FRMD KL25Z <=i2c=> NXP PCF8563 (RTC) FRMD KL25Z SPI=> MCP23S17 => (GLCD) T6963C FRMD KL25Z Tsi => 3 button : <--> <enter> <++> FRMD KL25Z => Bip()

Dependencies:   TSI mbed

Fork of RTC8564NB_Clock by masa miya

diff -r 7c1d3790f08d -r c271f83a69e4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 27 11:03:21 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 14 04:46:52 2014 +0000
@@ -1,182 +1,45 @@
-This is the clock which used highly quality RTC module RT8564NB. 
-This module is I2C controllable. At the time of poweron/reset, the start 
-time received from ntp server.
-Revision History:
-Rev. 0.01A 2011/04/26 New
-Rev. 0.01B 2011/04/27 Add time justify function, sec LED 
- */
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "TextLCD.h"
-#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
-#include "NTPClient.h"
-#define RTC8564NB_ADR 0xA2
+#include "GLCD_spi.h"
+#include "TouchMenu.h"
+#include "RTC.h"
-#define CONTROL1 0x00
-#define CONTROL2 0x01
-#define SECONDS 0x02
-#define MINUTES 0x03
-#define HOURS 0x04
-#define DAYS 0x05
-#define WEEKDAYS 0x06
-#define MONTHS 0x07
-#define YEARS 0x08
-#define MINUTE_ALARM 0x09
-#define HOUR_ALARM 0x0A
-#define DAY_ALARM 0x0B
-#define WEEKDAY_ALARM 0x0C
-#define CLOCKOUT_FREQ 0x0D
-#define TIMER_CINTROL 0x0E
-#define TIMER 0x0F
-#define _READ 0x01
-TextLCD lcd(p24, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30);
-EthernetNetIf eth; 
-NTPClient ntp;
-I2C i2c(p9, p10);
-DigitalOut sec_led(LED1);
-DigitalOut test_led(LED2);
-InterruptIn just_button(p15);
-int offset_JAPAN = 32400;
-char year, month, day, week;
-char hour, minute, sec;
-char ntp_year[3], ntp_month[3], ntp_day[3], ntp_week[4];
-char ntp_hour[3], ntp_minute[3], ntp_sec[3];
-char week_val;
-char week_chr[7][4] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
+//char buffer[12];
+int m_value,b;
+void Start(){
+    SPI_init();
+    lcd_init();
-void rtc_write(char address, char value)
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR);
-    i2c.write(address);
-    i2c.write(value);
-    i2c.stop();
+    K_LED=1;
+    Z_LED=1;
+    P_LED=1;
+    lcd_cls();
+    lcd_string(2,6,"RTC Start");
+    Bip(2,3);       // 1 kHz * freki, 0.1 s * time
+    //rtc_reset();
+    rtc_data_set();
+    lcd_cls();
+    //a=0;
+    b=0;
-char rtc_read(char address)
-    char value;
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR);
-    i2c.write(address);
-    i2c.start();
-    i2c.write(RTC8564NB_ADR | _READ);
-    value =;
-    i2c.stop();
-    return value;
-void time_just()
-    char _min, _hour;
-    test_led = !test_led;
-    _min = rtc_read(MINUTES);
-    if (_min >= 0x30) { 
-            _hour = rtc_read(HOURS);
-            if (_hour == 0x23)
-                _hour = 0x00;
-            else if ((_hour & 0x0F) == 0x09)
-                _hour = (_hour & 0xF0) + 0x10;
-            else
-                _hour = _hour + 0x01;
-            rtc_write(HOURS, _hour);
-    }
-    rtc_write(MINUTES, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(SECONDS, 0x00);
 int main() {
-    just_button.rise(&time_just);
+    Start();
+    //rtc_reset();
+    while(1){
+        rtc_data_read();
+        if(sec != b){
+            //Bip(1,1);
+            b=sec;
+            Z_LED =0;
+            wait(.1);
+            Z_LED=1;
+        }
+    }
+    //for(;;){}
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.printf("RTC8564NB CLOCK" );
-    wait(2.0);
-    /* Set up Ethernet */
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.printf("Setting up Eth\n");
-    EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
-    if (ethErr) {
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.printf("Error with Eth\nNum: %d", ethErr);
-        return -1;
-    }   
-    /* Set up NTP */
-    lcd.printf("Setting up NTP\n");
-    Host server(IpAddr(), 123, "");
-    ntp.setTime(server);
-    time_t seconds = time(NULL)+offset_JAPAN;
-    lcd.cls();
-    strftime(ntp_year, 16, "%y", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_month, 16, "%m", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_day, 16, "%d", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_week, 16, "%a", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_hour, 16, "%H", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_minute, 16, "%M", localtime(&seconds));
-    strftime(ntp_sec, 16, "%S", localtime(&seconds));
-    switch (ntp_week[0]){
-        case 'S': 
-            switch (ntp_week[1]) {
-                case 'u': week_val = 0x00; break;
-                case 'a': week_val = 0x06; break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'M': week_val = 0x01; break;
-        case 'T': 
-            switch (ntp_week[1]) {
-                case 'u': week_val = 0x02; break;
-                case 'h': week_val = 0x04; break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'W': week_val = 0x03; break;
-        case 'F': week_val = 0x05; break;
-    }
-    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x20); //stop
-    rtc_write(CONTROL2, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(YEARS, ((ntp_year[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_year[1]-0x30)); 
-    rtc_write(MONTHS, ((ntp_month[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_month[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(DAYS, ((ntp_day[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_day[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(HOURS, ((ntp_hour[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_hour[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(MINUTES, ((ntp_minute[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_minute[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(SECONDS, ((ntp_sec[0]-0x30)<<4)+(ntp_sec[1]-0x30));
-    rtc_write(WEEKDAYS, week_val);
-    rtc_write(CLOCKOUT_FREQ, 0x00); // 0x83 = TE on & 1Hz
-    rtc_write(TIMER_CINTROL, 0x00);
-    rtc_write(CONTROL1, 0x00); //start
-    while(1) { 
-        year = rtc_read(YEARS);
-        month = rtc_read(MONTHS);
-        day = rtc_read(DAYS);
-        week = rtc_read(WEEKDAYS);
-        hour = rtc_read(HOURS);
-        minute = rtc_read(MINUTES);
-        sec = rtc_read(SECONDS);
-        lcd.locate(0,0);
-        lcd.printf("20%c%c/%c%c/%c%c %s",
-            ((year >> 4) & 0x03) + 0x30, (year & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                ((month >> 4) & 0x01) + 0x30, (month & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                    ((day >> 4) & 0x03)+ 0x30, (day & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                        week_chr[week & 0x07]);
-        lcd.locate(0,1); 
-        lcd.printf("%c%c:%c%c:%c%c",
-            ((hour >> 4) & 0x03) + 0x30, (hour & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                (minute >> 4) + 0x30, (minute & 0x0F) + 0x30, 
-                    (sec >> 4) + 0x30, (sec & 0x0F) + 0x30 );
-        sec_led = !sec_led;
-        wait(0.5);
-    }