wesh gros, ajout des ref dans brushlessservo

Dependencies:   MPU6050 mbed

Fork of Gimbal_ENSEA by Thomas Giraud-Sauveur

Fri Jun 03 14:17:35 2016 +0000
Ajout ref brushlessservo

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 1 #ifndef MYCONTROLLER_H
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 2 #define MYCONTROLLER_H
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 3
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 4 #include "mbed.h"
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 5
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 6 class brushlessservo
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 7 {
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 8 public:
sype 2:d0606d66af96 9 brushlessservo(PwmOut &p_pwm1,PwmOut &p_pwm2,PwmOut &p_pwm3);
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 10 void gotothetha(int theta);
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 11 void updatepwm();
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 12 void test();
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 13
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 14 private:
sype 2:d0606d66af96 15 PwmOut &pwm1, &pwm2, &pwm3;
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 16 int32_t realtheta;
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 17 int32_t targettheta;
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 18 int32_t phase[3];
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 19 bool direction;
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 20 int sineArraySize;
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 21
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 22 };
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 23
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 24
ThomasGS 0:63c6db89607f 25 #endif