Development mbed library for MAX32630FTHR

Dependents:   blinky_max32630fthr

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/events/equeue/tests/tests.c	Fri Nov 11 20:59:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+ * Testing framework for the events library
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Christopher Haster
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "equeue.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+// Testing setup
+static jmp_buf test_buf;
+static int test_line;
+static int test_failure;
+#define test_assert(test) ({                                                \
+    if (!(test)) {                                                          \
+        test_line = __LINE__;                                               \
+        longjmp(test_buf, 1);                                               \
+    }                                                                       \
+#define test_run(func, ...) ({                                              \
+    printf("%s: ...", #func);                                               \
+    fflush(stdout);                                                         \
+                                                                            \
+    if (!setjmp(test_buf)) {                                                \
+        func(__VA_ARGS__);                                                  \
+        printf("\r%s: \e[32mpassed\e[0m\n", #func);                         \
+    } else {                                                                \
+        printf("\r%s: \e[31mfailed\e[0m at line %d\n", #func, test_line);   \
+        test_failure = true;                                                \
+    }                                                                       \
+// Test functions
+void pass_func(void *eh) {
+void simple_func(void *p) {
+    (*(int *)p)++;
+void sloth_func(void *p) {
+    usleep(10000);
+    (*(int *)p)++;
+struct indirect {
+    int *touched;
+    uint8_t buffer[7];
+void indirect_func(void *p) {
+    struct indirect *i = (struct indirect*)p;
+    (*i->touched)++;
+struct timing {
+    unsigned tick;
+    unsigned delay;
+void timing_func(void *p) {
+    struct timing *timing = (struct timing*)p;
+    unsigned tick = equeue_tick();
+    unsigned t1 = timing->delay;
+    unsigned t2 = tick - timing->tick;
+    test_assert(t1 > t2 - 10 && t1 < t2 + 10);
+    timing->tick = tick;
+struct fragment {
+    equeue_t *q;
+    size_t size;
+    struct timing timing;
+void fragment_func(void *p) {
+    struct fragment *fragment = (struct fragment*)p;
+    timing_func(&fragment->timing);
+    struct fragment *nfragment = equeue_alloc(fragment->q, fragment->size);
+    test_assert(nfragment);
+    *nfragment = *fragment;
+    equeue_event_delay(nfragment, fragment->timing.delay);
+    int id = equeue_post(nfragment->q, fragment_func, nfragment);
+    test_assert(id);
+struct cancel {
+    equeue_t *q;
+    int id;
+void cancel_func(void *p) {
+    struct cancel *cancel = (struct cancel *)p;
+    equeue_cancel(cancel->q, cancel->id);
+struct nest {
+    equeue_t *q;
+    void (*cb)(void *);
+    void *data;
+void nest_func(void *p) {
+    struct nest *nest = (struct nest *)p;
+    equeue_call(nest->q, nest->cb, nest->data);
+    usleep(10000);
+// Simple call tests
+void simple_call_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void simple_call_in_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    int id = equeue_call_in(&q, 10, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 15);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void simple_call_every_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    int id = equeue_call_every(&q, 10, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 15);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void simple_post_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int touched = false;
+    struct indirect *i = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct indirect));
+    test_assert(i);
+    i->touched = &touched;
+    int id = equeue_post(&q, indirect_func, i);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(*i->touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+// Misc tests
+void destructor_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int touched;
+    struct indirect *e;
+    int ids[3];
+    touched = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        e = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct indirect));
+        test_assert(e);
+        e->touched = &touched;
+        equeue_event_dtor(e, indirect_func);
+        int id = equeue_post(&q, pass_func, e);
+        test_assert(id);
+    }
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched == 3);
+    touched = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        e = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct indirect));
+        test_assert(e);
+        e->touched = &touched;
+        equeue_event_dtor(e, indirect_func);
+        ids[i] = equeue_post(&q, pass_func, e);
+        test_assert(ids[i]);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        equeue_cancel(&q, ids[i]);
+    }
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched == 3);
+    touched = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        e = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct indirect));
+        test_assert(e);
+        e->touched = &touched;
+        equeue_event_dtor(e, indirect_func);
+        int id = equeue_post(&q, pass_func, e);
+        test_assert(id);
+    }
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+    test_assert(touched == 3);
+void allocation_failure_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    void *p = equeue_alloc(&q, 4096);
+    test_assert(!p);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+        p = equeue_alloc(&q, 0);
+    }
+    test_assert(!p);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void cancel_test(int N) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    int *ids = malloc(N*sizeof(int));
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+        ids[i] = equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    }
+    for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        equeue_cancel(&q, ids[i]);
+    }
+    free(ids);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(!touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void cancel_inflight_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    int id = equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_cancel(&q, id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(!touched);
+    id = equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_cancel(&q, id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(!touched);
+    struct cancel *cancel = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct cancel));
+    test_assert(cancel);
+    cancel->q = &q;
+    cancel->id = 0;
+    id = equeue_post(&q, cancel_func, cancel);
+    test_assert(id);
+    cancel->id = equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(!touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void cancel_unnecessarily_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int id = equeue_call(&q, pass_func, 0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        equeue_cancel(&q, id);
+    }
+    id = equeue_call(&q, pass_func, 0);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        equeue_cancel(&q, id);
+    }
+    bool touched = false;
+    equeue_call(&q, simple_func, &touched);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        equeue_cancel(&q, id);
+    }
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void loop_protect_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    equeue_call_every(&q, 0, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    touched = false;
+    equeue_call_every(&q, 1, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void break_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    bool touched = false;
+    equeue_call_every(&q, 0, simple_func, &touched);
+    equeue_break(&q);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, -1);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void period_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int count = 0;
+    equeue_call_every(&q, 10, simple_func, &count);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 55);
+    test_assert(count == 5);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void nested_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int touched = 0;
+    struct nest *nest = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct nest));
+    test_assert(nest);
+    nest->q = &q;
+    nest->cb = simple_func;
+    nest->data = &touched;
+    int id = equeue_post(&q, nest_func, nest);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 5);
+    test_assert(touched == 0);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 5);
+    test_assert(touched == 1);
+    touched = 0;
+    nest = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct nest));
+    test_assert(nest);
+    nest->q = &q;
+    nest->cb = simple_func;
+    nest->data = &touched;
+    id = equeue_post(&q, nest_func, nest);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 20);
+    test_assert(touched == 1);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void sloth_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int touched = 0;
+    int id = equeue_call(&q, sloth_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id);
+    id = equeue_call_in(&q, 5, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id);
+    id = equeue_call_in(&q, 15, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 20);
+    test_assert(touched == 3);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void *multithread_thread(void *p) {
+    equeue_t *q = (equeue_t *)p;
+    equeue_dispatch(q, -1);
+    return 0;
+void multithread_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int touched = 0;
+    equeue_call_every(&q, 1, simple_func, &touched);
+    pthread_t thread;
+    err = pthread_create(&thread, 0, multithread_thread, &q);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    usleep(10000);
+    equeue_break(&q);
+    err = pthread_join(thread, 0);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    test_assert(touched);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void background_func(void *p, int ms) {
+    *(unsigned *)p = ms;
+void background_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    int id = equeue_call_in(&q, 20, pass_func, 0);
+    test_assert(id);
+    unsigned ms;
+    equeue_background(&q, background_func, &ms);
+    test_assert(ms == 20);
+    id = equeue_call_in(&q, 10, pass_func, 0);
+    test_assert(id);
+    test_assert(ms == 10);
+    id = equeue_call(&q, pass_func, 0);
+    test_assert(id);
+    test_assert(ms == 0);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, 0);
+    test_assert(ms == 10);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+    test_assert(ms == -1);
+void chain_test(void) {
+    equeue_t q1;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q1, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    equeue_t q2;
+    err = equeue_create(&q2, 2048);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    equeue_chain(&q2, &q1);
+    int touched = 0;
+    int id1 = equeue_call_in(&q1, 20, simple_func, &touched);
+    int id2 = equeue_call_in(&q2, 20, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id1 && id2);
+    id1 = equeue_call(&q1, simple_func, &touched);
+    id2 = equeue_call(&q2, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id1 && id2);
+    id1 = equeue_call_in(&q1, 5, simple_func, &touched);
+    id2 = equeue_call_in(&q2, 5, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id1 && id2);
+    equeue_cancel(&q1, id1);
+    equeue_cancel(&q2, id2);
+    id1 = equeue_call_in(&q1, 10, simple_func, &touched);
+    id2 = equeue_call_in(&q2, 10, simple_func, &touched);
+    test_assert(id1 && id2);
+    equeue_dispatch(&q1, 30);
+    test_assert(touched == 6);
+// Barrage tests
+void simple_barrage_test(int N) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, N*(EQUEUE_EVENT_SIZE+sizeof(struct timing)));
+    test_assert(!err);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+        struct timing *timing = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct timing));
+        test_assert(timing);
+        timing->tick = equeue_tick();
+        timing->delay = (i+1)*100;
+        equeue_event_delay(timing, timing->delay);
+        equeue_event_period(timing, timing->delay);
+        int id = equeue_post(&q, timing_func, timing);
+        test_assert(id);
+    }
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, N*100);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+void fragmenting_barrage_test(int N) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q,
+            2*N*(EQUEUE_EVENT_SIZE+sizeof(struct fragment)+N*sizeof(int)));
+    test_assert(!err);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+        size_t size = sizeof(struct fragment) + i*sizeof(int);
+        struct fragment *fragment = equeue_alloc(&q, size);
+        test_assert(fragment);
+        fragment->q = &q;
+        fragment->size = size;
+        fragment->timing.tick = equeue_tick();
+        fragment->timing.delay = (i+1)*100;
+        equeue_event_delay(fragment, fragment->timing.delay);
+        int id = equeue_post(&q, fragment_func, fragment);
+        test_assert(id);
+    }
+    equeue_dispatch(&q, N*100);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+struct ethread {
+    pthread_t thread;
+    equeue_t *q;
+    int ms;
+static void *ethread_dispatch(void *p) {
+    struct ethread *t = (struct ethread*)p;
+    equeue_dispatch(t->q, t->ms);
+    return 0;
+void multithreaded_barrage_test(int N) {
+    equeue_t q;
+    int err = equeue_create(&q, N*(EQUEUE_EVENT_SIZE+sizeof(struct timing)));
+    test_assert(!err);
+    struct ethread t;
+    t.q = &q;
+ = N*100;
+    err = pthread_create(&t.thread, 0, ethread_dispatch, &t);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+        struct timing *timing = equeue_alloc(&q, sizeof(struct timing));
+        test_assert(timing);
+        timing->tick = equeue_tick();
+        timing->delay = (i+1)*100;
+        equeue_event_delay(timing, timing->delay);
+        equeue_event_period(timing, timing->delay);
+        int id = equeue_post(&q, timing_func, timing);
+        test_assert(id);
+    }
+    err = pthread_join(t.thread, 0);
+    test_assert(!err);
+    equeue_destroy(&q);
+int main() {
+    printf("beginning tests...\n");
+    test_run(simple_call_test);
+    test_run(simple_call_in_test);
+    test_run(simple_call_every_test);
+    test_run(simple_post_test);
+    test_run(destructor_test);
+    test_run(allocation_failure_test);
+    test_run(cancel_test, 20);
+    test_run(cancel_inflight_test);
+    test_run(cancel_unnecessarily_test);
+    test_run(loop_protect_test);
+    test_run(break_test);
+    test_run(period_test);
+    test_run(nested_test);
+    test_run(sloth_test);
+    test_run(background_test);
+    test_run(chain_test);
+    test_run(multithread_test);
+    test_run(simple_barrage_test, 20);
+    test_run(fragmenting_barrage_test, 20);
+    test_run(multithreaded_barrage_test, 20);
+    printf("done!\n");
+    return test_failure;