The code is developed for the hardware NUCLEO-L432KC and Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb. The purpose is to make students learn the development process and test that the hardware works fine. For converting this to Mbed OS 6 Adafruit_GFX.h needed to add #include "Stream.h" in beginning of the Adafruit_GFX.h Adafruit_SSD1331.cpp wait_ms(200) replaced with ThisThread::sleep_for(200ms); for all the similar wait_ms lines.

Dependencies:   Adafruit-GFX-MbedOS6

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 23 09:01:05 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 04 08:21:19 2022 +0000
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 * Material
 * 1. ST L432KC  ( or some other micro controller board with SPI communication )
 * 2. Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb  and the libraries
-* Adafruit_SSD1331_Mbed
-* Adafruit-GFX
+* Adafruit_SSD1331_Mbed, select the version "Timo Karppine" which is modified for OS6.nn
+* Adafruit-GFX, select the version "Timo Karppine" which is modified for OS6.nn
 * These libraries can be found with search on the page 
 * Please connect L432KC - Pmod_OLEDrgb with lines:
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@
 * L432KC A7  - OLED 1 CS   or any other free
 * L432KC D10 - OLED 7 DC   or any other free
 * L432KC D6  - OLED 8 RES   or any other free
-*  VCC     - OLED 9 VCCEN  Enable - VCC
-*  VCC     - OLED10 PMODEN  Pmod Enable - VCC
+* L432KC D2    - OLED 9 VCCEN  Enable, or connect to VCC
+* L432KC D3    - OLED10 PMODEN  Pmod Enable, or connect to VCC
 *  GND     - OLED 5 Ground
 *  VCC     - OLED 6 Power supply 3.3 V
 * L432KC 3V3 - VCC  L432 supplying 3.3 V
 * L432KC GND - GND  Ground
-* Updated for OS67, OS68
-* Timo Karppinen 23.02.2021  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+* Updated for OS67, ... OS6.15 compiles OK. 
+* Timo Karppinen 3.10.2022  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 #include "mbed.h"
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
                                 // Adafruit_SSD1331_MbedOS6 by Timo Karppinen
                                 // Adafruit-GFX-MbedOS6 by Timo Karppinen             
 // PmodOLEDrgb
-Adafruit_SSD1331 OLED(A7, D6, D10, D11, NC, D13); // cs, res, dc, mosi, (nc), sck  
+Adafruit_SSD1331 OLED(A7, A6, D10, D11, NC, D13); // cs, res, dc, mosi, (nc), sck  
 DigitalOut LED(D1);     // LED1, LED2, LED3 and LED4 are the D13 PB_3 pin in this board and 
                             //can not be used as a LED because of the SPI
-DigitalOut VCCEN(D3);
-DigitalOut PMODEN(D5);
+DigitalOut VCCEN(D2);
+DigitalOut PMODEN(D3);
 // Definition of colours on the OLED display
 #define Black 0x0000
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
         OLED.printf("Wait a moment !");
         OLED.drawFastHLine(1, OLED.height()-1, OLED.width()-1, Red); //RED line x=1 to screen width-1 and 
                                                                     // y=screen height-1
-        //printf("printed on OLED\n\n");
+        //printf("printed on OLED\n\n"); // OLED.printf() is using the same resource!!