Takashi Asano
Fork of linearMirrorMotion1017 by
- Committer:
- takapiasano
- Date:
- 2013-06-28
- Revision:
- 22:e86d63dfbbe1
- Parent:
- 21:4095a071724d
- Child:
- 23:ce375ac0ddfe
- Child:
- 25:423050363215
File content as of revision 22:e86d63dfbbe1:
#include "mbed.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include "renderclass.h" #include "laserProjectorHardware.h" render myRender; InterruptIn clockEncoderPin(p14); //blue DigitalIn directionPin(p15); //green void processSerial(); //Timer timer_v; // for shearing //for send the speed on the serial port every 30 ms: LocalFileSystem local("local"); //Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); unsigned int X, Y, T; unsigned int beforeX , beforeY; int startX = CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X; int startY = CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y; float sint=0, cost=1; float vx = 0, vy=0; float theta=0, dt_betWords=50000, st=1800; unsigned int dt=500, ticktime=600; bool newPositionReady=false; unsigned int counter=0; vector<char> inputletters; bool start=false; //renderclass---------------------------------------------------------- vector<letter> alphabet; // letter library vector<letter> myText; /* string textString="H"; void createTextPoints(string& _str) { myText.clear(); for (int i=0; i<_str.length(); i++) { myText.push_back(alphabet[(int)_str[i]-'a']); } } */ ////for culculate rotary velocity -------------------------------------------------------- int radious = 700, attachSecond = 500; /*volatile float*/ int angleIncrement = 1;//2.0*PI / 2500;// when in Sign/Magnitude mode // a ticker function to compute the speed periodically------------------------------------------------------------- #define PERIODIC_COMPUTE 5000 // in us volatile float angularSpeed = 0; /*volatile float*/ int angle=0, oldAngle=0; Ticker speedTimerCompute; Ticker superEncoder; // the external interrupt routine: void encoderClock() { if (directionPin) angle += angleIncrement ; else angle -= angleIncrement; } void computeSpeed() { // We know exactly how much time passed since we last computed the speed, this is PERIODIC_COMPUTE in microseconds float oldspeed = angularSpeed; angularSpeed = ( 1000000.0 * (float)(angle-oldAngle) / (float)(PERIODIC_COMPUTE) + oldspeed )/ 2.0; // in rad/sec oldAngle=angle; myRender.updateSpeed(angularSpeed,angle, ((directionPin)-0.5)*2*angleIncrement*100.0/attachSecond, 0); void processSerial(); } int main() { //read from TextFileLibrary ------------------------------------------------------ FILE *fp = fopen("/local/text.txt", "r"); if(!fp) { IO.setGreenPower(1); exit(1); } int letternum; fscanf(fp, "%d", &letternum); for(int i=0; i<letternum; i++) { letter bufl; fscanf(fp, "%d", &bufl.pointnum); for(int j=0; j<bufl.pointnum; j++) { point2dl bufp; fscanf(fp, "%d", &bufp.x); fscanf(fp, "%d", &bufp.y); fscanf(fp, "%d", &bufp.laserSwitch); bufl.letpoints.push_back(bufp); } alphabet.push_back(bufl); } // SETUP: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IO.init(); // note: serial speed can be changed by checking in the hardwareIO.cpp initialization // initialize the angle (arbitrary origin): oldAngle=angle=0; // Attach the external interrupt routine---------------------------------------------------------------------- superEncoder.attach_us(&encoderClock, 500); //clockEncoderPin.rise(&encoderClock); //clockEncoderPin.fall(&encoderClock); //using renderclass.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------- //createTextPoints(textString); myRender.setRender(&myText); myRender.startRender(); // Attach the periodic computing function: speedTimerCompute.attach_us(&computeSpeed, PERIODIC_COMPUTE); // Set displaying laser powers-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IO.setRedPower(0); IO.setGreenPower(0); wait_ms(100); //timer_v.start(); // MAIN LOOP: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while(1) { if (pc.readable()>0) processSerial(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // String to store ALPHANUMERIC DATA (i.e., integers, floating point numbers, unsigned ints, etc represented as DEC) sent wirelessly: char stringData[24]; // note: an integer is two bytes long, represented with a maximum of 5 digits, but we may send floats or unsigned int... int indexStringData=0;//position of the byte in the string void processSerial() { start=true; while(pc.readable()>0) { char val =pc.getc(); // Save ASCII numeric characters (ASCII 0 - 9) on stringData: if ((val >= '0') && (val <= '9')) { // this is 45 to 57 (included) stringData[indexStringData] = val; indexStringData++; } else if ((val >= 'a') && (val <= 'z')) { // this is 45 to 57 (included) myText.push_back(alphabet[val - 'a']); //inputletters.push_back(val); } else if (val == '/') { myRender.stopRender(); myRender.setRender(&myText); myRender.startRender(); } else if (val == '.') { myRender.stopRender(); myText.clear(); myRender.setRender(&myText); //inputletters.clear(); } else if (val == 'X') { beforeX = X; stringData[indexStringData] = 0; X = atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; //vx = ((float)X-(float)beforeX) / (float)timer_v.read_us() *1000; } else if (val == 'Y') { beforeY = Y; stringData[indexStringData] = 0; Y = atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; //timer_v.stop(); //newSpeedReady = true; //if( (Y-beforeY) > 5){ //vy = ((float)Y-(float)beforeY) / (float)timer_v.read_us() *1000; //myRender.updateSpeed(vx, vy); } else if (val == 'D') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0; dt = atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; //makeBuffer(); } else if (val == 'B') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0; dt_betWords = atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; //makeBuffer(); } else if (val == 'S') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0; myRender.shearingSwitch = 1 - myRender.shearingSwitch; pc.printf("shearingSwitch : %d \n" , myRender.shearingSwitch); indexStringData=0; //makeBuffer(); } else if (val == 'A') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0; angleIncrement = atoi(stringData); pc.printf("angleIncrement : %d \n" , angleIncrement); superEncoder.detach(); superEncoder.attach_us(&encoderClock, attachSecond); indexStringData=0; //makeBuffer(); } else if (val == 'T') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0; attachSecond = atoi(stringData); pc.printf("attachSecond : %d \n" , attachSecond); superEncoder.detach(); superEncoder.attach_us(&encoderClock, attachSecond); indexStringData=0; //makeBuffer(); } // X value? /*else if (val=='x') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0 ; omegaX=atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; //newPositionReady=true; } // Y value? else if (val=='y') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0 ; omegaY=atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; makeBuffer(); newPositionReady=true; } else if (val=='g') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0 ; int power=atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; IO.setGreenPower(power); } else if (val=='r') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0 ; int power=atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; IO.setRedPower(power); } else if (val=='c') { stringData[indexStringData] = 0 ; int power=atoi(stringData); indexStringData=0; IO.setRGBPower(power); } */ } }