This car parking system uses Freedom board KL25, ultrasonic sensor, keypad, and LCD. The distance is measured via ultrasonic sensor, and it is displayed on LCD. The keypad takes user input of the that decides what led to turn on. If user types 25, after 25 cm, the light of the Freedom board turns to a specific color. After half if this distance 12.5 cm, it starts to to turn yellow. And after 90% of distance is covered then it starts blinking.

Dependencies:   HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library Keypad TextLCD mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "TextLCD.h"
00003 #include "Keypad.h"
00004 #include "ultrasonic.h"
00006 TextLCD my_lcd(PTE20, PTE21, PTE22, PTE23, PTE29, PTE30, TextLCD::LCD16x2);
00007 Keypad kpad(PTA12, PTD4, PTA2, PTA1, PTC9, PTC8, PTA5, PTA4);
00009  void dist(int distance){
00010 }
00012 ultrasonic mu(PTA13, PTD5, .1, 1, &dist);    //Set the trigger pin to PTA13 and the echo pin to PTD5
00013                                         //have updates every .1 seconds and a timeout after 1
00014                                         //second, and call dist when the distance changes
00015 float dispDist;
00016 float prevDist;
00017 float interDist;
00018 float input;
00020 PwmOut ledRed(LED_RED);
00021 PwmOut ledGreen(LED_GREEN);
00022 PwmOut ledBlue(LED_BLUE);
00024 int main()
00025 {
00026     my_lcd.printf("Input distance (cm) then press #:");
00027     wait(2);
00028     my_lcd.cls();
00029     char key;
00030     int released = 1;
00031     char inputArray[16];
00032     int i = 0 ;
00033     while(i<16){
00034         key = kpad.ReadKey();                   //read the current key pressed
00036         if(key == '\0')
00037             released = 1;                       //set the flag when all keys are released
00039         if((key != '\0') && (released == 1)) {  //if a key is pressed AND previous key was released
00041             if (key == '#'){
00042                 my_lcd.printf("=");
00043                 break;
00044             }
00045             else{
00046                 my_lcd.printf("%c", key);
00047             }
00049             inputArray[i] = key; 
00050             i++;         
00051             released = 0;                       //clear the flag to indicate that key is still pressed
00052         }
00053     }
00054     sscanf(inputArray, "%f", &input);
00055     my_lcd.locate(0, 1);
00056     my_lcd.printf("Input: %.1f", input);
00057     wait(1);
00058     my_lcd.cls();
00060     mu.startUpdates();//start mesuring the distance
00061     while(1)
00062     {        
00063         dispDist = mu.getCurrentDistance();
00064         dispDist = dispDist / 10;
00065         interDist = ((2 * input) / 3 - input / 3) / 5;
00066         if (dispDist > input){
00067             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00068             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00069             extRedLed = 0;
00070             extGreenLed = 0;
00071             wait(0.01);
00072         }
00074         else if ((dispDist < input && dispDist > 2 * input / 3)){
00075             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00076             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);;
00077             extRedLed = 0;
00078             extGreenLed = 1;
00079             wait(0.01);
00080         }
00082         else if (dispDist >= input / 3 & dispDist <= (input / 3) + interDist){
00083             //Do something
00084             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00085             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00086             extRedLed = 0.95;
00087             extGreenLed = 0;
00088             wait(0.01);
00089         }
00090         else if (dispDist >= (input / 3) + interDist &  dispDist <=  (input / 3) + 2 * interDist){
00091             //Do something
00092             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00093             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00094             extRedLed = 0.75;
00095             extGreenLed = 0;
00096             wait(0.01);
00097         }
00098         else if (dispDist >= (input / 3) + 2 * interDist &  dispDist <=  (input / 3) + 3 * interDist){
00099             //Do something
00100             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00101             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00102             extRedLed = 0.55;
00103             extGreenLed = 0;
00104             wait(0.01);
00105         }
00106         else if (dispDist >= (input / 3) + 3 * interDist &  dispDist <=  (input / 3) + 4 * interDist){
00107             //Do something
00108             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00109             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00110             extRedLed = 0.35;
00111             extGreenLed = 0;
00112             wait(0.01);
00113         }
00114         else if (dispDist >= (input / 3) + 4 * interDist &  dispDist <=  (input / 3) + 5 * interDist){
00115             //Do something
00116             PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00117             PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00118             extRedLed = 0.15;
00119             extGreenLed = 0;
00120             wait(0.01);
00121         }
00122         else if (dispDist < (input / 3)){
00123                 PwmOut extRedLed(PTD2);
00124                 PwmOut extGreenLed(PTD0);
00125                 extRedLed = 0.95;
00126                 extGreenLed = 0;
00127                 wait(0.01);
00128             }
00130         if (prevDist > dispDist){
00131             ledRed = 0;
00132             ledGreen = 0;
00133             ledBlue = 1;
00134             wait(0.01);
00135         }
00137         else if (prevDist < dispDist){
00138             ledRed = 1;
00139             ledGreen = 1;
00140             ledBlue = 0;            
00141             wait(0.01);
00142         }
00144         else{
00145             ledRed.pulsewidth(1);
00146             ledGreen.pulsewidth(1);
00147             ledBlue.pulsewidth(1); 
00148             wait(0.01);
00149         }
00151         prevDist = dispDist;
00152         my_lcd.printf("%.1f", dispDist); 
00153         my_lcd.locate(6, 0);
00154         my_lcd.printf("cm");
00155         wait(0.5);
00156         my_lcd.cls();
00157         wait(0.01);
00158     }
00159 }