The sensor is the PmodCMPS2 compass sensor with the 3D magnetometer chip MMC34160PJ Data sheet https://download.mikroe.com/documents/datasheets/MMC3416xPJ_Rev_C_2013_10_30.pdf The values for Helsinki in December 2021 ( Model used WMM-2020 https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/calculators/magcalc.shtml#igrfwmm ) North component = 146 milli Gaus East component = 25 milli Gaus Vertical component = 502 milli Gaus Total field = 524 milli Gaus Connect: L432KC -- PmodCMPS2 PA_9 -- SCL PA_10 -- SDA GND -- GND 3V3 -- VCC Set the jumpers SDA and SCL on the PmodCMPS2.