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MicroBitThermometer Class Reference

MicroBitThermometer Class Reference

Class definition for MicroBit Thermometer. More...

#include <MicroBitThermometer.h>

Inherits MicroBitComponent.

Public Member Functions

 MicroBitThermometer (MicroBitStorage &_storage, uint16_t id=MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER)
 MicroBitThermometer (uint16_t id=MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER)
void setPeriod (int period)
 Set the sample rate at which the temperatureis read (in ms).
int getPeriod ()
 Reads the currently configured sample rate of the thermometer.
int setOffset (int offset)
 Set the value that is used to offset the raw silicon temperature.
int getOffset ()
 Retreive the value that is used to offset the raw silicon temperature.
int setCalibration (int calibrationTemp)
 This member function fetches the raw silicon temperature, and calculates the value used to offset the raw silicon temperature based on a given temperature.
int getTemperature ()
 Gets the current temperature of the microbit.
int updateSample ()
 Updates the temperature sample of this instance of MicroBitThermometer only if isSampleNeeded() indicates that an update is required.
virtual void idleTick ()
 Periodic callback from MicroBit idle thread.
virtual void systemTick ()
 The system timer will call this member function once the component has been added to the array of system components using system_timer_add_component.

Detailed Description

Class definition for MicroBit Thermometer.

Infers and stores the ambient temoperature based on the surface temperature of the various chips on the micro:bit.

Definition at line 53 of file MicroBitThermometer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MicroBitThermometer ( MicroBitStorage _storage,


Create new MicroBitThermometer that gives an indication of the current temperature.

_storagean instance of MicroBitStorage used to persist temperature offset data
idthe unique EventModel id of this component. Defaults to MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER.
 MicroBitStorage storage;
 MicroBitThermometer thermometer(storage);

Definition at line 66 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

MicroBitThermometer ( uint16_t  id = MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER )


Create new MicroBitThermometer that gives an indication of the current temperature.

idthe unique EventModel id of this component. Defaults to MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER.
 MicroBitThermometer thermometer;

Definition at line 93 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int getOffset (  )

Retreive the value that is used to offset the raw silicon temperature.

the current offset.

Definition at line 250 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

int getPeriod (  )

Reads the currently configured sample rate of the thermometer.

The time between samples, in milliseconds.

Definition at line 223 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

int getTemperature (  )

Gets the current temperature of the microbit.

the current temperature, in degrees celsius.

Definition at line 111 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

void idleTick (  ) [virtual]

Periodic callback from MicroBit idle thread.

Reimplemented from MicroBitComponent.

Definition at line 187 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

int setCalibration ( int  calibrationTemp )

This member function fetches the raw silicon temperature, and calculates the value used to offset the raw silicon temperature based on a given temperature.

calibrationTempthe temperature used to calculate the raw silicon temperature offset.
MICROBIT_OK on success

Definition at line 264 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

int setOffset ( int  offset )

Set the value that is used to offset the raw silicon temperature.

offsetthe offset for the silicon temperature
MICROBIT_OK on success

Definition at line 235 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

void setPeriod ( int  period )

Set the sample rate at which the temperatureis read (in ms).

The default sample period is 1 second.

periodthe requested time between samples, in milliseconds.
the temperature is always read in the background, and is only updated when the processor is idle, or when the temperature is explicitly read.

Definition at line 212 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.

virtual void systemTick (  ) [virtual, inherited]

The system timer will call this member function once the component has been added to the array of system components using system_timer_add_component.

This callback will be in interrupt context.

Reimplemented in MicroBitSystemTimerCallback, MicroBitButton, and MicroBitDisplay.

Definition at line 125 of file MicroBitComponent.h.

int updateSample (  )

Updates the temperature sample of this instance of MicroBitThermometer only if isSampleNeeded() indicates that an update is required.

This call also will add the thermometer to fiber components to receive periodic callbacks.

MICROBIT_OK on success.

Definition at line 127 of file MicroBitThermometer.cpp.