ADXL345 test on L476

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r a0f7c6807a3a adxl345.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/adxl345.h	Thu Nov 30 20:01:44 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#ifndef ADXL435_H
+#define ADXL435_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+/*************************** REGISTER MAP ***************************/
+#define ADXL345_DEVID           0x00        // Device ID
+#define ADXL345_RESERVED1       0x01        // Reserved. Do Not Access. 
+#define ADXL345_THRESH_TAP      0x1D        // Tap Threshold. 
+#define ADXL345_OFSX            0x1E        // X-Axis Offset. 
+#define ADXL345_OFSY            0x1F        // Y-Axis Offset.
+#define ADXL345_OFSZ            0x20        // Z- Axis Offset.
+#define ADXL345_DUR             0x21        // Tap Duration.
+#define ADXL345_LATENT          0x22        // Tap Latency.
+#define ADXL345_WINDOW          0x23        // Tap Window.
+#define ADXL345_THRESH_ACT      0x24        // Activity Threshold
+#define ADXL345_THRESH_INACT    0x25        // Inactivity Threshold
+#define ADXL345_TIME_INACT      0x26        // Inactivity Time
+#define ADXL345_ACT_INACT_CTL   0x27        // Axis Enable Control for Activity and Inactivity Detection
+#define ADXL345_THRESH_FF       0x28        // Free-Fall Threshold.
+#define ADXL345_TIME_FF         0x29        // Free-Fall Time.
+#define ADXL345_TAP_AXES        0x2A        // Axis Control for Tap/Double Tap.
+#define ADXL345_ACT_TAP_STATUS  0x2B        // Source of Tap/Double Tap
+#define ADXL345_BW_RATE         0x2C        // Data Rate and Power mode Control
+#define ADXL345_POWER_CTL       0x2D        // Power-Saving Features Control
+#define ADXL345_INT_ENABLE      0x2E        // Interrupt Enable Control
+#define ADXL345_INT_MAP         0x2F        // Interrupt Mapping Control
+#define ADXL345_INT_SOURCE      0x30        // Source of Interrupts
+#define ADXL345_DATA_FORMAT     0x31        // Data Format Control
+#define ADXL345_DATAX0          0x32        // X-Axis Data 0
+#define ADXL345_DATAX1          0x33        // X-Axis Data 1
+#define ADXL345_DATAY0          0x34        // Y-Axis Data 0
+#define ADXL345_DATAY1          0x35        // Y-Axis Data 1
+#define ADXL345_DATAZ0          0x36        // Z-Axis Data 0
+#define ADXL345_DATAZ1          0x37        // Z-Axis Data 1
+#define ADXL345_FIFO_CTL        0x38        // FIFO Control
+#define ADXL345_FIFO_STATUS     0x39        // FIFO Status
+#define ADXL345_BW_1600         0xF         // 1111     IDD = 40uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_800          0xE         // 1110     IDD = 90uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_400          0xD         // 1101     IDD = 140uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_200          0xC         // 1100     IDD = 140uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_100          0xB         // 1011     IDD = 140uA 
+#define ADXL345_BW_50           0xA         // 1010     IDD = 140uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_25           0x9         // 1001     IDD = 90uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_12_5         0x8         // 1000     IDD = 60uA 
+#define ADXL345_BW_6_25         0x7         // 0111     IDD = 50uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_3_13         0x6         // 0110     IDD = 45uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_1_56         0x5         // 0101     IDD = 40uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_0_78         0x4         // 0100     IDD = 34uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_0_39         0x3         // 0011     IDD = 23uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_0_20         0x2         // 0010     IDD = 23uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_0_10         0x1         // 0001     IDD = 23uA
+#define ADXL345_BW_0_05         0x0         // 0000     IDD = 23uA
+ /************************** INTERRUPT PINS **************************/
+#define ADXL345_INT1_PIN        0x00        //INT1: 0
+#define ADXL345_INT2_PIN        0x01        //INT2: 1
+ /********************** INTERRUPT BIT POSITION **********************/
+#define ADXL345_INT_DATA_READY_BIT      0x07
+#define ADXL345_INT_SINGLE_TAP_BIT      0x06
+#define ADXL345_INT_DOUBLE_TAP_BIT      0x05
+#define ADXL345_INT_ACTIVITY_BIT        0x04
+#define ADXL345_INT_INACTIVITY_BIT      0x03
+#define ADXL345_INT_FREE_FALL_BIT       0x02
+#define ADXL345_INT_WATERMARK_BIT       0x01
+#define ADXL345_INT_OVERRUNY_BIT        0x00
+#define ADXL345_DATA_READY              0x07
+#define ADXL345_SINGLE_TAP              0x06
+#define ADXL345_DOUBLE_TAP              0x05
+#define ADXL345_ACTIVITY                0x04
+#define ADXL345_INACTIVITY              0x03
+#define ADXL345_FREE_FALL               0x02
+#define ADXL345_WATERMARK               0x01
+#define ADXL345_OVERRUNY                0x00
+ /****************************** ERRORS ******************************/
+#define ADXL345_OK          1       // No Error
+#define ADXL345_ERROR       0       // Error Exists
+#define ADXL345_NO_ERROR    0       // Initial State
+#define ADXL345_READ_ERROR  1       // Accelerometer Reading Error
+#define ADXL345_BAD_ARG     2       // Bad Argument
+class ADXL345
+    bool status;                    // Set When Error Exists 
+    char error_code;                // Initial State
+    double gains[3];                // Counts to Gs
+    ADXL345();
+    void powerOn();
+    void readAccel(int* xyx);
+    void readAccel(int* x, int* y, int* z);
+    void get_Gxyz(double *xyz);
+    void setTapThreshold(int tapThreshold);
+    int getTapThreshold();
+    void setAxisGains(double *_gains);
+    void getAxisGains(double *_gains);
+    void setAxisOffset(int x, int y, int z);
+    void getAxisOffset(int* x, int* y, int*z);
+    void setTapDuration(int tapDuration);
+    int getTapDuration();
+    void setDoubleTapLatency(int doubleTapLatency);
+    int getDoubleTapLatency();
+    void setDoubleTapWindow(int doubleTapWindow);
+    int getDoubleTapWindow();
+    void setActivityThreshold(int activityThreshold);
+    int getActivityThreshold();
+    void setInactivityThreshold(int inactivityThreshold);
+    int getInactivityThreshold();
+    void setTimeInactivity(int timeInactivity);
+    int getTimeInactivity();
+    void setFreeFallThreshold(int freeFallthreshold);
+    int getFreeFallThreshold();
+    void setFreeFallDuration(int freeFallDuration);
+    int getFreeFallDuration();
+    bool isActivityXEnabled();
+    bool isActivityYEnabled();
+    bool isActivityZEnabled();
+    bool isInactivityXEnabled();
+    bool isInactivityYEnabled();
+    bool isInactivityZEnabled();
+    bool isActivityAc();
+    bool isInactivityAc();
+    void setActivityAc(bool state);
+    void setInactivityAc(bool state);
+    bool getSuppressBit();
+    void setSuppressBit(bool state);
+    bool isTapDetectionOnX();
+    void setTapDetectionOnX(bool state);
+    bool isTapDetectionOnY();
+    void setTapDetectionOnY(bool state);
+    bool isTapDetectionOnZ();
+    void setTapDetectionOnZ(bool state);
+    void setTapDetectionOnXYZ(bool stateX, bool stateY, bool stateZ);
+    void setActivityX(bool state);
+    void setActivityY(bool state);
+    void setActivityZ(bool state);
+    void setActivityXYZ(bool stateX, bool stateY, bool stateZ);
+    void setInactivityX(bool state);
+    void setInactivityY(bool state);
+    void setInactivityZ(bool state);
+    void setInactivityXYZ(bool stateX, bool stateY, bool stateZ);
+    bool isActivitySourceOnX();
+    bool isActivitySourceOnY();
+    bool isActivitySourceOnZ();
+    bool isTapSourceOnX();
+    bool isTapSourceOnY();
+    bool isTapSourceOnZ();
+    bool isAsleep();
+    bool isLowPower();
+    void setLowPower(bool state);
+    bool triggered(char interrupts, int mask);
+    char getInterruptSource();
+    bool getInterruptSource(char interruptBit);
+    bool getInterruptMapping(char interruptBit);
+    void setInterruptMapping(char interruptBit, bool interruptPin);
+    bool isInterruptEnabled(char interruptBit);
+    void setInterrupt(char interruptBit, bool state);
+    void setImportantInterruptMapping(int single_tap, int double_tap, int free_fall, int activity, int inactivity);
+    void InactivityINT(bool status);
+    void ActivityINT(bool status);
+    void FreeFallINT(bool status);
+    void doubleTapINT(bool status);
+    void singleTapINT(bool status);
+    void getRangeSetting(char* rangeSetting);
+    void setRangeSetting(int val);
+    bool getSelfTestBit();
+    void setSelfTestBit(bool selfTestBit);
+    bool getInterruptLevelBit();
+    void setInterruptLevelBit(bool interruptLevelBit);
+    bool getFullResBit();
+    void setFullResBit(bool fullResBit);
+    bool getJustifyBit();
+    void setJustifyBit(bool justifyBit);
+    void printAllRegister();
+    void writeToI2C(char address, char val);
+    void readFromI2C(char address, int num, char buff[]);
+    void setRegisterBit(char regAdress, int bitPos, bool state);
+    bool getRegisterBit(char regAdress, int bitPos);  
+    char _buff[6] ;     //  6 chars Buffer
+void print_char(char val);
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