Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE API Modified for HRM1017 for library 0.1.0

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00001 /* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
00002  *
00003  * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
00004  * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
00006  *
00007  * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
00008  * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
00009  * the file.
00010  */
00012 /** @file
00013  *
00014  * @defgroup ble_sdk_srv_gls Glucose Service
00015  * @{
00016  * @ingroup ble_sdk_srv
00017  * @brief Glucose Service module.
00018  *
00019  * @details This module implements the Glucose Service.
00020  *
00021  * @note The application must propagate BLE stack events to the Glucose Service module by calling
00022  *       ble_gls_on_ble_evt() from the from the @ref ble_stack_handler callback.
00023  *
00024  * @note Attention! 
00025  *  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA Bluetooth profile 
00026  *  qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.
00027  */
00029 #ifndef BLE_GLS_H__
00030 #define BLE_GLS_H__
00032 #include <stdint.h>
00033 #include <stdbool.h>
00034 #include "ble.h"
00035 #include "ble_srv_common.h "
00036 #include "ble_date_time.h"
00038 /**@brief Glucose feature */
00039 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_LOW_BATT                       0x0001  /**< Low Battery Detection During Measurement Supported */
00040 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_MALFUNC                        0x0002  /**< Sensor Malfunction Detection Supported */
00041 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_SAMPLE_SIZE                    0x0004  /**< Sensor Sample Size Supported */
00042 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_INSERT_ERR                     0x0008  /**< Sensor Strip Insertion Error Detection Supported */
00043 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_TYPE_ERR                       0x0010  /**< Sensor Strip Type Error Detection Supported */
00044 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_RES_HIGH_LOW                   0x0020  /**< Sensor Result High-Low Detection Supported */
00045 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_TEMP_HIGH_LOW                  0x0040  /**< Sensor Temperature High-Low Detection Supported */
00046 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_READ_INT                       0x0080  /**< Sensor Read Interrupt Detection Supported */
00047 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_GENERAL_FAULT                  0x0100  /**< General Device Fault Supported */
00048 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_TIME_FAULT                     0x0200  /**< Time Fault Supported */
00049 #define BLE_GLS_FEATURE_MULTI_BOND                     0x0400  /**< Multiple Bond Supported */
00051 /**@brief Glucose measurement flags */
00052 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_TIME_OFFSET                  0x01    /**< Time Offset Present */
00053 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONC_TYPE_LOC                0x02    /**< Glucose Concentration, Type, and Sample Location Present */
00054 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_UNITS_KG_L                   0x00    /**< Glucose Concentration Units kg/L */
00055 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_UNITS_MOL_L                  0x04    /**< Glucose Concentration Units mol/L */
00056 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_SENSOR_STATUS                0x08    /**< Sensor Status Annunciation Present */
00057 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONTEXT_INFO                 0x10    /**< Context Information Follows */
00059 /**@brief Glucose measurement type */
00060 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_CAP_BLOOD                    1       /**< Capillary whole blood */
00061 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_CAP_PLASMA                   2       /**< Capillary plasma */
00062 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_VEN_BLOOD                    3       /**< Venous whole blood */
00063 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_VEN_PLASMA                   4       /**< Venous plasma */
00064 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_ART_BLOOD                    5       /**< Arterial whole blood */
00065 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_ART_PLASMA                   6       /**< Arterial plasma */
00066 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_UNDET_BLOOD                  7       /**< Undetermined whole blood */
00067 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_UNDET_PLASMA                 8       /**< Undetermined plasma */
00068 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_FLUID                        9       /**< Interstitial fluid (ISF) */
00069 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_TYPE_CONTROL                      10      /**< Control solution */
00071 /**@brief Glucose measurement location */
00072 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_LOC_FINGER                        1       /**< Finger */
00073 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_LOC_AST                           2       /**< Alternate Site Test (AST) */
00074 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_LOC_EAR                           3       /**< Earlobe */
00075 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_LOC_CONTROL                       4       /**< Control solution */
00076 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_LOC_NOT_AVAIL                     15      /**< Sample Location value not available */
00078 /**@brief Glucose sensor status annunciation */
00079 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_BATT_LOW                   0x0001  /**< Device battery low at time of measurement */
00080 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_SENSOR_FAULT               0x0002  /**< Sensor malfunction or faulting at time of measurement */
00081 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_SAMPLE_SIZE                0x0004  /**< Sample size for blood or control solution insufficient at time of measurement */
00082 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_STRIP_INSERT               0x0008  /**< Strip insertion error */
00083 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_STRIP_TYPE                 0x0010  /**< Strip type incorrect for device */
00084 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_RESULT_HIGH                0x0020  /**< Sensor result higher than the device can process */
00085 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_RESULT_LOW                 0x0040  /**< Sensor result lower than the device can process */
00086 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_TEMP_HIGH                  0x0080  /**< Sensor temperature too high for valid test/result at time of measurement */
00087 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_TEMP_LOW                   0x0100  /**< Sensor temperature too low for valid test/result at time of measurement */
00088 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_STRIP_PULL                 0x0200  /**< Sensor read interrupted because strip was pulled too soon at time of measurement */
00089 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_GENERAL_FAULT              0x0400  /**< General device fault has occurred in the sensor */
00090 #define BLE_GLS_MEAS_STATUS_TIME_FAULT                 0x0800  /**< Time fault has occurred in the sensor and time may be inaccurate */
00092 /**@brief Glucose measurement context flags */
00093 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_CARB                      0x01    /**< Carbohydrate id and carbohydrate present */
00094 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MEAL                      0x02    /**< Meal present */
00095 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_TESTER                    0x04    /**< Tester-health present */
00096 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXERCISE                  0x08    /**< Exercise duration and exercise intensity present */
00097 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED                       0x10    /**< Medication ID and medication present */
00098 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_KG                    0x00    /**< Medication value units, kilograms */
00099 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_L                     0x20    /**< Medication value units, liters */
00100 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_HBA1C                     0x40    /**< Hba1c present */
00101 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXT                       0x80    /**< Extended flags present */
00103 /**@brief Glucose measurement context carbohydrate ID */
00104 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_BREAKFAST                 1       /**< Breakfast */
00105 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_LUNCH                     2       /**< Lunch */
00106 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_DINNER                    3       /**< Dinner */
00107 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_SNACK                     4       /**< Snack */
00108 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_DRINK                     5       /**< Drink */
00109 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_SUPPER                    6       /**< Supper */
00110 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_CARB_BRUNCH                    7       /**< Brunch */
00112 /**@brief Glucose measurement context meal */
00113 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MEAL_PREPRANDIAL               1       /**< Preprandial (before meal) */
00114 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MEAL_POSTPRANDIAL              2       /**< Postprandial (after meal) */
00115 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MEAL_FASTING                   3       /**< Fasting */
00116 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MEAL_CASUAL                    4       /**< Casual (snacks, drinks, etc.) */
00117 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MEAL_BEDTIME                   5       /**< Bedtime */
00119 /**@brief Glucose measurement context tester */
00120 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_TESTER_SELF                    1       /**< Self */
00121 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_TESTER_PRO                     2       /**< Health care professional */
00122 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_TESTER_LAB                     3       /**< Lab test */
00123 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_TESTER_NOT_AVAIL               15      /**< Tester value not available */
00125 /**@brief Glucose measurement context health */
00126 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_MINOR                   1       /**< Minor health issues */
00127 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_MAJOR                   2       /**< Major health issues */
00128 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_MENSES                  3       /**< During menses */
00129 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_STRESS                  4       /**< Under stress */
00130 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_NONE                    5       /**< No health issues */
00131 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_HEALTH_NOT_AVAIL               15      /**< Health value not available */
00133 /**@brief Glucose measurement context medication ID */
00134 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MED_RAPID                      1       /**< Rapid acting insulin */
00135 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MED_SHORT                      2       /**< Short acting insulin */
00136 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MED_INTERMED                   3       /**< Intermediate acting insulin */
00137 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MED_LONG                       4       /**< Long acting insulin */
00138 #define BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_MED_PREMIX                     5       /**< Pre-mixed insulin */
00140 /**@brief SFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 16-bit FLOAT, meaning 4 bits for exponent (base 10) and 12 bits mantissa) */
00141 typedef struct
00142 {
00143   int8_t exponent;                                             /**< Base 10 exponent, should be using only 4 bits */
00144   int16_t mantissa;                                            /**< Mantissa, should be using only 12 bits */
00145 } sfloat_t;
00147 /**@brief Glucose Service event type. */
00148 typedef enum
00149 {
00150     BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED,                          /**< Glucose value notification enabled event. */
00151     BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED                          /**< Glucose value notification disabled event. */
00152 } ble_gls_evt_type_t;
00154 /**@brief Glucose Service event. */
00155 typedef struct
00156 {
00157     ble_gls_evt_type_t evt_type;                               /**< Type of event. */
00158 } ble_gls_evt_t;
00160 // Forward declaration of the ble_gls_t type. 
00161 typedef struct ble_gls_s ble_gls_t;
00163 /**@brief Glucose Service event handler type. */
00164 typedef void (*ble_gls_evt_handler_t) (ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_evt_t * p_evt);
00166 /**@brief Glucose Measurement structure. This contains glucose measurement value. */
00167 typedef struct
00168 {
00169     uint8_t         flags;                                     /**< Flags */
00170     uint16_t        sequence_number;                           /**< Sequence number */
00171     ble_date_time_t base_time;                                 /**< Time stamp */
00172     int16_t         time_offset;                               /**< Time offset */
00173     sfloat_t        glucose_concentration;                     /**< Glucose concentration */
00174     uint8_t         type;                                      /**< Type */
00175     uint8_t         sample_location;                           /**< Sample location */
00176     uint16_t        sensor_status_annunciation;                /**< Sensor status annunciation */
00177 } ble_gls_meas_t;
00179 /**@brief Glucose measurement context structure */
00180 typedef struct
00181 {
00182     uint8_t       flags;                                       /**< Flags */
00183     uint8_t       extended_flags;                              /**< Extended Flags */
00184     uint8_t       carbohydrate_id;                             /**< Carbohydrate ID */
00185     sfloat_t      carbohydrate;                                /**< Carbohydrate */
00186     uint8_t       meal;                                        /**< Meal */
00187     uint8_t       tester_and_health;                           /**< Tester and health */
00188     uint16_t      exercise_duration;                           /**< Exercise Duration */
00189     uint8_t       exercise_intensity;                          /**< Exercise Intensity */
00190     uint8_t       medication_id;                               /**< Medication ID */
00191     sfloat_t      medication;                                  /**< Medication */
00192     uint16_t      hba1c;                                       /**< HbA1c */
00193 } ble_gls_meas_context_t;
00195 /**@brief Glucose measurement record */
00196 typedef struct
00197 {
00198   ble_gls_meas_t          meas;                                /**< Glucose measurement */
00199   ble_gls_meas_context_t  context;                             /**< Glucose measurement context */
00200 } ble_gls_rec_t;
00202 /**@brief Glucose Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for
00203  *        initialization of the service. */
00204 typedef struct
00205 {
00206     ble_gls_evt_handler_t     evt_handler;                     /**< Event handler to be called for handling events in the Glucose Service. */
00207     ble_srv_error_handler_t   error_handler;                   /**< Function to be called in case of an error. */
00208     uint16_t                  feature;                         /**< Glucose Feature value indicating supported features. */
00209     bool                      is_context_supported;            /**< Determines if optional Glucose Measurement Context is to be supported. */
00210 } ble_gls_init_t;
00212 /**@brief Glucose Service structure. This contains various status information for the service. */
00213 typedef struct ble_gls_s
00214 {
00215     ble_gls_evt_handler_t     evt_handler;                     /**< Event handler to be called for handling events in the Glucose Service. */
00216     ble_srv_error_handler_t   error_handler;                   /**< Function to be called in case of an error. */
00217     uint16_t                  service_handle;                  /**< Handle of Glucose Service (as provided by the BLE stack). */
00218     ble_gatts_char_handles_t  glm_handles;                     /**< Handles related to the Glucose Measurement characteristic. */
00219     ble_gatts_char_handles_t  glm_context_handles;             /**< Handles related to the Glucose Measurement Context characteristic. */
00220     ble_gatts_char_handles_t  glf_handles;                     /**< Handles related to the Glucose Feature characteristic. */
00221     ble_gatts_char_handles_t  racp_handles;                    /**< Handles related to the Record Access Control Point characteristic. */
00222     uint16_t                  conn_handle;                     /**< Handle of the current connection (as provided by the BLE stack, is BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID if not in a connection). */
00223     uint16_t                  feature;
00224     bool                      is_context_supported;
00225 } ble_gls_t;
00227 /**@brief Function for initializing the Glucose Service.
00228  *
00229  * @details This call allows the application to initialize the Glucose Service.
00230  *
00231  * @param[out]  p_gls       Glucose Service structure. This structure will have to be supplied by
00232  *                          the application. It will be initialized by this function, and will later
00233  *                          be used to identify this particular service instance.
00234  * @param[in]   p_gls_init  Information needed to initialize the service.
00235  *
00236  * @return      NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization of service, otherwise an error code.
00237  */
00238 uint32_t ble_gls_init(ble_gls_t * p_gls, const ble_gls_init_t * p_gls_init);
00240 /**@brief Function for handling the Application's BLE Stack events.
00241  *
00242  * @details Handles all events from the BLE stack of interest to the Glucose Service.
00243  *
00244  * @param[in]   p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
00245  * @param[in]   p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
00246  */
00247 void ble_gls_on_ble_evt(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt);
00249 /**@brief Function for reporting a new glucose measurement to the glucose service module.
00250  *
00251  * @details The application calls this function after having performed a new glucose measurement.
00252  *          The new measurement is recorded in the RACP database.
00253  *
00254  * @param[in]   p_gls                    Glucose Service structure.
00255  * @param[in]   p_rec                    Pointer to glucose record (measurement plus context).
00256  *
00257  * @return      NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
00258  */
00259 uint32_t ble_gls_glucose_new_meas(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec);
00261 #endif // BLE_GLS_H__
00263 /** @} */
00265 /** @endcond */