd->printf("Pe");
+        if (day == 7)
+            lcd->printf("La");
+        lcd->printf("  %.2D",date);
+        lcd->printf(".%.2D",month);
+        lcd->printf(".20%.2D",year);
+        lcd->locate(0,1);    
+        lcd->printf("Klo %.2D",hours);
+        lcd->printf(":%.2D",min);
+        //lcd->printf(":%.2D",sec);
+        //'nonblocking' wait 5 sec
+        for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
+            if(trigState==0 && menuState==0) {
+                wait(0.1);
+            }//if
+            else {
+                //break out of loop is doorbell
+                //is triggered
+                break;
+            }//else
+        }//for
+      }//if trigState=0
+      if(trigState==0 && menuState==0) {
+        //read locally stored log file
+        led1=led2=1;
+        char buf[16]; //read 16 chars
+        FILE *fp = fopen( "/local/doorbell.txt", "r");
+        if(fp!=NULL) {           
+            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)+1, fp);
+            fclose(fp);
+        }//if not fp
+        led1=led2=0;
+        //print last doorbell ring on lcd
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->locate(0,0);
+        lcd->printf("Edellinen soitto");
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%s", buf);
+        //'nonblocking' wait 5 sec
+        for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
+            if(trigState==0 && menuState==0) {
+                wait(0.1);
+            }//if
+            else {
+                //break out of loop is doorbell
+                //is triggered
+                break;
+            }//else
+        }//for
+      }//if trigState=0
+      //DOORBELL IS PRESSED////////////////////////////
+      if(trigState==1) {
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Ovikello soi!");
+        //log last doorbell press to local filesystem
+        test_rw(my1307.gettime( &sec, &min, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year));
+        led1=led2=1;
+        FILE *fp = fopen("/local/doorbell.txt", "w");
+        //16 chars example
+        //1234567890123456
+        //Edellinen soitto
+        //Ma 10.10.  10:10
+        if (day == 1)
+            fprintf(fp, "Su");
+        if (day == 2)
+            fprintf(fp, "Ma");   
+        if (day == 3)
+            fprintf(fp, "Ti");
+        if (day == 4)
+            fprintf(fp, "Ke");
+        if (day == 5)
+            fprintf(fp, "To");
+        if (day == 6)
+            fprintf(fp, "Pe");
+        if (day == 7)
+            fprintf(fp, "La");
+        fprintf(fp, " %.2D",date);
+        fprintf(fp, ".%.2D",month);
+        fprintf(fp, ".  %.2D",hours);
+        fprintf(fp, ":%.2D",min);
+        fclose(fp); 
+        led1=led2=0;
+        //Write doorbell message to wifly serial.
+        //t-codes:
+        //1: critical
+        //2: error/warning
+        //3: info
+        toWifly.printf("Ovikello&t=3");
+        //run the lift
+        gotoTop(); //launch ball
+        //wait maximum 20 seconds 
+        //(in case bdw sensor fails)
+        int i=0;
+        //wait for ball to get down
+        while(bdw) {
+            i++;
+            led4 = !led4;
+            wait(0.05);
+            //100x 0.05 sec = 5 sec
+            //need to count to 400 before break
+            //break out of while after 20 seconds
+            if(i>400) {
+                lcd->clear();     //1234567890123456
+                lcd->writeText(0,0,"Palloa ei kuulu,");
+                wait(0.1);
+                lcd->writeText(0,1,"haetaan se silti");
+                wait(3);
+                break;
+            }//if
+        }//while bdw
+        led4=0;
+        lcd->clear();
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Menossa alas");
+        gotoBot();
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Menossa");
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,1,"valmiustilaan"); 
+        gotoAup();
+        //reset interrupt state        
+        trigState=0;       
+      }//if doorbell
+      //if menu button is pressed
+      if(menuState==1) {
+        //reset menu state
+        menuState = 0;
+        //read time from ds1307
+        test_rw(my1307.gettime( &sec, &min, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year));
+        //SET HOURS///////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta tunti");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current hour on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",hours);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        hours++;
+                        if(hours>23) hours=0;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",hours);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        hours--;
+                        if(hours<0) hours=23;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",hours);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+          }//while not menustate hours
+        //SET MINUTES/////////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta minuutti");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current min on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",min);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        min++;
+                        if(min>59) min=0;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",min);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        min--;
+                        if(min<0) min=59;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",min);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate min
+        //SET SECONDS/////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta sekunti");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current sec on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",sec);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        sec++;
+                        if(sec>59) sec=0;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",sec);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        sec--;
+                        if(sec<0) sec=59;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",sec);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate sec 
+        //SET WEEKDAY/////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta viikonpv");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current weekday on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        if (day == 1)
+            lcd->printf("Su");
+        if (day == 2)
+            lcd->printf("Ma");   
+        if (day == 3)
+            lcd->printf("Ti");
+        if (day == 4)
+            lcd->printf("Ke");
+        if (day == 5)
+            lcd->printf("To");
+        if (day == 6)
+            lcd->printf("Pe");
+        if (day == 7)
+            lcd->printf("La");
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        day++;
+                        if(day>7) day=1;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        if (day == 1)
+                            lcd->printf("Su");
+                        if (day == 2)
+                            lcd->printf("Ma");   
+                        if (day == 3)
+                            lcd->printf("Ti");
+                        if (day == 4)
+                            lcd->printf("Ke");
+                        if (day == 5)
+                            lcd->printf("To");
+                        if (day == 6)
+                            lcd->printf("Pe");
+                        if (day == 7)
+                            lcd->printf("La");
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        day--;
+                        if(day<1) day=7;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        if (day == 1)
+                            lcd->printf("Su");
+                        if (day == 2)
+                            lcd->printf("Ma");   
+                        if (day == 3)
+                            lcd->printf("Ti");
+                        if (day == 4)
+                            lcd->printf("Ke");
+                        if (day == 5)
+                            lcd->printf("To");
+                        if (day == 6)
+                            lcd->printf("Pe");
+                        if (day == 7)
+                            lcd->printf("La");
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate weekday
+        //SET DATE/////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta pvm");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current date on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",date);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        date++;
+                        if(date>31) date=1;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",date);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        date--;
+                        if(date<1) date=31;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",date);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate date
+        //SET MONTH/////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta kuukausi");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current sec on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",month);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        month++;
+                        if(month>12) month=1;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",month);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        month--;
+                        if(month<1) month=12;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",month);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate month
+        //SET YEAR/////////////////////////////////
+        lcd->clear();
+        wait(0.1);
+        lcd->writeText(0,0,"Aseta vuosi");
+        wait(0.1);
+        //print current year on second row
+        lcd->locate(0,1);
+        lcd->printf("%.2D",year);
+        //loop until menu state button is pressed again
+        while(menuButton) {
+            //if menu up button is pressed
+            if(!menuUp) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuUp) {
+                        year++;
+                        if(sec>2100) year=2000;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",year);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+            //if menu down button is pressed
+            if(!menuDown) {
+                wait(0.07); //debounce
+                    if(!menuDown) {
+                        year--;
+                        if(year<2000) year=2100;
+                        lcd->locate(0,1);
+                        lcd->printf("%.2D",year);
+                    }//inner if
+            }//if menuup
+        }//while not menustate year
+        //store new values in ds1307
+        test_rw(my1307.settime( sec, min, hours, day, date, month, year));
+        menuState = 0;
+      }//if menustate
+    }//while 1