Download NHK English news podcast automatically. XML Parser "spxml" is used. This application requires mpod mother board. See also

Dependencies:   BlinkLed HTTPClient EthernetInterface FatFileSystemCpp MSCFileSystem spxml mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mpod_nhk_english by Satoshi Togawa

Download NHK English news podcast automatically.
XML Parser "spxml" is used.
This application requires mpod mother board.
See also

--- a/spxml/spxmlutils.cpp	Sat Sep 01 04:09:48 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007 Stephen Liu
- * For license terms, see the file COPYING along with this library.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "spxmlutils.hpp"
-const int SP_XmlArrayList::LAST_INDEX = -1;
-SP_XmlArrayList :: SP_XmlArrayList( int initCount )
-	mMaxCount = initCount <= 0 ? 2 : initCount;
-	mCount = 0;
-	mFirst = (void**)malloc( sizeof( void * ) * mMaxCount );
-SP_XmlArrayList :: ~SP_XmlArrayList()
-	free( mFirst );
-	mFirst = NULL;
-int SP_XmlArrayList :: getCount() const
-	return mCount;
-int SP_XmlArrayList :: append( void * value )
-	if( NULL == value ) return -1;
-	if( mCount >= mMaxCount ) {
-		mMaxCount = ( mMaxCount * 3 ) / 2 + 1;
-		mFirst = (void**)realloc( mFirst, sizeof( void * ) * mMaxCount );
-		assert( NULL != mFirst );
-		memset( mFirst + mCount, 0, ( mMaxCount - mCount ) * sizeof( void * ) );
-	}
-	mFirst[ mCount++ ] = value;
-	return 0;
-void * SP_XmlArrayList :: takeItem( int index )
-	void * ret = NULL;
-	if( LAST_INDEX == index ) index = mCount -1;
-	if( index < 0 || index >= mCount ) return ret;
-	ret = mFirst[ index ];
-	mCount--;
-	if( ( index + 1 ) < mMaxCount ) {
-		memmove( mFirst + index, mFirst + index + 1,
-			( mMaxCount - index - 1 ) * sizeof( void * ) );
-	} else {
-		mFirst[ index ] = NULL;
-	}
-	return ret;
-const void * SP_XmlArrayList :: getItem( int index ) const
-	const void * ret = NULL;
-	if( LAST_INDEX == index ) index = mCount - 1;
-	if( index < 0 || index >= mCount ) return ret;
-	ret = mFirst[ index ];
-	return ret;
-void SP_XmlArrayList :: sort( int ( * cmpFunc )( const void *, const void * ) )
-	for( int i = 0; i < mCount - 1; i++ ) {
-		int min = i;
-		for( int j = i + 1; j < mCount; j++ ) {
-			if( cmpFunc( mFirst[ min ], mFirst[ j ] ) > 0 ) {
-				min = j;
-			}
-		}
-		if( min != i ) {
-			void * temp = mFirst[ i ];
-			mFirst[ i ] = mFirst[ min ];
-			mFirst[ min ] = temp;
-		}
-	}
-SP_XmlQueue :: SP_XmlQueue()
-	mMaxCount = 8;
-	mEntries = (void**)malloc( sizeof( void * ) * mMaxCount );
-	mHead = mTail = mCount = 0;
-SP_XmlQueue :: ~SP_XmlQueue()
-	free( mEntries );
-	mEntries = NULL;
-void SP_XmlQueue :: push( void * item )
-	if( mCount >= mMaxCount ) {
-		mMaxCount = ( mMaxCount * 3 ) / 2 + 1;
-		void ** newEntries = (void**)malloc( sizeof( void * ) * mMaxCount );
-		unsigned int headLen = 0, tailLen = 0;
-		if( mHead < mTail ) {
-			headLen = mTail - mHead;
-		} else {
-			headLen = mCount - mTail;
-			tailLen = mTail;
-		}
-		memcpy( newEntries, &( mEntries[ mHead ] ), sizeof( void * ) * headLen );
-		if( tailLen ) {
-			memcpy( &( newEntries[ headLen ] ), mEntries, sizeof( void * ) * tailLen );
-		}
-		mHead = 0;
-		mTail = headLen + tailLen;
-		free( mEntries );
-		mEntries = newEntries;
-	}
-	mEntries[ mTail++ ] = item;
-	mTail = mTail % mMaxCount;
-	mCount++;
-void * SP_XmlQueue :: pop()
-	void * ret = NULL;
-	if( mCount > 0 ) {
-		ret = mEntries[ mHead++ ];
-		mHead = mHead % mMaxCount;
-		mCount--;
-	}
-	return ret;
-void * SP_XmlQueue :: top()
-	return mCount > 0 ? mEntries[ mHead ] : NULL;
-SP_XmlStringBuffer :: SP_XmlStringBuffer()
-	init();
-void SP_XmlStringBuffer :: init()
-	mSize = 0;
-	mMaxSize = 8;
-	mBuffer = (char*)malloc( mMaxSize );
-	memset( mBuffer, 0, mMaxSize );
-SP_XmlStringBuffer :: ~SP_XmlStringBuffer()
-	free( mBuffer );
-int SP_XmlStringBuffer :: append( char c )
-	if( mSize >= ( mMaxSize - 1 ) ) {
-		mMaxSize += ( mMaxSize * 3 ) / 2 + 1;
-		mBuffer = (char*)realloc( mBuffer, mMaxSize );
-		assert( NULL != mBuffer );
-		memset( mBuffer + mSize, 0, mMaxSize - mSize );
-	}
-	mBuffer[ mSize++ ] = c;
-	return 0;
-int SP_XmlStringBuffer :: append( const char * value, int size )
-	if( NULL == value ) return -1;
-	size = ( size <= 0 ? strlen( value ) : size );
-	if( size <= 0 ) return -1;
-	if( ( size + mSize ) > ( mMaxSize - 1 ) ) {
-		mMaxSize += size;
-		mBuffer = (char*)realloc( mBuffer, mMaxSize );
-		assert( NULL != mBuffer );
-		memset( mBuffer + mSize, 0, mMaxSize - mSize );
-	}
-	memcpy( mBuffer + mSize, value, size );
-	mSize += size;
-	return 0;
-int SP_XmlStringBuffer :: getSize() const
-	return mSize;
-const char * SP_XmlStringBuffer :: getBuffer() const
-	return mBuffer;
-char * SP_XmlStringBuffer :: takeBuffer()
-	char * ret = mBuffer;
-	mBuffer = NULL;
-	init();
-	return ret;
-void SP_XmlStringBuffer :: clean()
-	memset( mBuffer, 0, mMaxSize );
-	mSize = 0;