Luka Elmir

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/LEDMatrix.h	Mon May 19 18:17:34 2014 +0000
+++ b/LEDMatrix.h	Mon May 26 12:29:55 2014 +0000
@@ -4,4 +4,156 @@
 #define LEDMatrix_h
+/*#include "LEDMatrix.h"
+//DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+AnalogIn pot(dp9);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Ticker t;
+// p5: DIN, p7: CLK, p8: LOAD/CS
+SPI max72_spi(dp2, dp1, dp6);
+DigitalOut load(dp24); //Chip_Select
+int maxInUse = 1;    //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use
+// define max7219 registers
+#define max7219_reg_noop         0x00
+#define max7219_reg_digit0       0x01
+#define max7219_reg_digit1       0x02
+#define max7219_reg_digit2       0x03
+#define max7219_reg_digit3       0x04
+#define max7219_reg_digit4       0x05
+#define max7219_reg_digit5       0x06
+#define max7219_reg_digit6       0x07
+#define max7219_reg_digit7       0x08
+#define max7219_reg_decodeMode   0x09
+#define max7219_reg_intensity    0x0a
+#define max7219_reg_scanLimit    0x0b
+#define max7219_reg_shutdown     0x0c
+#define max7219_reg_displayTest  0x0f
+#define LOW 0
+#define HIGH 1
+#define MHZ 1000000
+void maxSingle( int reg, int col) {
+//maxSingle is the "easy"  function to use for a
+//single max7219
+    load = LOW;            // begin
+    max72_spi.write(reg);  // specify register
+    max72_spi.write(col);  // put data
+    load = HIGH;           // make sure data is loaded (on rising edge of LOAD/CS)
+void maxAll (int reg, int col) {    // initialize  all  MAX7219's in the system
+    load = LOW;                    // begin
+    for ( int c=1; c<= maxInUse; c++) {
+        max72_spi.write(reg);  // specify register
+        max72_spi.write(col);  // put data
+    }
+    load = HIGH;
+void maxOne(int maxNr, int reg, int col) {
+//maxOne is for adressing different MAX7219's,
+//while having a couple of them cascaded
+    int c = 0;
+    load = LOW;
+    for ( c = maxInUse; c > maxNr; c--) {
+        max72_spi.write(0);  // no-op
+        max72_spi.write(0);  // no-op
+    }
+    max72_spi.write(reg);  // specify register
+    max72_spi.write(col);  // put data
+    for ( c=maxNr-1; c >= 1; c--) {
+        max72_spi.write(0);  // no-op
+        max72_spi.write(0);  // no-op
+    }
+    load = HIGH;
+void setup () {
+    // initiation of the max 7219
+    // SPI setup: 8 bits, mode 0
+    max72_spi.format(8, 0);
+    // going by the datasheet, min clk is 100ns so theoretically 10MHz should work...
+    // max72_spi.frequency(10*MHZ);
+    maxAll(max7219_reg_scanLimit, 0x07);
+    maxAll(max7219_reg_decodeMode, 0x00);  // using an led matrix (not digits)
+    maxAll(max7219_reg_shutdown, 0x01);    // not in shutdown mode
+    maxAll(max7219_reg_displayTest, 0x00); // no display test
+    for (int e=1; e<=8; e++) {    // empty registers, turn all LEDs off
+        maxAll(e,0);
+    }
+    maxAll(max7219_reg_intensity, 0x0f & 0x0f);    // the first 0x0f is the value you can set
+    // range: 0x00 to 0x0f
+void loop () {
+    //if you use just one MAX7219 it should look like this
+     maxSingle(1,0x1f);                       //  + - - - - - - -
+     maxSingle(2,0x15);                       //  - + - - - - - -,,,,,,,,
+     maxSingle(3,0x15);                       //  - - + - - - - -
+     maxSingle(4,0x11);                       //  - - - + - - - -
+     maxSingle(5,0xf0);                      //  - - - - + - - -
+     maxSingle(6,0x80);                      //  - - - - - + - -
+     maxSingle(7,0x80);                      //  - - - - - - + -
+     maxSingle(8,0x80);                     //  - - - - - - - +
+    //if you use more than one MAX7219, it should look like this
+    /*
+    maxAll(1,1);                       //  + - - - - - - -
+    maxAll(2,3);                       //  + + - - - - - -
+    maxAll(3,7);                       //  + + + - - - - -
+    maxAll(4,15);                      //  + + + + - - - -
+    maxAll(5,31);                      //  + + + + + - - -
+    maxAll(6,63);                      //  + + + + + + - -
+    maxAll(7,127);                     //  + + + + + + + -
+    maxAll(8,255);                     //  + + + + + + + +
+    */
+    //
+    //if you use more then one max7219 the second one should look like this
+    /*
+    maxOne(2,1,1);                       //  + - - - - - - -
+    maxOne(2,2,2);                       //  - + - - - - - -
+    maxOne(2,3,4);                       //  - - + - - - - -
+    maxOne(2,4,8);                       //  - - - + - - - -
+    maxOne(2,5,16);                      //  - - - - + - - -
+    maxOne(2,6,32);                      //  - - - - - + - -
+    maxOne(2,7,64);                      //  - - - - - - + -
+    maxOne(2,8,128);                     //  - - - - - - - +
+    //
+    wait_ms(2000);
+class LEDMatrix7219{
+    LEDMatrix(PinName din, PinName clk, PinName load);
+    void setIntensity(float intensity);
+    void setMode
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