The sensor is the PmodCMPS2 compass sensor with the 3D magnetometer chip MMC34160PJ Data sheet The values for Helsinki in December 2021 ( Model used WMM-2020 ) North component = 146 milli Gaus East component = 25 milli Gaus Vertical component = 502 milli Gaus Total field = 524 milli Gaus Connect: L432KC -- PmodCMPS2 PA_9 -- SCL PA_10 -- SDA GND -- GND 3V3 -- VCC Set the jumpers SDA and SCL on the PmodCMPS2.


File content as of revision 0:2666acd6dfb3:

The sensor is the PmodCMPS2 compass sensor with
the 3D magnetometer chip MMC34160PJ
Data sheet

On the earth surface the world magnetic field points towards the north and
in level with the horizon at the equador. Further north the field starts 
pointing downwards. In southern Europe it points downwards with inclination
60 degrees. In Scandinavia it points downwards with inclination 75 degrees. 
At the north pole it points straight down with inclination 90 degrees. 

The declination is the difference between geaographic and magnetic north pole.
The declination depends where and when you are observing the field. 

The values for Helsinki in December 2021 ( Model used WMM-2020  ) 
Declination 9 degr 45 min 
Inclination 73 degr 35 min
North component 14572 nT = 146 milli Gaus
East component 2505 nT = 25 milli Gaus
Vertical component 50222 nT = 502 milli Gaus
Total field 52353 nT = 524 milli Gaus
L432KC --  PmodCMPS2
PA_9   --  SCL
PA_10  --  SDA
GND    --  GND
3V3    --  VCC
Set the jumpers SDA and SCL on the PmodCMPS2. 

Timo Karppinen Apache-2.0