Sample program for using Pubnub on AT&T IoT Starter Kit (which has the WNC modem)

Dependencies:   Pubnub_mbed2_sync WNCInterface mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of WNCInterface_M2XMQTTdemo by Avnet

diff -r a163267890fa -r 57a5d7fbba6d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Oct 08 00:59:51 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Nov 10 22:44:09 2016 +0000
@@ -1,83 +1,60 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "WNCInterface.h"
-//#define DEBUG
-#define LOOP_DELAY_MS  8000
-#include "minimal-mqtt.h"
-#include "minimal-json.h"
-#include "M2XMQTTClient.h"
-#define CRLF    "\n\r"
-//Device ID:        8bcfff8a8514678f0fc6b56cb0f55c87
-//Master Key:       3d1f3c0f42a8c541205f706f62c65330
-char deviceId[] = "8bcfff8a8514678f0fc6b56cb0f55c87"; // Device Primary API Key
-char m2xKey[]   = "3d1f3c0f42a8c541205f706f62c65330"; // Your M2X Master API Key
-char name[] = "Wake Forest"; // Name of current location of datasource
+#include "pubnub_sync.h"
-const char *hstreamName = "humidity";
-const char *tstreamName = "temperature";
-double latitude = -37.97884;
-double longitude = -57.54787; // You can also read those values from a GPS
-double elevation = 15;
+#define CRLF "\r\n"
-const char *streamNames[] = { tstreamName, hstreamName };
-int streamNum  = sizeof(streamNames)/sizeof(const char *);
-const int counts[] = { 2, 1 };
-const char *ats[] = { "2016-09-12T12:12:12.234Z", 
-                      "2016-09-12T12:12:12.567Z", 
-                      "2016-09-12T12:12:12.000Z" };
-double values[] = { 27.9, 81.2, 16.1 };
-Client client;
-M2XMQTTClient m2xClient(&client, m2xKey);
 WNCInterface eth;
-int main() {
-  int response, cnt=1;
-  double tval = 0.9;
-  double hval = 101.0;
-  pc.baud(115200);
-  pc.printf(CRLF CRLF "M2X MQTT Test starting..." CRLF);
+extern "C" int myprintf(char *, ...) { return 0; }
-  pc.printf("init() returned 0x%04X" CRLF, eth.init(NULL,&pc));
-  eth.connect();
-  pc.printf("IP Address: %s" CRLF, eth.getIPAddress());
-  eth.doDebug(0);
-  while (true) {
-    tval += 0.1;
-    if( tval > 100.0 ) tval = 0.9;
-    pc.printf("\r\n\r\nSending readings #%d\r\n",cnt++);
-    response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, tstreamName, tval);
-    pc.printf("Sending temperature value: %lf, Response= %d" CRLF, tval, response);
+int main()
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf(CRLF CRLF "Pubnub Test starting..." CRLF);
+    pc.printf("init() returned 0x%04X" CRLF, eth.init(NULL,&pc));
+    eth.connect();
+    pc.printf("IP Address: %s" CRLF, eth.getIPAddress());
+    eth.doDebug(1);
-    if( hval < 2.0 ) hval = 101.0;
-    hval -= 1.0;
-    pc.printf("Sending humidity value: %lf", hval);
-    response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, hstreamName, hval);
-    pc.printf(", Response= %d" CRLF, response);
-    pc.printf("Calling postDeviceUpdates...");
-    response = m2xClient.postDeviceUpdates(deviceId, 
-                streamNum,
-                streamNames, 
-                counts, 
-                ats, 
-                values);
-    pc.printf(" Response = %d" CRLF, response);
-    pc.printf("Calling updateLocation...");
-    response = m2xClient.updateLocation(deviceId, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
-    pc.printf(" Response =  %d" CRLF, response);
-    elevation++;
-    delay(LOOP_DELAY_MS);
-  }
+    pubnub_t *pbp = pubnub_alloc();
+    pubnub_init(pbp, "demo", "demo");  
+    while (true) {
+        pubnub_res rslt = pubnub_publish(pbp, "hello_world", "\"Hello world from MBed WNC!\"");
+        if (rslt != PNR_STARTED) {
+            pc.printf("Failed to start publishing, rslt=%d"CRLF, rslt);
+        }
+        else {
+            rslt = pubnub_await(pbp);
+            if (rslt != PNR_OK) {
+                pc.printf("Failed to finished publishing, rslt=%d"CRLF, rslt);
+            }
+            else {
+                pc.printf("Published! Response from Pubnub: %s"CRLF, pubnub_last_publish_result(pbp));
+            }
+        }
+        rslt = pubnub_subscribe(pbp, "hello_world", 0);
+        if (rslt != PNR_STARTED) {
+            pc.printf("Failed to start subscribing, rslt=%d"CRLF, rslt);
+        }
+        else {
+            rslt = pubnub_await(pbp);
+            if (rslt != PNR_OK) {
+                pc.printf("Failed to finished subscribing, rslt=%d"CRLF, rslt);
+            }
+            else {
+                pc.printf("Subscribed! Received messages follow: %s"CRLF);
+                while (char const *msg = pubnub_get(pbp)) {
+                    pc.printf("subscribe got: %s"CRLF, msg);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        wait_ms(1000);
+    }