App for BLE Nano to monitor the power consumption for a specific location, by intercepting the led flashes of a standard power meter. It counts and log the flashes for each second. It works with RedBear App for smart phone (Simple Chat App).

Dependencies:   BLE_API lib_mma8451q mbed nRF51822

Fork of nRF51822_DataLogger_with_Chat by Valentin Tanasa

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00001 #include "myData.h"
00004 uint8_t eNrDaysPerMonth[12]= {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
00005 static uint8_t g_currPage = MAX_PAGE_NUM;  // current page in Flash to be write
00007 uint8_t flash_currPage(){
00008     return g_currPage;    
00009 }
00011 uint8_t flash_go_nextPage(){
00012     g_currPage --;
00013     if (g_currPage < MIN_PAGE_NUM) {
00014         g_currPage = MAX_PAGE_NUM;
00015     }
00016     return g_currPage;    
00017 }
00020 uint8_t flash_prev_N_Page(uint8_t nr_of_pages){
00021     uint8_t retVal;
00022     retVal = g_currPage + nr_of_pages;
00024     if (retVal > MAX_PAGE_NUM ) {
00025         retVal = MIN_PAGE_NUM + (retVal % MAX_PAGE_NUM - 1);
00026     }
00027     return retVal;    
00028 }
00030 void search_latest_in_flash(mdate_time_t * outDateTime){
00031     uint8_t page_nr, sizeB,temp[6];
00032     uint16_t max_page=(uint16_t)MAX_PAGE_NUM+1u;
00033     int retVal;
00034     mdate_time_t max_datetime={16,1,1,0,0,0}, inv_datetime={255,255,255,255,255,255};
00036     sizeB=sizeof(mdate_time_t);
00037     uint32_t* p_curr_addr;
00039     for (page_nr = MAX_PAGE_NUM; page_nr>= MIN_PAGE_NUM; page_nr --){
00040         p_curr_addr= (uint32_t *)((uint16_t)BLE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE * page_nr);
00041         p_curr_addr += 2; // skip the magic number and the word count                
00043         memcpy(temp, p_curr_addr, sizeB);        
00044         retVal = memcmp(&temp, &inv_datetime, sizeB);
00045         if (retVal!=0) {
00046             retVal  = memcmp(&temp, &max_datetime, sizeB);
00047                 if (retVal >0) {
00048                         memcpy(&max_datetime, &temp, sizeB);
00049                         max_page= page_nr;
00050                 }
00051         }
00052     }
00054     memcpy(outDateTime, &max_datetime, sizeB);    
00055     g_currPage= (uint8_t)(max_page-1u);
00056 }
00058 void update_time(mdatetime_manager_t* myDateTimeVar, uint16_t tseconds){
00059     //memcpy(&myDateTimeVar->newDateTime, &myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime, sizeof(mdate_time_t));    
00060     if (myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime ==false){
00061         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.seconds = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.seconds + tseconds)% 60; 
00062         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.minutes + ((tseconds + myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.seconds) / 60))%60;
00063         if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes< myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.minutes ) { 
00064             myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours++;
00065         }
00066         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.hours = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours + (tseconds / 3600+myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.minutes/60))%24;
00067         if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.hours < myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.hours){
00068             myDateTimeVar-> = (myDateTimeVar-> + 1)%(eNrDaysPerMonth[myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month-1]+1);
00069             if (myDateTimeVar-> == 0){
00070                 myDateTimeVar-> ++; 
00071             }
00072             if (myDateTimeVar-> < myDateTimeVar-> ){
00073                 myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month+ 1)%13;
00074                 if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month ==0){
00075                         myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month++;
00076                     }
00077                 if (myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.month< myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.month){
00078                     myDateTimeVar->newDateTime.year = (myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime.year+ 1);
00079                 }
00080             }         
00081         }        
00082     } else {        
00083         myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime =false;
00084     }
00086     if (myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime ==true){  // there is a new Date ?        
00087         myDateTimeVar->updateDateTime =true;
00088     }
00089     memcpy(&myDateTimeVar->currentDateTime,&myDateTimeVar->newDateTime, sizeof(mdate_time_t));    
00090 }
00093 int buzz_int(PwmOut* buzzer, uint8_t period, uint8_t duty_cycle){
00094     int retVal = 0;
00095     if ((duty_cycle<10)&&(period<10)){
00096         if (period!=0) {        
00097             buzzer->period_ms(period);
00098             *buzzer = (10.0 - (float)duty_cycle)/9.0;        
00099         } else {
00100             *buzzer = 0;
00101         }
00102     } else {
00103         retVal=-1;
00104     }
00105     return retVal;
00106 }
00108 void assert_error_app(bool condition, Serial *pc, uint16_t error, uint16_t line, const char* file){
00109     if (condition) {
00110         pc->printf("App err = %d, line = %d, file = %s\r\n",error, line, file);
00111     }
00112 }