Development mbed library for MAX32630FTHR

Dependents:   blinky_max32630fthr

Fri Dec 16 16:27:57 2016 +0000
Changed ADC scale for MAX32625 platforms to 1.2V full scale to match MAX32630 platforms

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 1 # Build Profiles
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 2 Mbed 5.0 supports three primary build profiles, *default*, *debug* and *small*. When using
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 3 the online compiler the *default* profile is used. When building from the command line
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 4 the desired profile can be can be selected by adding the ```--profile <profile>```
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 5 command line flag. Custom user defined profiles can also be specific by giving the path
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 6 the the profile.
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 7
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 8 ## Default profile
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 9 * Small and fast code
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 10 * Full error information - e.x. asserts have filename and line number
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 11 * Hard to follow code flow when using a debugger
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 12
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 13 ## Debug profile
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 14 * Easy to step through code with a debugger
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 15 * Full error information - e.x. asserts have filename and line number
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 16 * Largest and slowest profile
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 17
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 18 ## Small profile
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 19 * Smallest profile and still fast
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 20 * Minimal error information
switches 0:5c4d7b2438d3 21 * Hard to follow code flow when using a debugger