Tianji Wu
Receiver program for assisted power disaggregation project at NESL.
- Committer:
- the729
- Date:
- 2012-06-14
- Revision:
- 0:3c23ac48cdf3
File content as of revision 0:3c23ac48cdf3:
#include "mbed.h" InterruptIn rfint(p15); DigitalIn rfdata(p15); DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); DigitalOut led3(LED3); DigitalOut led4(LED4); DigitalOut pi16(p16); DigitalOut pi17(p17); DigitalOut pi18(p18); DigitalOut pi19(p19); DigitalOut pi20(p20); Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); #define TMR LPC_TIM2 #define CLK_TIMER 12 #define PCTIM2 22 // Power Control Timer2 #define PCLK_DEVIDER 3 uint8_t flag = 0; int32_t interval; uint16_t datarecv; uint32_t o_spl, n_spl; static enum { SYNC0, SYNC1 } state = SYNC0; int32_t lpf1(int32_t x) { static int32_t y = 0; y = (x>>1) + (x>>2) + (y>>2); return y; } int32_t lpf2(int32_t x) { static int32_t y = 0; y = (x>>1) + (x>>2) + (y>>2); return y; } void rfedge() { uint32_t tval = TMR->TC; static uint32_t edges[8]; static uint32_t ospls[8]; static uint32_t nspls[8]; static uint8_t head = 0; static uint8_t tail = 0; if (state == SYNC0) { edges[tail] = tval; ospls[tail] = o_spl; nspls[tail] = n_spl; tail = (tail + 1) & 0x7; if (tail == head || tval - edges[head] > 31800) { do { head = (head+1)&0x7; } while (tval - edges[head] > 31800); } for (uint8_t i = head; i!= tail; i = (i+1)&0x7) { if (tval - edges[i] > 29000) { if ((o_spl - ospls[i]<<4) < (n_spl - nspls[i])) { o_spl = n_spl = 0; head = tail = 0; TMR->TC = 0; TMR->MR0 = (tval - edges[i]>>3); TMR->MCR = 3; interval = TMR->MR0; state = SYNC1; led4 = 1; pi18 = 1; pi19 = 0; break; } } else break; } } } void tmr_irq() { static uint32_t bitsrecv = 0; static uint16_t _datarecv = 0; static uint8_t bitp = 0; static uint8_t bitcnt = 0; static uint8_t parity = 0; static uint32_t o_spl_1; static uint32_t o_spl_2; if (TMR->IR & 0x1) { pi16 = !pi16; uint8_t bit = (o_spl > (n_spl>>2)+(n_spl>>3)); pi17 = bit; switch (state) { case SYNC0: { } break; case SYNC1: { if (!bitp) { o_spl_1 = o_spl; } else { o_spl_2 = o_spl; //if (o_spl_first + o_spl < (n_spl>>1) || o_spl_first + o_spl > n_spl + (n_spl>>1)) { // state = SYNC0; // pi19 = 1; //} else if (o_spl_1 > (o_spl_2<<1)) { bit = 1; } else if (o_spl_2 > (o_spl_1<<1)) { bit = 0; } else { TMR->MCR = 0; bitcnt = 0; bitp = 0; _datarecv = 0; parity = 0; state = SYNC0; led4 = 0; pi18 = 0; pi19 = 1; break; } o_spl_1 = o_spl_2 = 0; if (!bitcnt) { // nothing } else if (bitcnt < 17) { parity ^= bit; _datarecv |= (bit<<(bitcnt-1)); } else { parity ^= bit; led2 = !led2; if (!(parity & 0x1)) { led3 = !led3; if (!flag) { flag = 1; datarecv = _datarecv; } else { led1 = 1; } } else { pi19 = 1; } TMR->MCR = 0; bitp = 0; bitcnt = 0; _datarecv = 0; parity = 0; state = SYNC0; led4 = 0; pi18 = 0; break; } bitcnt ++; } bitp = bitp^1; } } o_spl = n_spl = 0; } TMR->IR = -1; } void init() { // select PCLK LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 = (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 & ~(3<<CLK_TIMER)) | (PCLK_DEVIDER<<CLK_TIMER); // power on timer LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1<<PCTIM2); // reset timer TMR->CTCR = 0; TMR->PR = 3; TMR->TCR = 2; TMR->MCR = 0; __enable_irq(); NVIC_SetVector(TIMER2_IRQn, (uint32_t)&tmr_irq); NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER2_IRQn); rfint.rise(&rfedge); //rfint.fall(&rfedge); rfint.mode(PullNone); pc.baud(115200); TMR->MR0 = -1; //TMR->MCR = 3; // reset and interrupt on match TMR->TCR = 1; } void sample_data() { o_spl += (rfdata & 1); n_spl += 1; } int main() { uint16_t olddata = 0; uint32_t pktrecv = 0; uint32_t pktlost = 0; init(); Ticker sampler; sampler.attach_us(&sample_data, 20); while(1) { if (flag) { pktrecv ++; if (olddata) { pktlost += datarecv-olddata-1; } /*printf("RECV %d (id=%d, gp=%d, seq=%d, idx=%d, atv=%d) (%d) %d/%d\r\n", datarecv, (datarecv&0xFC00)>>10, (datarecv&0x0300)>>8, (datarecv&0xF0)>>4, (datarecv&0xE)>>1, (datarecv&0x1), interval, pktlost, pktlost+pktrecv);*/ pc.putc(datarecv >> 10); pc.putc(((datarecv & 0x3F0)>>4) | 0x40); pc.putc((datarecv & 0xF) | 0x80); olddata = datarecv; flag = 0; } } }