Development mbed library for MAX32630FTHR

Dependents:   blinky_max32630fthr

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/host_tests/	Fri Nov 11 20:59:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+# Check if 'serial' module is installed
+    from serial import Serial
+except ImportError, e:
+    print "Error: Can't import 'serial' module: %s"% e
+    exit(-1)
+import os
+import re
+import types
+from sys import stdout
+from time import sleep, time
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import host_tests_plugins
+# This is a little tricky. We need to add upper directory to path so
+# we can find packages we want from the same level as other files do
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')))
+from tools.test_api import get_autodetected_MUTS_list
+from tools.test_api import get_module_avail
+class Mbed:
+    """ Base class for a host driven test
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        parser = OptionParser()
+        parser.add_option("-m", "--micro",
+                          dest="micro",
+                          help="The target microcontroller",
+                          metavar="MICRO")
+        parser.add_option("-p", "--port",
+                          dest="port",
+                          help="The serial port of the target mbed",
+                          metavar="PORT")
+        parser.add_option("-d", "--disk",
+                          dest="disk",
+                          help="The target disk path",
+                          metavar="DISK_PATH")
+        parser.add_option("-f", "--image-path",
+                          dest="image_path",
+                          help="Path with target's image",
+                          metavar="IMAGE_PATH")
+        parser.add_option("-c", "--copy",
+                          dest="copy_method",
+                          help="Copy method selector",
+                          metavar="COPY_METHOD")
+        parser.add_option("-C", "--program_cycle_s",
+                          dest="program_cycle_s",
+                          help="Program cycle sleep. Define how many seconds you want wait after copying bianry onto target",
+                          type="float",
+                          metavar="COPY_METHOD")
+        parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout",
+                          dest="timeout",
+                          help="Timeout",
+                          metavar="TIMEOUT")
+        parser.add_option("-r", "--reset",
+                          dest="forced_reset_type",
+                          help="Forces different type of reset")
+        parser.add_option("-R", "--reset-timeout",
+                          dest="forced_reset_timeout",
+                          metavar="NUMBER",
+                          type="int",
+                          help="When forcing a reset using option -r you can set up after reset timeout in seconds")
+        parser.add_option('', '--auto',
+                          dest='auto_detect',
+                          metavar=False,
+                          action="store_true",
+                          help='Use mbed-ls module to detect all connected mbed devices')
+        (self.options, _) = parser.parse_args()
+        self.DEFAULT_RESET_TOUT = 0
+        self.DEFAULT_TOUT = 10
+        if self.options.port is None:
+            raise Exception("The serial port of the target mbed have to be provided as command line arguments")
+        # Options related to copy / reset mbed device
+        self.port = self.options.port
+        self.disk = self.options.disk
+        self.image_path = self.options.image_path.strip('"')
+        self.copy_method = self.options.copy_method
+        self.program_cycle_s = float(self.options.program_cycle_s)
+        self.serial = None
+        self.serial_baud = 9600
+        self.serial_timeout = 1
+        self.timeout = self.DEFAULT_TOUT if self.options.timeout is None else self.options.timeout
+        print 'MBED: Instrumentation: "%s" and disk: "%s"' % (self.port, self.disk)
+    def init_serial_params(self, serial_baud=9600, serial_timeout=1):
+        """ Initialize port parameters.
+            This parameters will be used by self.init_serial() function to open serial port
+        """
+        self.serial_baud = serial_baud
+        self.serial_timeout = serial_timeout
+    def init_serial(self, serial_baud=None, serial_timeout=None):
+        """ Initialize serial port.
+            Function will return error is port can't be opened or initialized
+        """
+        # Overload serial port configuration from default to parameters' values if they are specified
+        serial_baud = serial_baud if serial_baud is not None else self.serial_baud
+        serial_timeout = serial_timeout if serial_timeout is not None else self.serial_timeout
+        if get_module_avail('mbed_lstools') and self.options.auto_detect:
+            # Ensure serial port is up-to-date (try to find it 60 times)
+            found = False
+            for i in range(0, 60):
+                print('Looking for %s with MBEDLS' % self.options.micro)
+                muts_list = get_autodetected_MUTS_list(platform_name_filter=[self.options.micro])
+                if 1 in muts_list:
+                    mut = muts_list[1]
+                    self.port = mut['port']
+                    found = True
+                    break
+                else:
+                    sleep(3)
+            if not found:
+                return False
+        # Clear serial port
+        if self.serial:
+            self.serial.close()
+            self.serial = None
+        # We will pool for serial to be re-mounted if it was unmounted after device reset
+        result = self.pool_for_serial_init(serial_baud, serial_timeout) # Blocking
+        # Port can be opened
+        if result:
+            self.flush()
+        return result
+    def pool_for_serial_init(self, serial_baud, serial_timeout, pooling_loops=40, init_delay=0.5, loop_delay=0.25):
+        """ Functions pools for serial port readiness
+        """
+        result = True
+        last_error = None
+        # This loop is used to check for serial port availability due to
+        # some delays and remounting when devices are being flashed with new software.
+        for i in range(pooling_loops):
+            sleep(loop_delay if i else init_delay)
+            try:
+                self.serial = Serial(self.port, baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=serial_timeout)
+            except Exception as e:
+                result = False
+                last_error = "MBED: %s"% str(e)
+                stdout.write('.')
+                stdout.flush()
+            else:
+                print "...port ready!"
+                result = True
+                break
+        if not result and last_error:
+            print last_error
+        return result
+    def set_serial_timeout(self, timeout):
+        """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object timeout property
+        """
+        result = None
+        if self.serial:
+            self.serial.timeout = timeout
+            result = True
+        return result
+    def serial_read(self, count=1):
+        """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object read method
+        """
+        result = None
+        if self.serial:
+            try:
+                result =
+            except:
+                result = None
+        return result
+    def serial_readline(self, timeout=5):
+        """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object read method to read one line from serial port
+        """
+        result = ''
+        start = time()
+        while (time() - start) < timeout:
+            if self.serial:
+                try:
+                    c =
+                    result += c
+                except Exception as e:
+                    print "MBED: %s"% str(e)
+                    result = None
+                    break
+                if c == '\n':
+                    break
+        return result
+    def serial_write(self, write_buffer):
+        """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object write method
+        """
+        result = None
+        if self.serial:
+            try:
+                result = self.serial.write(write_buffer)
+            except:
+               result = None
+        return result
+    def reset_timeout(self, timeout):
+        """ Timeout executed just after reset command is issued
+        """
+        for n in range(0, timeout):
+            sleep(1)
+    def reset(self):
+        """ Calls proper reset plugin to do the job.
+            Please refer to host_test_plugins functionality
+        """
+        # Flush serials to get only input after reset
+        self.flush()
+        if self.options.forced_reset_type:
+            result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('ResetMethod', self.options.forced_reset_type, disk=self.disk)
+        else:
+            result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('ResetMethod', 'default', serial=self.serial)
+        # Give time to wait for the image loading
+        reset_tout_s = self.options.forced_reset_timeout if self.options.forced_reset_timeout is not None else self.DEFAULT_RESET_TOUT
+        self.reset_timeout(reset_tout_s)
+        return result
+    def copy_image(self, image_path=None, disk=None, copy_method=None):
+        """ Closure for copy_image_raw() method.
+            Method which is actually copying image to mbed
+        """
+        # Set closure environment
+        image_path = image_path if image_path is not None else self.image_path
+        disk = disk if disk is not None else self.disk
+        copy_method = copy_method if copy_method is not None else self.copy_method
+        # Call proper copy method
+        result = self.copy_image_raw(image_path, disk, copy_method)
+        return result
+    def copy_image_raw(self, image_path=None, disk=None, copy_method=None):
+        """ Copy file depending on method you want to use. Handles exception
+            and return code from shell copy commands.
+        """
+        # image_path - Where is binary with target's firmware
+        if copy_method is not None:
+            # We override 'default' method with 'shell' method
+            if copy_method == 'default':
+                copy_method = 'shell'
+        else:
+            copy_method = 'shell'
+        result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('CopyMethod', copy_method, image_path=image_path, destination_disk=disk, program_cycle_s=self.program_cycle_s, target_mcu=self.options.micro)
+        return result;
+    def flush(self):
+        """ Flush serial ports
+        """
+        result = False
+        if self.serial:
+            self.serial.flushInput()
+            self.serial.flushOutput()
+            result = True
+        return result
+class HostTestResults:
+    """ Test results set by host tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.RESULT_SUCCESS = 'success'
+        self.RESULT_FAILURE = 'failure'
+        self.RESULT_ERROR = 'error'
+        self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL = 'ioerr_serial'
+        self.RESULT_NO_IMAGE = 'no_image'
+        self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY = "ioerr_copy"
+        self.RESULT_PASSIVE = "passive"
+        self.RESULT_NOT_DETECTED = "not_detected"
+        self.RESULT_MBED_ASSERT = "mbed_assert"
+import tools.host_tests as host_tests
+class Test(HostTestResults):
+    """ Base class for host test's test runner
+    """
+    # Select default host_test supervision (replaced after autodetection)
+    test_supervisor = host_tests.get_host_test("default")
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.mbed = Mbed()
+    def detect_test_config(self, verbose=False):
+        """ Detects test case configuration
+        """
+        result = {}
+        while True:
+            line = self.mbed.serial_readline()
+            if "{start}" in line:
+                self.notify("HOST: Start test...")
+                break
+            else:
+                # Detect if this is property from TEST_ENV print
+                m ='{([\w_]+);([\w\d\+ ]+)}}', line[:-1])
+                if m and len(m.groups()) == 2:
+                    # This is most likely auto-detection property
+                    result[] =
+                    if verbose:
+                        self.notify("HOST: Property '%s' = '%s'"% (,
+                else:
+                    # We can check if this is TArget Id in mbed specific format
+                    m2 ='^([\$]+)([a-fA-F0-9]+)', line[:-1])
+                    if m2 and len(m2.groups()) == 2:
+                        if verbose:
+                            target_id = +
+                            self.notify("HOST: TargetID '%s'"% target_id)
+                            self.notify(line[len(target_id):-1])
+                    else:
+                        self.notify("HOST: Unknown property: %s"% line.strip())
+        return result
+    def run(self):
+        """ Test runner for host test. This function will start executing
+            test and forward test result via serial port to test suite
+        """
+        # Copy image to device
+        self.notify("HOST: Copy image onto target...")
+        result = self.mbed.copy_image()
+        if not result:
+            self.print_result(self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY)
+        # Initialize and open target's serial port (console)
+        self.notify("HOST: Initialize serial port...")
+        result = self.mbed.init_serial()
+        if not result:
+            self.print_result(self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
+        # Reset device
+        self.notify("HOST: Reset target...")
+        result = self.mbed.reset()
+        if not result:
+            self.print_result(self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
+        # Run test
+        try:
+            CONFIG = self.detect_test_config(verbose=True) # print CONFIG
+            if "host_test_name" in CONFIG:
+                if host_tests.is_host_test(CONFIG["host_test_name"]):
+                    self.test_supervisor = host_tests.get_host_test(CONFIG["host_test_name"])
+            result = self.test_supervisor.test(self)    #result = self.test()
+            if result is not None:
+                self.print_result(result)
+            else:
+                self.notify("HOST: Passive mode...")
+        except Exception, e:
+            print str(e)
+            self.print_result(self.RESULT_ERROR)
+    def setup(self):
+        """ Setup and check if configuration for test is
+            correct. E.g. if serial port can be opened.
+        """
+        result = True
+        if not self.mbed.serial:
+            result = False
+            self.print_result(self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
+        return result
+    def notify(self, message):
+        """ On screen notification function
+        """
+        print message
+        stdout.flush()
+    def print_result(self, result):
+        """ Test result unified printing function
+        """
+        self.notify("\r\n{{%s}}\r\n{{end}}" % result)
+class DefaultTestSelector(Test):
+    """ Test class with serial port initialization
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        HostTestResults.__init__(self)
+        Test.__init__(self)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    DefaultTestSelector().run()