First issue to MK

Dependencies:   mbed QEI LM75B C12832_lcd2 FatFileSystem MSCFileSystem

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 16 15:47:35 2012 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jan 23 07:23:10 2019 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,748 @@
+Project no. 1368
+Author: Tim Dennis
+Copyright (c) 2016 Renishaw plc
+PH10 Lock Motor test rig (Nodding Donkey)
+A test rig to test the life of PH10 lock motor assemblies
+Initially, this rig will evaluate updated Faulhaber motors (9/9/2016)
+Info from Paul Boughey []…
+The new 1516 SR design is more powerful than the current 1616E and also has a
+number of modifications to its commutation system that should give a marked
+improvement in the lifetime compared to the current motor/gearbox assembly.
+Upon Power up, the firmware will automatically commence cycling. This is to cater
+for power cuts, which could otherwise terminate a test, losing valuable test time.
+The MBED will log data to USB stick. Should a power cycle occur, the USB stick
+will enable the test to continue where it left off.
+Displayed Data on LCD...
+Firmware Version
+Firmware Status
+Lock/Unlock Cycles completed
+Time to transit Opto slot [ms]
+Average current whilst transitting Opto Slot [ms]
+Data logged to USB Stick...
+Firmware Version
+Power Cycles (A marked is placed in file to indicate power cycle occured)
+Lock/Unlock cycles completed (Target is 1 million)
+Time to transit Opto slot [ms]
+Average current whilst transitting Opto Slot [ms]
+Version history:
+1.0     Dev version used on Nodding Donkey A-1368-0700-01
+1.1     First used on Nodding Donkey A-1368-0700-02
+1.2     Added QEI code which 'hijacks' LED pins 2 and 4 on MBED
+1.3     Added support for analogue POT for transducing CAM Wheel position
+1.4     Amended Unlock state machine to 'BRAKE' after 531 ms (rather than run-on)
+1.5     Added power-up diaplay of pot voltage (BIST)
+1.6     Fixed POT angle measurment bug, removed hall sensor code
+1.7     Reduced time spent between cycles
+1.8     Changed cycle repeat time to 4 seconds
+1.9     Changed elapsed time recording to use MBED RTC (although without battery, it's volatile)
+1.10    Tidied up 'header rows'
+1.11    JM wants cycle time of 10s reducing/improving.
+        Also added FW_Ver to logfile (FW changes mid life test are therefore recorded)
+1.12    Changed 'Joystick Off' action so that motion ceases at Locked position only
+        Also changed PCB_Temp_C to 'integer' as float precision wasn't required.
+        Also moved left column of FW_Ver in log file
+1.13    Now store Cycle Count at top of Nodder.csv, rather than counting the rows
+        in Nodder.csv as this had become very slow on power-up.
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "C12832_lcd.h"
+#include "Small_7.h"
+#include "Arial_9.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include <string>
 #include "MSCFileSystem.h"
+#include "LM75B.h"
+#define FirmwareVersion "1.13"
+#define HeaderRows 15 // number of header rows in output file (before data starts)
+// From C-1368-0700-02-A, the following conversions were calculated...
+// Lockmotor:   4.864864 Volts per Amp
+// ADC FSD:     65535  == 3.3 V
+// 96612 ADC counts = 1000 mA
+// 1 ADC count      = 0.0103507 mA
+#define I_MOT_CONV 96.612       // Motor Current [mA]
+#define V_REF_CONV 18.810       // V Ref [V]
+#define DEFLECTION_CONV 1.000   // Hall sensor 
+#define time_25ms 25
+#define time_50ms 50
+#define time_100ms 100
+#define time_500ms 500
+#define time_531ms 531
+#define time_600ms 600
+#define time_1s 1000
+#define time_2s 3000
+#define time_4s 4000
+#define time_5s 5000
+#define time_6s  6000
+#define time_7s  7000
+#define time_8s  8000
+#define time_10s 10000
+C12832_LCD lcd; // LCD object
+// MBED I/O...
+DigitalIn   OPTO_IN(p13);
+DigitalOut  RUN_OUT(p9);
+DigitalOut  BRK_OUT(p10);
+DigitalOut  HI_THRESHOLD_OUT(p30);
+DigitalIn   HI_LOCK_CUR_IN(p29);
+AnalogIn    I_MOTOR_ADC(p17);
+AnalogIn    V_REF_ADC(p16);
+AnalogIn    V_DEFLECTION_ADC(p18); // Hall sensor to transduce deflection
+// MBED Joystick...
+DigitalIn   SWITCH_UP(p15); // Stop Lock.Unlock operation
+DigitalIn   SWITCH_DN(p12); // Resume operation
+// MBED Pot useful during debugging...
+AnalogIn Pot1(p19);
-MSCFileSystem fs("fs");
-DigitalOut led(LED1);
-AnalogIn pot1(p19);
+AnalogIn CAM_POT(p20); // Pot2 removed and Cam Angle Pot wired into here!
+// MBED LEDs...
+BusOut LED_Pattern(LED4,LED3,LED2,LED1);
+BusOut LED_TriColour(p23,p24,p25);
+LM75B  tmp(p28,p27);
+int LED_TriColourCounter = 0;
+// Functions to control Motor to prevent MOSFET Shoot-through
+void Brake_On(void);
+void Brake_Off(void);
+void Motor_On(void);
+void Motor_Off(void);
+// Ticker ISR
+void Lock_Motor_Ticker(void);
+Ticker Lock_Ticker;
+void Init_LCD(void);
+int ticker_counter = 0;
+int ticker_counter_p = 0;
+int ticker_dwell = 0;
+int ticker_cycle_counter = 0;
+time_t tSeconds_elapsed;
+int    iSeconds_elapsed;
+time_t tSeconds_elapsed_p;
+int    iSeconds_elapsed_p;
+int    iSeconds_per_cycle;
+int    iUSB_Write_ms;
+int    iUSB_Start_Time;
+int    iUSB_End_Time;
+int cycle_counter = 0;
+int cycle_counter_1s = 0;
+int cycle_counter_k = 0;
+int LCD_update_time = 0;
+int LCD_update_time_p = 0;
+int LCD_update_counter = 0;
+int Current_Raw = 0;
+int Current_mA = 0;
+int Opto_Slot_ms = 0;
+int Current_At_Opto_Start = 0;
+int Current_At_Cam_Start_Target = 0;
+int Current_At_Cam_Start_Captured = 0;
+int Current_Delta = 4000; // An offset to capture current when cam starts
+int Opto_To_Cam = 0;
+int iPCB_Temp_C = 0;
+int vref_counter = 0;
+int POT_Loop;
+int POT_tmp;
+bool Run_Status = 0;
+bool New_Log = 0;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Power_Up;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_Start;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_End;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Window;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Off;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Rest;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_RunOn;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Mot_Off;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Rest;
+int     iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlock_RunOn;
+std::string sLCD_Text_1("ROW 1");
+std::string sLCD_Text_2("ROW 2");
+// State machine to control locking and unlocking...
+enum Lock_State_Type
+    State_L_Halt,
+    State_L_Init,
+    State_L_Hi_Thresh_Low,
+    State_L_Release_Brake,
+    State_L_Motor_On,
+    State_L_Ignore_Curr_For_time_100ms,
+    State_L_Seek_Opto_Start,
+    State_L_Seek_Opto_End,
+    State_L_Dwell_After_Opto_End,
+    State_L_Motor_Off,
+    State_L_Brake_On,
+    State_L_Dwell_At_Locked,
+    State_U_Init,
+    State_U_Hi_Thresh_Low,
+    State_U_Release_Brake,
+    State_U_Motor_On,
+    State_U_Dwell_On,
+    State_U_Motor_Off,
+    State_U_Brake_On,
+    State_U_Dwell,
+    State_U_Write_USB,
+    State_U_Loop,
+    State_Timeout
+} Lock_State;
+MSCFileSystem fs("fs");  //USB Mass Storage device file system
+char fileName[] = "/fs/Nodder.csv";
 int main()
-    FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/test.csv","w");
-    printf("Create filehandle for test.csv\n");
+//  Essential actions on power-up,
+//  control MOSFET to prevent shoot-through
+    Brake_Off();
+    Motor_Off();
+//  switch off super bright LED (On when seeking Opto)
+    LED_TriColour = 7;
+    set_time(0); // RTC used for elapsed time since power-up
+    Init_LCD();
+    Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+//  This message will persist until USB stick accessed...
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,0);
+    lcd.printf("Searching for.....");
+    lcd.locate(5,20);
+    lcd.printf("USB Stick!");
+//  On power-up (ie, power cycle), place a marker in log file
+    New_Log = 1;
-    printf("Writing to file\n");
-    for (int i=0; i<100; i++)  {
-        fprintf(fp,"%.2f\n",;
-        wait(0.05);
-        led=!led;
+// Check for existing log file on USB stick.
+//  if one exists, append to it.
+//  if it doesn't exist, create it with Header Info.
+    FILE * fp;
+    fp = fopen(fileName, "r" );
+    if(fp == NULL)
+    {
+        FILE *fp = fopen(fileName,"w");
+        fprintf(fp,"\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"MBED Firmware Version: %s,,,,,,,------------,------------,------------,------------\n",FirmwareVersion);
+        fprintf(fp,",,,,,,,,,,\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"----------------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"PWR ups:    ,Power cycles marker,,,,,                                   ,Power cycles   ,,------->,=SUM(A:A)\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"Cycles:     ,Number of Lock/unlock cycles,,,,,                          ,Lock cycles    ,,------->,=MAX(B:B)\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"DegC:       ,PCB Temperature [C]\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"ms:         ,Time spent traversing Opto Slot [ms]\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"mA:         ,Average current traversing Opto Slot [mA]\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"\n");
+        fprintf(fp,"----------------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------,------------\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "PWR, Cycles, FW_Ver, Elapsed, Cycle_time, USB_Write_ms, PCB_C, Opto_Time_ms, Motor_Ave_mA,  CAM_PWR_UP_DEGs, CAM_OptoStart_DEGs, CAM_OptoEnd_DEGs, CAM_OptoWindow_DEGs,  CAM_LockMotorOff_DEGs, CAM_LockMotorRest_DEGs, CAM_LockRunOn_DEGs,  CAM_UnLockMotorOff_DEGs, CAM_UnLockMotorRest_DEGs, CAM_UnLockRunOn_DEGs\n");
+        fclose(fp);
+//  Display message indicating that USB read is about to take place...
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,0);
+    lcd.printf("Reading...");
+    lcd.locate(5,20);
+    lcd.printf("USB Stick");
+    int ch;
+    int count=0;
+    /*
+        do
+        {
+            ch = fgetc(fp);
+            if(ch == '\n') count++;
+        }
+        while( ch != EOF );
+    */
+    fp = fopen(fileName, "r" );
+    rewind (fp);
+    fscanf (fp, "%d", &count);
+    fclose (fp);
+    cycle_counter = count+1; // Add 1 because it's incremented at end of state machine
-    printf("Close the handle\n");
-    led=1;
\ No newline at end of file
+    /*
+        cycle_counter = count - HeaderRows; // subtract top 'header' rows
+        fclose(fp);
+    */
+    iCam_Angle_Degrees_Power_Up = (int)( * 360);
+// Commence Nodding Donkey at power up, joystick can stop/start...
+    Run_Status = 1;
+// Main 1 ms ticker used to execute state machine...
+    Lock_Ticker.attach(&Lock_Motor_Ticker, 0.001);
+    do
+    {
+// Loop at Ticker frequency of 1 kHz...
+//  used for counting in milliseconds
+        if(ticker_counter != ticker_counter_p)
+        {
+            ticker_counter_p = ticker_counter;
+            switch (Lock_State)
+            {
+            case State_L_Halt:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Joy Down?";
+                LED_Pattern = 0; // Start
+                Motor_Off();
+                if(Run_Status == 1)
+                {
+                    Lock_State = State_L_Init;
+                }
+                break;
+// State_L_xxxxx refers to the Locking process
+// State_U_xxxxx refers to the Unlocking process
+            case State_L_Init:
+                ticker_cycle_counter = 0;
+                Opto_To_Cam = 0;
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Lock commence";
+                LED_Pattern = 1; // Start
+                Lock_State = State_L_Hi_Thresh_Low;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Hi_Thresh_Low:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Current=LOW";
+                HI_THRESHOLD_OUT = 1;
+                Lock_State = State_L_Release_Brake;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Release_Brake:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Brake Off";
+                LED_Pattern = 3; // Locking
+                Brake_Off();
+                Lock_State = State_L_Motor_On;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Motor_On:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Motor On";
+                Motor_On();
+                ticker_dwell = 0;
+                Lock_State = State_L_Ignore_Curr_For_time_100ms;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Ignore_Curr_For_time_100ms:
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_100ms)
+                {
+                    ticker_dwell = 0;
+                    Lock_State = State_L_Seek_Opto_Start;
+                }
+//                else if(Run_Status == 0) Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Seek_Opto_Start:
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_5s)   // timeout
+                {
+                    sLCD_Text_1 = "Slot start??";
+                    Lock_State = State_Timeout;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    LED_TriColour = 6;
+                    sLCD_Text_1 = "Seek opto 1";
+                    if(OPTO_IN == 1)
+                    {
+// Start of cam, set 8V...
+                        LED_TriColour = 7;
+                        HI_THRESHOLD_OUT = 0;
+                        ticker_dwell = 0;
+                        Current_Raw = 0;
+                        iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_Start = (int)( * 360);
+                        // Snapshot of current as motor passes opto start...
+                        Current_At_Opto_Start = I_MOTOR_ADC.read_u16();
+                        Current_At_Cam_Start_Target  = Current_At_Opto_Start + Current_Delta;
+                        Lock_State = State_L_Seek_Opto_End;
+                    }
+//                    else if(Run_Status == 0) Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+                }
+                break;
+            case State_L_Seek_Opto_End:
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_5s)   // timeout
+                {
+                    sLCD_Text_1 = "Slot end??";
+                    Lock_State = State_Timeout;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    LED_TriColour = 5;
+                    sLCD_Text_1 = "Seek opto 2";
+                    Current_At_Cam_Start_Captured = I_MOTOR_ADC.read_u16();
+                    // Capture the number of milliseconds until Cam reached...
+                    if(Current_At_Cam_Start_Captured > Current_At_Cam_Start_Target);
+                    {
+                        Opto_To_Cam = ticker_dwell;
+                    }
+// sum the lockmotor current through opto window so that an average can be calculated...
+                    Current_Raw = Current_Raw + I_MOTOR_ADC.read_u16();
+                    if(OPTO_IN == 0)   // **** CHECK POLARITY ********
+                    {
+// End of cam
+                        LED_TriColour = 7;
+// Capture stats 'through' opto window
+                        iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_End = (int)( * 360);
+                        iCam_Angle_Degrees_Window = iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_End - iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_Start;
+                        Current_mA   = (Current_Raw/ticker_dwell) / I_MOT_CONV;
+                        Opto_Slot_ms = ticker_dwell;
+                        ticker_dwell = 0;
+                        Lock_State = State_L_Dwell_After_Opto_End;
+                    }
+//                    else if(Run_Status == 0) Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+                }
+                break;
+            case State_L_Dwell_After_Opto_End:
+// End of opto slot detected, continue for 25 ms
+//  as measured on PHC10 setup...
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_25ms)
+                {
+// Flash LED to indicate ADC read taking place
+                    LED_TriColour = 0;  // Max
+                    LED_TriColour = 7;  // Off
+// End of cam, set 6V then brake.
+                    HI_THRESHOLD_OUT = 1;
+                    ticker_dwell = 0;
+                    Lock_State = State_L_Motor_Off;
+                }
+                break;
+            case State_L_Motor_Off:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Motor off";
+                Motor_Off();
+                iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Off = (int)( * 360);
+                Lock_State = State_L_Brake_On;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Brake_On:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Brake on";
+                LED_Pattern = 2; // Locked
+                Brake_On();
+                ticker_dwell = 0;
+                Lock_State = State_L_Dwell_At_Locked;
+                break;
+            case State_L_Dwell_At_Locked:
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                LED_Pattern = 6; // Dwell at Locked
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Locked";
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_1s)
+                {
+                    ticker_dwell = 0;
+                    iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Rest = (int)( * 360);
+                    iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_RunOn = iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Rest - iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Off;
+                    Lock_State = State_U_Init;
+                }
+                else if(Run_Status == 0) Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Init:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Unlock commence...";
+                Lock_State = State_U_Hi_Thresh_Low;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Hi_Thresh_Low:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Current=HIGH";
+                Lock_State = State_U_Release_Brake;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Release_Brake:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Brake Off";
+                LED_Pattern = 4; // Unlocking
+                Brake_Off();
+                Lock_State = State_U_Motor_On;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Motor_On:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Motor On";
+                Motor_On();
+                ticker_dwell = 0;
+                Lock_State = State_U_Dwell_On;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Dwell_On:
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_531ms)
+                {
+                    ticker_dwell = 0;
+                    Lock_State = State_U_Motor_Off;
+                }
+//                else if(Run_Status == 0) Lock_State = State_L_Halt;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Motor_Off:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Motor off";
+                Motor_Off();
+                iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Mot_Off = (int)( * 360);
+                Lock_State = State_U_Brake_On;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Brake_On:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Brake on";
+                LED_Pattern = 2; // Unlocked
+                Brake_On();
+                ticker_dwell = 0;
+                Lock_State = State_U_Dwell;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Dwell: // This dwell allows motor/cam to come to rest for measuring 'run-on'
+                LED_Pattern = 12; // Unlocked
+                ticker_dwell++;
+                if(ticker_dwell > time_500ms)
+                {
+                    ticker_dwell = 0;
+                    //LED_Pattern = 12; // Unlocked
+                    // Flash LED to indicate ADC read taking place
+                    LED_TriColour = 3;  // Blue
+                    iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Rest = (int)( * 360);
+                    iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlock_RunOn = iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Rest - iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Mot_Off;
+                    LED_TriColour = 7;  // Off
+                    iPCB_Temp_C  = (int); // rounded off to integer value is good enough and keeps all data as ints!
+                    Lock_State = State_U_Write_USB;
+                }
+                break;
+            case State_U_Write_USB:
+                // Capture time taken to write to USB Stick (seems slow!)
+                iUSB_Start_Time = ticker_counter;
+                // Indicate writing to USB (see if it's a bottleneck!!)
+                LED_TriColour = 6;  // Red
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "USB Write...";
+                //FILE *fp = fopen(fileName,"a");
+                FILE *fp = fopen(fileName,"a"); // Allow repositioning of file pointer
+// Place marker in log file to indicate a power cycle has occured
+                if(New_Log == 1)
+                {
+                    New_Log = 0;
+                    fprintf(fp,"1,%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",cycle_counter,FirmwareVersion,iSeconds_elapsed,iSeconds_per_cycle,iUSB_Write_ms,iPCB_Temp_C,Opto_Slot_ms,Current_mA,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Power_Up,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_Start,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_End,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Window,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Off,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Rest,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_RunOn,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Mot_Off,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Rest,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlock_RunOn);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    fprintf(fp,",%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",cycle_counter,FirmwareVersion,iSeconds_elapsed,iSeconds_per_cycle,iUSB_Write_ms,iPCB_Temp_C,Opto_Slot_ms,Current_mA,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Power_Up,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_Start,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Opto_End,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Window,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Off,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_Mot_Rest,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Lock_RunOn,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Mot_Off,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlocked_Rest,iCam_Angle_Degrees_Unlock_RunOn);
+                }
+                fclose(fp);
+// Store Cycle Count at start of file for quick retreival
+                fp = fopen(fileName,"r+");
+                rewind (fp);
+                fprintf(fp,"%d",cycle_counter);
+                fclose(fp);
+                iSeconds_elapsed_p = iSeconds_elapsed;
+                // End... Indicate writing to USB
+                LED_TriColour = 7;  // Off
+                iUSB_End_Time = ticker_counter;
+                iUSB_Write_ms = iUSB_End_Time - iUSB_Start_Time;
+                Lock_State = State_U_Loop;
+                break;
+            case State_U_Loop:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Unlocked";
+                LED_Pattern = 8; // Unlocked
+                ticker_cycle_counter = 0;
+                ticker_counter = 0;
+                cycle_counter++;
+                cycle_counter_1s++;
+                tSeconds_elapsed   = time(NULL);
+                iSeconds_elapsed   = (int)tSeconds_elapsed;
+                iSeconds_per_cycle = iSeconds_elapsed - iSeconds_elapsed_p;
+                Lock_State = State_L_Init;
+                break;
+            case State_Timeout:
+                LED_Pattern = 14; // Timeout Error
+                ticker_counter = 0;
+                Brake_Off();
+                Motor_Off();
+                break;
+            default:
+                sLCD_Text_1 = "Unknown ERROR";
+                LED_Pattern = 15; // Unknown Error
+                Brake_Off();
+                Motor_Off();
+                //lcd.locate(0,20);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(LCD_update_time != LCD_update_time_p)
+        {
+            LCD_update_time_p = LCD_update_time;
+// 5 Hz update rate for LCD
+            POT_tmp =  (int)( * 360);
+            lcd.cls();
+            lcd.locate(0,0);
+            // Display number of cycles with 1000s formatting...
+            cycle_counter_k  = cycle_counter / 1000;
+            cycle_counter_1s = cycle_counter % 1000;
+            lcd.printf("%dk%03d",cycle_counter_k,cycle_counter_1s);
+            lcd.locate(80,0);
+            lcd.printf("F/W: %s", FirmwareVersion);
+            lcd.locate((POT_tmp/4),10);
+            lcd.printf("|||");   // 'graphical' display of angle
+            lcd.locate(10,20);
+            lcd.printf("|||        |");
+        }
+    }
+    while(1);
+1 ms Ticker for main state machine execution
+and slower 200 ms ticker for updating LCD...
+void Lock_Motor_Ticker(void)
+    ticker_counter++;
+    ticker_cycle_counter++;
+    LCD_update_counter++;
+    if(LCD_update_counter > 200)   //
+    {
+        LCD_update_counter = 0;
+        LCD_update_time++;
+    }
+    if(SWITCH_UP == 1)
+    {
+        Run_Status = 0;
+    }
+    else if(SWITCH_DN == 1)
+    {
+        Run_Status = 1;
+    }
+Enable BRAKE only if Motor NOT running.
+this is essential to avoid shoot through.
+void Brake_On(void)
+    if(RUN_OUT == 1)        // 0 : MOTOR on
+    {
+        BRK_OUT = 0;        // 0 : BRAKE On
+    }                       // 1 : BRAKE Off
+    else
+    {
+        RUN_OUT = 1;        // Switch MOTOR off
+        wait_ms(1);         // Allow MOSFET time to switch
+        BRK_OUT = 0;        // Switch BRAKE on
+    }
+void Brake_Off(void)
+    BRK_OUT = 1;
+Enable MOTOR only if BRAKE Released.
+this is essential to avoid shoot through.
+void Motor_On(void)
+    if(BRK_OUT == 1)        // 0 : Brake On
+    {
+        RUN_OUT = 0;        // 0 : motor on
+    }                       // 1 : motor off
+    else
+    {
+        BRK_OUT = 1;        // Switch BRAKE off
+        wait_ms(1);         // Allow MOSFET time to switch
+        RUN_OUT = 0;        // Switch MOTOR on
+    }
+void Motor_Off(void)
+    RUN_OUT = 1;
+Initial welcome message,
+Setup font,
+Test LEDs
+void Init_LCD(void)
+    lcd.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial_9);
+    lcd.locate(0,0);
+    lcd.printf("PH10");
+    lcd.locate(75,0);
+    lcd.printf("F/W: %s", FirmwareVersion);
+    LED_TriColour = 6;  // Red
+    LED_Pattern   = 12;
+    wait(0.8);
+    lcd.locate(6,10);
+    lcd.printf("Nodding");
+    lcd.locate(75,0);
+    lcd.printf("F/W: %s", FirmwareVersion);
+    LED_TriColour = 5;  // Green
+    LED_Pattern   = 6;
+    wait(0.8);
+    lcd.locate(12,20);
+    lcd.printf("Donkey");
+    lcd.locate(75,0);
+    lcd.printf("F/W: %s", FirmwareVersion);
+    LED_TriColour = 3;  // Blue
+    LED_Pattern   = 3;
+    wait(0.8);
+    LED_TriColour = 7;  // Off
+    LED_Pattern   = 0; // Off
+    lcd.cls();