
Dependencies:   MMA8451Q8g_Update SLCD mbed

Fork of KL46z_single_tap_2017 by Stanley Cohen

--- a/KL46z_single_tap_2016..cpp	Tue Mar 14 16:42:14 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "MMA8451Q8g.h"
-#include "SLCD.h"
-#define BLINKTIME   1.5
-#define RELAYON     0
-#define RELAYOFF    1
-#define LEDDELAY    0.4
-#define WAITDELAY   0.7
-#define LCDLEN      10
-#define REG_WHO_AM_I      0x0D
-#define XYZ_DATA_CFG      0x0E
-#define REG_OUT_X_MSB     0x01
-#define REG_OUT_Y_MSB     0x03
-#define REG_OUT_Z_MSB     0x05
-#define REG_PULSE_CFG     0x21
-#define REG_PULSE_SRC     0x22
-#define REG_PULSE_THSZ    0x25
-#define REH_PULSE_TMLT    0x26
-#define REG_CTRL_4        0x2D
-#define REG_CTRL_5        0x2E
-#define MAX_2G            0x00
-#define MAX_4G            0x01
-#define MAX_8G            0x02
-#define SET_INTERRUPT     0x08 //using interrupt INT1 PTC5
-#define SET_INT_LINE      0x08
-#define SET_THZ           0x20 //  See Table 49 in data sheet
-0b0010 0000
-2g/0.063g/count = 32 counts
-#define SET_TMLT          0x18 // See Talbe 51 in data sheet
-0b0001 1000
-24 = 0x18
-time step at 800Hz ODR = 0.625ms
-24x0.625 = 15 ms
-//#define PRINTDBUG
-// Accelerometer SPI pins
-#if   defined (TARGET_KL25Z) || defined (TARGET_KL46Z)
-  PinName const SDA = PTE25;
-  PinName const SCL = PTE24;
-#elif defined (TARGET_KL05Z)
-  PinName const SDA = PTB4;
-  PinName const SCL = PTB3;
-#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
-Ticker ledBlink; // timinginterrupt for RED led
-InterruptIn MMA8451QInt1(PTC5);  //push botton with internal pullup
-DigitalOut myled(LED_RED); // red led
-DigitalOut relay(LED_GREEN); // green led
- MMA8451Q acc(SDA, SCL, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
-float delay = WAITDELAY;
-int relayState = RELAYOFF;
-int outState = false;
-SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
-char LCDMessages[2][LCDLEN] = {"TRUE", "FALS"};
-void LCDMess(char *lMess, float dWait){
-        slcd.Home();
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.printf(lMess);
-        wait(dWait);
-void LCDMessNoDwell(char *lMess){
-        slcd.Home();
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.printf(lMess);
-// Interrupt routines
-void LEDBlinker(){  // RED LED interrupt
-    outState = !outState; 
-    myled.write(outState);
-void GreenLEDBlinker(){  // Green LED interrupt
-    //uint8_t i_regData; 
-    relayState = !relayState; 
-    relay.write(relayState);
-    //acc.readRegs(REG_PULSE_SRC, &i_regData, 1); // Clear the tap event
-// end interrupt routines
-int main()
-    uint8_t regData; 
-    uint8_t latchData = 0x40; //0b01000000; //for pulse config register
-    uint8_t axisData = 0x10; //0b00010000;
-    char lcdData[LCDLEN];
-    myled.write(outState);
-    relay.write(relayState);
-// set up interrrupts to be used later for taps
-    MMA8451QInt1.rise(&GreenLEDBlinker);
-    MMA8451QInt1.mode(PullNone); 
-// set up interrrupts to be used later for taps
-    ledBlink.attach(&LEDBlinker, LEDDELAY);
-// Read Pulse Source Data and check to see if things have been set
-    acc.readRegs(REG_PULSE_CFG, &regData, 1);  // check it
-    sprintf (lcdData,"%x",regData);
-    LCDMess(lcdData,BLINKTIME); 
-// *********** Initialize for tap tecognition ***********      
-    regData = latchData | axisData;
-    acc.setRegisterInStandby(REG_PULSE_CFG, regData); // write the data
-    acc.readRegs(REG_PULSE_CFG, &regData, 1);  // check it
-    sprintf (lcdData,"%x",regData);
-    LCDMess(lcdData,BLINKTIME);     
-// Check to see if accerlometer is alive and well
-    acc.setGLimit(MAX_4G); // For now set to 2g
-    acc.readRegs(XYZ_DATA_CFG, &regData, 1);
-    sprintf (lcdData,"%x",regData); // Note displaying in hexidecimal
-    LCDMess(lcdData,BLINKTIME);
-// Setup single-tap pulse prarameters.
-   acc.setRegisterInStandby(REG_PULSE_THSZ, SET_THZ); // write the data
-   acc.setRegisterInStandby(REH_PULSE_TMLT, SET_TMLT); // write the data 
-// Set up (pulse) interrupt to INT1 pin
-    acc.setRegisterInStandby(REG_CTRL_4, SET_INTERRUPT); // write the data
-    acc.setRegisterInStandby(REG_CTRL_5, SET_INT_LINE); // write the data
-// End or seetup    
-    acc.readRegs(REG_WHO_AM_I, &regData, 1);
-    sprintf (lcdData,"%x",regData);
-    LCDMess(lcdData,BLINKTIME); 
-    while (true) { 
-        acc.readRegs(REG_PULSE_SRC, &regData, 1);
-        sprintf (lcdData,"%x",regData);
-        LCDMess(lcdData,BLINKTIME);           
-        LCDMessNoDwell(LCDMessages[relayState]);  
-        wait(delay);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file