Reads the value of A0 and sets LED1 if A0>2000mV; also dweets data to

Dependencies:   NetworkSocketAPI X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1v2 mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 02 13:25:17 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// read analog0 and send to
+// toma 2016-11-01
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "SpwfInterface.h"
+#include "TCPSocket.h"
+#include <string>
+//FRDM-K64: D9->UART1_TX, D7->UART1_RX
+Pin connections:
+    FRDM      IDW01M1
+   ------    ---------
+    +3v3 <--> +3v3
+    GND  <--> GND
+    D9   <--> D8
+    D7   <--> D2
+SpwfSAInterface spwf(D9, D7, false);
+//LPCXpresso11U68: D9->UART1_TX, D7->UART1_RX
+Pin connections:
+    LPC      IDW01M1
+   ------    ---------
+    +3v3 <--> +3v3
+    GND  <--> GND
+    A1   <--> D8
+    A2   <--> D2
+SpwfSAInterface spwf(A1, A2, false);
+//NUCLEO: D8->UART1_TX (PA_9), D2->UART1_RX (PA_10)
+using namespace std;
+AnalogIn analog_input_A0(A0);
+Serial serial_port(USBTX, USBRX);
+DigitalOut myLed(LED1);
+SpwfSAInterface spwf(D8, D2, false);
+int errConnect;
+int errSend;
+int main()
+    float panel_voltage;
+    DigitalOut led(LED1);
+    serial_port.baud(9600);
+    printf("\r\n\r\n*** system restart");
+    printf("\r\n\r\nanalog0 example using ...\n");
+    char *ssid = "";
+    char *seckey = "";
+    const char *mac;
+    printf("X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1v2 mbed application\r\n");     
+    int spwfResponse;
+    spwfResponse = 0;
+    while(spwfResponse != 1) {
+        printf("connecting to access point ...\r\n");
+        spwfResponse = spwf.connect(ssid, seckey, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA2);//WPA
+        printf("\nresponse:  %i\n", spwfResponse);
+        if(spwfResponse != 1)
+        {
+            printf("error making connecting to access point\r\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            printf("success connecting to access point\r\n");
+            const char *ip = spwf.get_ip_address();
+            mac = spwf.get_mac_address();
+            printf("\r\nip address = %s\r\n", (ip) ? ip : "error getting ip address");
+            printf("mac address = %s\r\n", (mac) ? mac : "error getting the mac address\n");
+        }
+    }
+    SocketAddress addrDweetServer(&spwf, "");
+    printf("\r\ resolved to: %s\r\n\r\n", addrDweetServer.get_ip_address());
+    TCPSocket socket(&spwf);
+    // connect socket
+    errConnect = socket.connect("", 80);
+    if(errConnect!=0) {
+        printf("\r\ncould not connect to socket; error = %d\r\n", errConnect);
+    } else {
+        printf("socket connected\r\n");
+    }
+    // get the last 2 bytes of the mac for the thing name
+    std::string macString = mac;
+    macString.erase(0,9);
+    macString.erase(2,1);
+    macString.erase(4,1);
+    const char *macBytes = macString.c_str();
+    while(1) {
+        panel_voltage =;
+        printf("voltage:  %f\r\n", panel_voltage);
+        // A0 is voltage tolerant to 3.3V, and analog read returns a percentage of the maximum
+        // need to convert the percentage back to a representative number
+        panel_voltage = panel_voltage * 3300; // change the value to be in the 0 to 3300 range
+        // printf("a0 reads %.3f mV\n", panel_voltage); // use 3 decimals of precision
+        // enable LED if voltage exceeds 2000 mV
+        if (panel_voltage > 2000) { 
+            myLed = 1;
+        } 
+        else {
+            myLed = 0;
+        }
+        // don't bother if never connected ...        
+        if (spwfResponse == 1) {    
+            // get length of jsonContent as string without streams 
+            // adapted from
+            char dweetBuffer[72] = "";
+            // create GET HTTP header for dweeting
+            strcpy(dweetBuffer, "GET /dweet/for/nucleo-");     
+            strcat(dweetBuffer, macBytes);    
+            char valueRead[20];
+            sprintf(valueRead, "?voltage=%f", panel_voltage);
+            strcat(dweetBuffer, valueRead);
+            strcat(dweetBuffer, " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"); 
+            serial_port.printf("\r\n%s", dweetBuffer);
+            char bufferRx[512] = "";
+            int countRx = 0;
+            serial_port.printf("sending and receiving data ...\r\n");
+            errSend = socket.send(dweetBuffer, strlen(dweetBuffer));
+            countRx = socket.recv(bufferRx, sizeof bufferRx);
+            printf("sent %d bytes\r\nand received %d bytes\r\n\r\n", errSend, countRx);
+            printf(bufferRx);
+            printf("\r\n\r\n*** 5-second pause ...\r\n");
+        }
+        wait(5.0); // 5000 ms delay before looping to next read
+    }