Java ISP Programmer
I've been working on everything but a PC lately and programming my prototype, means I have to go back to the PC to flash the binary. As the only JTAG adapter I have is the LPC-Link(it only works on windows), so I've hacked together this Java ISP Programmer. This means I can program my prototype board using the web base mbed tools. On a Mac or a Linux based workstation and using a simple command. Or you could embed it into your java application, if you have any improvements please share them.
Project hosted on GITHUB
I use the RXTX serial package as there are drivers for 32bit/64bit Windows & 32bit/64bit Mac + 32bit/64bit Linux
Compiled jar for examples below
Find the serial port to use
localhost:admin$ java -jar LPC17xxISP.jar --listports Experimental: JNI_OnLoad called. Stable Library ========================================= Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7 Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART - Serial
Flashing the device
localhost:admin$ java -jar LPC17xxISP.jar --dtr --go --port=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --binary=/Console_LPC1768.bin Experimental: JNI_OnLoad called. Stable Library ========================================= Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7 Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7 RXTX Warning: Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LK.005.010.014 RTS: true DTR:true RTS: false DTR:false Flashing:512 / 11 ....................................................... Complete
The current implementation is very very basic.
RXTX Java JNI library is required to be installed (
RTS/DTR if available will pull the device into ISP automatically.
(Version 26/7/2010)
Added GO isp command, saves unplugging device to restart it
shows checksum before flash (just for debugging purposes atm)
(New Version 24/10/2010)
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Does this work through the LPC-Link or through the built in serial bootloader?