mbed library sources

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

Fri Sep 05 14:20:33 2014 +0000
BLE_Health_Thermometer for mbed HRM1017 with BLE library 0.1.0

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 1 .equ Stack_Size, 0x1024
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 2 .section ".stack", "w"
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 3 .align 3
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 4 .globl __cs3_stack_mem
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 5 .globl __cs3_stack_size
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 6 __cs3_stack_mem:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 7 .if Stack_Size
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 8 .space Stack_Size
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 9 .endif
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 10 .size __cs3_stack_mem, . - __cs3_stack_mem
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 11 .set __cs3_stack_size, . - __cs3_stack_mem
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 12
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 13 .equ Heap_Size, 0x8000
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 14 .section ".heap", "w"
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 15 .align 3
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 16 .globl __cs3_heap_start
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 17 .globl __cs3_heap_end
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 18 __cs3_heap_start:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 19 .if Heap_Size
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 20 .space Heap_Size
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 21 .endif
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 22 __cs3_heap_end:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 23
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 24
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 25 .section ".cs3.interrupt_vector"
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 26 .globl __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 27 .type __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m, %object
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 28
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 29 __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 30 .long __cs3_stack
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 31 .long __cs3_reset
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 32 .long NMI_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 33 .long HardFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 34 .long MemManage_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 35 .long BusFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 36 .long UsageFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 37 .long 0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 38 .long 0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 39 .long 0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 40 .long 0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 41 .long SVC_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 42 .long DebugMon_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 43 .long 0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 44 .long PendSV_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 45 .long SysTick_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 46
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 47 .long WDT_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 48 .long TIMER0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 49 .long TIMER1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 50 .long TIMER2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 51 .long TIMER3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 52 .long UART0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 53 .long UART1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 54 .long UART2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 55 .long UART3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 56 .long PWM1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 57 .long I2C0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 58 .long I2C1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 59 .long I2C2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 60 .long SPI_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 61 .long SSP0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 62 .long SSP1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 63 .long PLL0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 64 .long RTC_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 65 .long EINT0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 66 .long EINT1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 67 .long EINT2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 68 .long EINT3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 69 .long ADC_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 70 .long BOD_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 71 .long USB_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 72 .long CAN_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 73 .long DMA_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 74 .long I2S_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 75 .long ENET_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 76 .long RIT_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 77 .long MCPWM_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 78 .long QEI_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 79 .long PLL1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 80 .long USBActivity_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 81 .long CANActivity_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 82
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 83 .size __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m, . - __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 84
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 85 .thumb
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 86
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 87 .section .cs3.reset,"x",%progbits
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 88 .thumb_func
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 89 .globl __cs3_reset_cortex_m
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 90 .type __cs3_reset_cortex_m, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 91 __cs3_reset_cortex_m:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 92 .fnstart
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 93 LDR R0, =SystemInit
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 94 BLX R0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 95 LDR R0, =__cs3_start_c
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 96 BX R0
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 97 .pool
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 98 .cantunwind
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 99 .fnend
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 100 .size __cs3_reset_cortex_m,.-__cs3_reset_cortex_m
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 101
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 102 .section ".text"
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 103
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 104 .weak NMI_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 105 .type NMI_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 106 NMI_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 107 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 108 .size NMI_Handler, . - NMI_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 109
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 110 .weak HardFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 111 .type HardFault_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 112 HardFault_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 113 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 114 .size HardFault_Handler, . - HardFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 115
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 116 .weak MemManage_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 117 .type MemManage_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 118 MemManage_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 119 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 120 .size MemManage_Handler, . - MemManage_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 121
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 122 .weak BusFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 123 .type BusFault_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 124 BusFault_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 125 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 126 .size BusFault_Handler, . - BusFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 127
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 128 .weak UsageFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 129 .type UsageFault_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 130 UsageFault_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 131 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 132 .size UsageFault_Handler, . - UsageFault_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 133
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 134 .weak SVC_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 135 .type SVC_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 136 SVC_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 137 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 138 .size SVC_Handler, . - SVC_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 139
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 140 .weak DebugMon_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 141 .type DebugMon_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 142 DebugMon_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 143 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 144 .size DebugMon_Handler, . - DebugMon_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 145
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 146 .weak PendSV_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 147 .type PendSV_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 148 PendSV_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 149 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 150 .size PendSV_Handler, . - PendSV_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 151
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 152 .weak SysTick_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 153 .type SysTick_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 154 SysTick_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 155 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 156 .size SysTick_Handler, . - SysTick_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 157
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 158 .globl Default_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 159 .type Default_Handler, %function
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 160 Default_Handler:
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 161 B .
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 162 .size Default_Handler, . - Default_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 163
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 164 .macro IRQ handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 165 .weak \handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 166 .set \handler, Default_Handler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 167 .endm
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 168
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 169 IRQ WDT_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 170 IRQ TIMER0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 171 IRQ TIMER1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 172 IRQ TIMER2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 173 IRQ TIMER3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 174 IRQ UART0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 175 IRQ UART1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 176 IRQ UART2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 177 IRQ UART3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 178 IRQ PWM1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 179 IRQ I2C0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 180 IRQ I2C1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 181 IRQ I2C2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 182 IRQ SPI_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 183 IRQ SSP0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 184 IRQ SSP1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 185 IRQ PLL0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 186 IRQ RTC_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 187 IRQ EINT0_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 188 IRQ EINT1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 189 IRQ EINT2_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 190 IRQ EINT3_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 191 IRQ ADC_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 192 IRQ BOD_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 193 IRQ USB_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 194 IRQ CAN_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 195 IRQ DMA_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 196 IRQ I2S_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 197 IRQ ENET_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 198 IRQ RIT_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 199 IRQ MCPWM_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 200 IRQ QEI_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 201 IRQ PLL1_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 202 IRQ USBActivity_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 203 IRQ CANActivity_IRQHandler
emilmont 10:3bc89ef62ce7 204 .end