Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE API Modified for HRM1017 for library 0.1.0

Fork of nRF51822 by Nordic Semiconductor

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Device Manager Events

Device Manager Events
[Device Manager]

This section describes the device manager events that are notified to the application. More...


 General Events

General or miscellaneous events.

 Link Status Events

Link Status Events.

 Context Management Events

Context Management Events.

Detailed Description

This section describes the device manager events that are notified to the application.

The Device Manager notifies the application of various asynchronous events using the asynchronous event notification callback. All events has been categorized into: a. General. b. Link Status. c. Context Management.

In the callback, these events are notified along with handle that uniquely identifies: application instance, active instance (if applicable), device instance bonding instance, (if applicable) and service instance. Not all events are pertaining to an active connection, for example a context deletion event could occur even if the peer is not connected. Also, general category of events may not be pertaining to any specific peer. See also dm_event_cb_t and dm_register.