Strawberry Greenhouse V3

Dependencies:   mbed C12832 Servo HCSR04 DHT DHT11

Tue Oct 19 20:21:02 2021 +0000
Strawberry Greenhouse complete V3;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 1 #include "mbed.h"
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 2 #include "C12832.h"
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 3 #include "tank.h"
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 4 #include "HCSR04.h"
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 5 #include "DHT.h"
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 6 #include "Servo.h"
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 7
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 8
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 9 C12832 lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11); // LCD screen
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 10 PwmOut r (p23); // r = red LED
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 11 PwmOut g (p24); // g = green LED
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 12 HCSR04 sensor(p9, p20); // ultrasonic distance sensor
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 13 DHT sensorB(p16,DHT11); // DHT11 temp & humi sensor
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 14 DigitalOut fan(p18); //grove relay control DC fan
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 15 DigitalOut myled(p14); //assigning greenled as digital output pin14
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 16 AnalogIn ldr(p15); //assigning ldr as analog input p15
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 17 AnalogIn soil_moisture(p19); //soil moisture sensor
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 18 Servo myservo(p21); //servo
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 19
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 20
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 21 int main()
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 22 {
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 23 int error = 0;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 24 float h = 0.0f, c = 0.0f, f = 0.0f, k = 0.0f, dp = 0.0f, dpf = 0.0f;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 25 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 26 char tmpString[16];
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 27 int temp_format = 0;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 28 int humid_format = 0;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 29 float ldrout = 0.0;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 30 float range = 0.0005;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 31 float position = 0.5;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 32 float moisture_value = 0;
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 33
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 34 while(true) {
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 35
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 36 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 37 lcd.locate(25,5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 38 lcd.printf("Tank Water Level");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 39 lcd.locate(2,15);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 40 lcd.printf("Greenhouse Control System");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 41 wait(2.5);
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 42
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 43 lcd.cls(); //clear LCD
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 44 Timer timer;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 45 {
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 46
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 47 sensor.setRanges(0, 500); // water tank level 500mm
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 48 lcd.print_bm(bitmEmptyTank,80,0); // print Empty Tank at location x=80, y=0
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 49 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 50
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 51
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 52 timer.reset();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 53 timer.start();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 54 sensor.startMeasurement();
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 55
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 56 }
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 57 lcd.locate(20,5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 58 lcd.printf("Distance:");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 59 lcd.locate(20,17);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 60 lcd.printf ("%5.1f mm\r", sensor.getDistance_mm());
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 61 timer.stop();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 62 wait_ms(500 - timer.read_ms()); // time the loop
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 63
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 64 //turn RGB LED red if distance >400mm
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 65
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 66 if( sensor.getDistance_mm()< 400) r= 1; //red light on
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 67 else r = 0;
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 68
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 69 if( sensor.getDistance_mm()> 400) g=1; //green light on
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 70 else g=0; //green light off
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 71
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 72
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 73 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() < 40 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmTank,80,0); //full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 74 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 75 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 80 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmNinetyTank,80,0); //90% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 76 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 77 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 120 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmEightyTank,80,0); //80% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 78 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 79 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 160 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmSeventyTank,80,0); //70% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 80 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 81 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 200 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmSixtyTank,80,0); //60% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 82 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 83 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 240 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmFiftyTank,80,0); //50% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 84 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 85 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 280 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmFourtyTank,80,0); //40% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 86 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 87 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 320 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmThirtyTank,80,0); //30% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 88 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 89 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 360 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmTwentyTank,80,0); //20% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 90 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 91 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 400 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmTenTank,80,0); //10% full tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 92 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 93 if( sensor.getDistance_mm() > 440 ) lcd.print_bm(bitmEmptyTank,80,0); //empty tank
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 94 lcd.copy_to_lcd();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 95 wait (2.5f);
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 96
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 97
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 98 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 99 lcd.locate(15,5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 100 lcd.printf("Temp & Humidi Level");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 101 lcd.locate(2,15);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 102 lcd.printf("Greenhouse Control System");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 103 wait(2.5);
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 104
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 105 lcd.cls(); //clear LCD
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 106
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 107
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 108 wait(0.5f);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 109 error = sensorB.readData();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 110
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 111 if (0 == error) {
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 112
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 113 c = sensorB.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 114 f = sensorB.ReadTemperature(FARENHEIT);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 115 k = sensorB.ReadTemperature(KELVIN);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 116 h = sensorB.ReadHumidity();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 117 dp = sensorB.CalcdewPoint(c, h);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 118 dpf = sensorB.CalcdewPointFast(c, h);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 119 }
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 120 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 121 lcd.locate(0,0);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 122 lcd.printf("K: %4.2f, C: %4.2f, F %4.2f\n", k, c, f);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 123 lcd.locate(0,10);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 124 lcd.printf("H: %4.2f, D: %4.2f, DF: %4.2f\n", h, dp, dpf);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 125 lcd.locate(0,20);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 126 lcd.printf("Tempf: %d HumidF: %d\n", temp_format, humid_format);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 127
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 128 //turn fan on if temperature is above 26
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 129 if(c > 20) fan=1; //fan is on
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 130 else fan=0; //Fan is off
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 131 wait(2.5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 132 //wait 2 seconds and check temp again
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 133
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 134
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 135 //Light Sensor System
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 136
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 137 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 138 lcd.locate(25,5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 139 lcd.printf("Light Level");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 140 lcd.locate(2,15);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 141 lcd.printf("Greenhouse Control System");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 142 wait(2.5);
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 143
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 144; //read ldr value
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 145
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 146 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 147 lcd.locate(10,10);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 148 lcd.printf("Light Level is: %f\n :",ldrout); //print ldr value on LCD
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 149 if(ldrout < 0.6) { //if ldr value is smaller than 0.6 green LED turns on
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 150
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 151 myled = 1; //LED on
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 152 } else {
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 153 myled=0; //LED off
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 154 }
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 155 wait(2.5);
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 156
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 157 //Soil Moisture System
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 158 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 159 lcd.locate(25,5);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 160 lcd.printf("Soil Moisture Level");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 161 lcd.locate(2,15);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 162 lcd.printf("Greenhouse Control System");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 163 wait(2.5);
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 164
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 165 moisture_value = () *3.3; //soil moisture value
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 166
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 167 lcd.cls();
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 168 lcd.locate(0,0); //text location on screen
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 169 lcd.printf("Moisture reading is: %1.2f\n", moisture_value ); //display soil moisture value as a percentage
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 170
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 171 if (moisture_value < 1) { //if soil moisture level is between 30 and 60 moisture level okay
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 172 lcd.locate(0,10);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 173 lcd.printf("Moisture level not okay");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 174 position = 0.0;
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 175 }
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 176 else {
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 177 lcd.locate(0,10);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 178 lcd.printf("Moisture level is okay");
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 179 position = 1.0;
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 180 }
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 181 myservo.write(position);
tollidal 3:fdbd4ffb9ca6 182 wait(2.5);
tollidal 2:2621304bdec1 183 }
jbrown57 0:c48b28944702 184 }