Code for an autonomous plane I'm building. Includes process scheduling, process communication, and hardware sensor interfacing (via I2C). NOTE: currently in development, source code will be updated frequently.

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "control.h"
00002 #include "sensor.h"
00003 #include "steps.h"
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 #define MAXPROC 15
00008 process procs[MAXPROC] = {0};
00010 int main()
00011 {
00012     init();
00013     while (true)
00014     {
00015         schedule();
00016     }
00017 }
00019 void init()
00020 {
00021     // initialize i2c sensors
00022     schedule_proc("INITSENSE", &init_sensors);
00023     // set initial processes
00024     procs[0].status = READY;
00025     procs[0].start = &get_sensor_data;
00026     return;
00027 }
00029 char* get_output(int pid)
00030 {
00031     return procs[pid].output;
00032 }
00034 void schedule()
00035 {
00036     for (int i=0; i<MAXPROC; i++)
00037     {
00038         process proc = procs[i];
00039         if(proc.status == READY)
00040         {
00041             int ret = proc.start(i);
00042             // if the process returns 0, it means don't run again
00043             if (ret == 0)
00044             {
00045                 // set proc.status to ZOMBIE
00046                 // ZOMBIE means process
00047                 // is no longer active, but
00048                 // it's output buffer is still
00049                 // needed.
00050                 proc.status = ZOMBIE;
00051             }
00052             return;
00053         }
00054      }
00055 }
00057 int schedule_proc(char *sid, int (*funcptr)(int))
00058 {
00059     for (int i=0; i<MAXPROC; i++)
00060     {
00061         process proc = procs[i];
00062         if(proc.status == EMPTY)
00063         {
00064             proc.status = READY;
00065             proc.start = funcptr;
00066             strncpy(proc.sid, sid, MAX_SID_LEN-1);
00067             // null terminate proc.sid
00068             proc.sid[MAX_SID_LEN-1] = 0;
00069             return i;
00070          }
00071      }
00072      // if no open processes, return -1
00073      return -1;
00074 }