Shuttle Test Client

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jan 13 13:14:07 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/*-- CLIENT INCLUDES ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+/*-- GLOBAL CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------*/
+const int PORT = 7;                             //arbitrary port
+static const char* SERVER_IP = ""; //IP of server board
+static const char* CLIENT_IP = ""; //IP of client board
+static const char* MASK = "";      //mask          
+static const char* GATEWAY = "";     //gateway
+/*-- INITIALISATION ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);        //create PC interface
+EthernetInterface eth;          //create ethernet
+UDPSocket sock;                 //creat Ethernet socket
+Endpoint server;                //create endpoint
+DigitalOut red(LED_RED);    
+DigitalOut green(LED_GREEN);
+DigitalOut blue(LED_BLUE);
+InterruptIn touch(SW2);
+InterruptIn butt3(SW3);
+Timer t_level, t_shuttle; //define timers to measure each level and shuttle
+int i; //Loop iteration counter
+int n;                  //size of received message
+char message[6] = {0,01,1,1,'\0'};  //MESSAGE status[1],level[2],blue[1],line[1]
+char c_status[1], c_level[2], c_blue[1], c_line[1];  //receival buffers
+/*---- Status of program? ----*/
+/*------ 0 = Loaded      --*/ 
+/*------ 1 = Start       --*/
+/*------ 2 = In Progress --*/
+/*------ 3 = Stop        --*/
+int status, level;       //Keep track of the level of the Beep Test
+bool line;               //Has the runner crossed the line?
+/*-- FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------------*/
+void init_usb(void);    //initializes pc.printf if required
+void init_eth(void);    //initializes Ethernet
+void init_load(void);   //Initialise program
+void send(void);        //Send packets
+void receive(void);     //Recv packets
+int main(void);         //main
+void end_eth(void);     //closes Ethernet socket
+/*-- INTERRUPT DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------------*/
+void ISR1()
+    //Did the runner cross line in time, before showing RED?
+    if (red == 0) line = false; //Crossed line late
+    else line = true; // Crossed line in time
+void ISR2()
+    //Reset the program
+    status =0;
+/*-- FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------------*/
+void init_usb(void)
+    pc.baud(9600);    //baud rate
+void init_eth(void)
+    eth.init(CLIENT_IP, MASK, GATEWAY);                  //set up IP
+    eth.connect();                                       //connect ethernet
+    pc.printf("\nCLIENT - Client IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress()); //get client IP address
+    sock.init();                                         //initialize socket
+    server.set_address(SERVER_IP, PORT);                 //set address of server
+void init_load(void)
+    //Initialise flags and reset timers
+    level = 1; //Reset to starting level 1
+    line = true;
+    //Client LED is solid BLUE in Loaded Status
+    blue = 0;
+    green = 1;
+    red = 1;
+    //Reset the timers
+    t_level.reset();
+    t_shuttle.reset(); //20*3600/(8000+500*level) = 144/(level+16) sec
+/**** SEND MESSAGE ***/
+void send(void)
+    sprintf(message, "%i %02i %i %i %c", status, level, int(blue), line, '\0');   
+    sock.sendTo(server, message, sizeof(message));                //send message
+    pc.printf("CLIENT: Send '%s' to server %s\r\n", message, SERVER_IP);//print message
+/**** RECEIVE ***/
+void receive(void)
+    pc.printf("\nCLIENT: Waiting for UDP packet...\r\n");      //wait for packet
+    n = sock.receiveFrom(server, message, sizeof(message)); //receive message from server
+    message[n] = ' ';                               //Remove \0 from message
+    pc.printf("CLIENT: Received '%s' from server %s\r\n", message, SERVER_IP);   //print message from server
+    sscanf(message, "%s %s %s %s", &c_status, &c_level, &c_blue, &c_line);
+    status = atoi(c_status);
+    level = atoi(c_level);
+    blue = atoi(c_blue);
+    c_blue[0] = (blue == 0) ? '0' : '1';
+    line = atoi(c_line);
+    pc.printf("CLIENT: Converted '%i %i %c %i' from server \r\n", status, level, c_blue[0], line);   //print converted message
+}   //end receive()
+void end_eth(void){
+    sock.close();       //close socket
+    eth.disconnect();   //close Ethernet
+/************ MAIN ************************************************************/
+int main(void)
+   touch.fall(&ISR1); // attach address ISR to interrupt falling edge
+   butt3.rise(&ISR2); // attach address ISR to interrupt rising edge
+    init_usb();     //initialize the PC interface
+    init_eth();     //initialize the Ethernet connection
+    while(true) { //repeat forever
+        switch (status) {
+            case 0 :
+                init_load(); //Display Program Loaded status -> Flash Blue
+                send();    //Connect to server
+                receive(); //Wait for START trigger from Server
+                break;
+            case 1 : //Start the Beep Test
+                blue = 1; //Make sure Blue is OFF
+                //2 second COUNTDOWN red, purple, blue, GO!
+                red = 0;
+                wait_ms(500);
+                blue = 0;
+                wait_ms(500);
+                red = 1;
+                wait_ms(500);
+                blue = 1;
+                status = 2;
+                line = true;
+                for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                    green = !green;
+                    wait_ms(250);
+                }
+                green = 0;
+                wait(72/(level - 1)); //half(t_shuttle - 1)
+                red = 0;
+                wait(72/(level)); //half(t_shuttle)
+                send();
+                red = 1;
+                break;
+            case 2 :  //Wait for message
+                receive();
+                if (line == false) {
+                    if (blue == 1) blue = 0;
+                    else {
+                        status = 3; //Stop the Beep Test
+                        break;
+                    }
+                } //end if-statement
+                line = true; //reset the line flag
+                if ( >= 60) {
+                    level++; //New level
+                    t_level.reset();
+                    t_level.start();//New level - Restart timer
+                    for (i=0; i<4; i++) { //Flash green to indicate new level
+                        green = !green;
+                        wait_ms(250);
+                    }
+                } //end if-statement
+                red = 1;
+                green = 0; //Display Solid green
+                wait(144/(level+16)/2); //t_shuttle = 20*3600/(8000+500*level)
+                red = 0; //Display solid Yellow
+                wait(144/(level+16)/2);
+                send();               //Send message to server
+                green = 1;
+                break;
+            case 3 : //Stop the Beep Test, delay, then reload
+                red = blue = 0;
+                send();               //Send message to client                
+                //LED FLASHES PURPLE at 1HZ square waves for 2 minutes
+                for (i=0; i<180; i++){
+                    red = !red;
+                    blue = !blue;
+                    wait_ms(500);
+                }
+                status = 0; //Reset the Beep Test
+                break;
+            default :
+                red = 0; green = 1;
+                for (i=0; i<60; i++) { //FLASHING red green at 2Hz - status-error
+                    red = !red;
+                    green = !green;
+                    wait_ms(250);
+                }
+                return(0);
+                } //End switch-statement
+    }//End while-loop
+}   //end main()
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