Class that makes for easy scheduling of regular tasks in a soft real-time context.

Mon May 26 17:09:32 2014 +0000
original version of library

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 1 /**
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 2 Generic Ticker implementation that sets a boolean flag at a regular interval
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 3
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 4 9/12/13 Andrew H. Fagg Original
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 5
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 6 */
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 7
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 8
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 9 #ifndef BOOLEAN_TICKER_H
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 10 #define BOOLEAN_TICKER_H
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 11 #include "mbed.h"
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 12
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 13 class BooleanTicker {
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 14 public:
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 15 BooleanTicker(float interval);
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 16 ~BooleanTicker();
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 17 void clear();
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 18 void set();
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 19 bool getValue();
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 20 private:
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 21 void BooleanTickerCallback();
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 22 Ticker ticker;
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 23 bool value;
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 24
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 25 };
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 26
symbiotic 0:9015010b5125 27 #endif