Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit. Functionally similar to the Flow demo.

Dependencies:   FXOS8700CQ MODSERIAL mbed

Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit

This demo is functionally similar to the Flow demo, so you can find general information here:

The only difference is that we use Pubnub to publish the measurements and subscribe to receiving the instructions to set the LED.


Pubnub related settings are:

Pubnub settings in `config_me.h`


All are documented in their respective comments.

Pubnub context class

Similar to Pubnub SDKs, we provide a Pubnub context class. It is defined in pubnub.h header file and implemented in pubnub.cpp.

It provides only the fundamental "publish" and "subscribe" methods. They are documented in the header file.

This class is reusable in other code (it is not specific to this demo), it has a very narrow interface to the AT&T IoT cellular modem code. For example of use, you can look at the main() (in main.c).

Sample of published data

Published message w/measurement data


Don't worry, nobody got burnt, the temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit. :)

Publish a message (from, say, the Pubnub console of the form {"LED":<name-of-the-color>} on the channel that this demo listens to (default is hello_world) to turn the LED to that color on the Starter Kit:

Turn LED to red


Turn LED to green


Turn LED to blue

diff -r 000000000000 -r 9d5134074d84 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 08 23:52:38 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <cctype>
+#include <string>
+#include "SerialBuffered.h"
+#include "HTS221.h"
+// comment out the following line if color is not supported on the terminal
+#define USE_COLOR
+#ifdef USE_COLOR
+ #define BLK "\033[30m"
+ #define RED "\033[31m"
+ #define GRN "\033[32m"
+ #define YEL "\033[33m"
+ #define BLU "\033[34m"
+ #define MAG "\033[35m"
+ #define CYN "\033[36m"
+ #define WHT "\033[37m"
+ #define DEF "\033[39m"
+ #define BLK
+ #define RED
+ #define GRN
+ #define YEL
+ #define BLU
+ #define MAG
+ #define CYN
+ #define WHT
+ #define DEF
+#define MDM_DBG_OFF                             0
+#define MDM_DBG_AT_CMDS                         (1 << 0)
+int mdm_dbgmask = MDM_DBG_OFF;
+Serial         pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+SerialBuffered mdm(PTD3, PTD2, 128);
+DigitalOut     led_red(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut     led_green(LED_GREEN);
+DigitalOut  mdm_uart2_rx_boot_mode_sel(PTC17);  // on powerup, 0 = boot mode, 1 = normal boot
+DigitalOut  mdm_power_on(PTB9);                 // 0 = turn modem on, 1 = turn modem off (should be held high for >5 seconds to cycle modem)
+DigitalOut  mdm_wakeup_in(PTC2);                // 0 = let modem sleep, 1 = keep modem awake -- Note: pulled high on shield
+DigitalOut  shield_3v3_1v8_sig_trans_ena(PTC4); // 0 = disabled (all signals high impedence, 1 = translation active
+DigitalOut  mdm_uart1_cts(PTD0);
+#define TOUPPER(a) (a) //toupper(a)
+const char ok_str[] = "OK";
+const char error_str[] = "ERROR";
+#define MDM_OK                                  0
+#define MDM_ERR_TIMEOUT                         -1
+#define MAX_AT_RSP_LEN                          255
+// The modem will return strings of HEX encoded data.  This function takes
+// a pointer to a string of HEX ASCII data and converts it into a string
+// of ASCII data.  It takes a pointer to the string of HEX ASCII data and
+// a pointer to the destination string.  It returns the number of characters
+// it converted.
+int DecodeASCIIstr(string& ins, string& outs) {
+    int val, n = 0;
+    char ts[2];
+    while(n<ins.length()) {
+        val = atoi((const char*)ins[n])*16+atoi((const char*)ins[n+1]);
+        sprintf(ts,"%c",val);
+        outs.append(ts);
+        n += 2;
+     }
+     return outs.length();
+// Modem expects data to be passed to it in the form of HEX encoded strings.  This
+// function takes a pointer to a users supplied ASCII string, and converts it into
+// an ASCII string of equivelent HEX numbers encoded as a string.  The function takes
+// a pointer to the users input string, and a pointer to the output string.  The
+// function returns the number of characters converted or 0 if an error occurs or more
+// than 750 characters were converted.  The 750 chacter limit is because the modem
+// will only accept up to 1500 characters, and the converted srings will be 2x the
+// input string since the hex representation of 1 character is a two digit hex value.
+int CreateASCIIstr(string& in, string& out) {
+    int i = 0;
+    char ts[3];
+    if( in.length() > 749 )
+      return 0;
+    while(in[i] != 0x00) {
+        sprintf(ts,"%02X", in[i]);
+        out.append(ts);
+        i++;
+        }
+    return out.length();
+ssize_t mdm_getline(char *buff, size_t size, int timeout_ms) {
+    int cin = -1;
+    int cin_last;
+    if (NULL == buff || size == 0) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    size_t len = 0;
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+    while ((len < (size-1)) && (timer.read_ms() < timeout_ms)) {
+        if (mdm.readable()) {
+            cin_last = cin;
+            cin = mdm.getc();
+            if (isprint(cin)) {
+                buff[len++] = (char)cin;
+                continue;
+            } else if (('\r' == cin_last) && ('\n' == cin)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        wait_ms(1);
+    }
+    buff[len] = NULL;
+    return len;
+int mdm_sendAtCmd(const char *cmd, const char **rsp_list, int timeout_ms) {
+    if (cmd && strlen(cmd) > 0) {
+        if (mdm_dbgmask & MDM_DBG_AT_CMDS) {
+            printf(MAG "ATCMD: " DEF "--> " GRN "%s" DEF "\n", cmd);
+        }
+        mdm.printf("%s\r\n", cmd);
+    }
+    if (rsp_list) {
+        Timer   timer;
+        char    rsp[MAX_AT_RSP_LEN+1];
+        int     len;
+        timer.start();
+        while (timer.read_ms() < timeout_ms) {
+            len = mdm_getline(rsp, sizeof(rsp), timeout_ms - timer.read_ms());
+            if (len < 0)
+                return MDM_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+            if (len == 0)
+                continue;
+            if (mdm_dbgmask & MDM_DBG_AT_CMDS) {
+                printf(MAG "ATRSP: " DEF "<-- " CYN "%s" DEF "\n", rsp);
+            }
+            if (rsp_list) {
+                int rsp_idx = 0;
+                while (rsp_list[rsp_idx]) {
+                    if (strcasecmp(rsp, rsp_list[rsp_idx]) == 0) {
+                        return rsp_idx;
+                    }
+                    rsp_idx++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return MDM_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    return MDM_OK;
+int mdm_init(void) {
+    // disable signal level translator
+    shield_3v3_1v8_sig_trans_ena = 0;
+    // power modem on //off
+    mdm_power_on = 0; //1;
+    // insure modem boots into normal operating mode
+    // and does not go to sleep when powered on
+    mdm_uart2_rx_boot_mode_sel = 1;
+    mdm_wakeup_in = 1;
+    // initialze comm with the modem
+    mdm.baud(115200);
+    mdm_uart1_cts = 0;
+    // enable the signal level translator to start
+    // modem reset process (modem will be powered down)
+    shield_3v3_1v8_sig_trans_ena = 1;
+    // Give the modem 60 secons to start responding by
+    // sending simple 'AT' commands to modem once per second.
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+    while ( < 60) {
+        const char * rsp_lst[] = { ok_str, error_str, NULL };
+        int rc = mdm_sendAtCmd("AT", rsp_lst, 500);
+        if (rc == 0)
+            return;
+        wait_ms(1000 - (timer.read_ms() % 1000));
+        pc.printf("\r%d",timer.read_ms()/1000);
+    }
+    return false;       
+#define CTOF(x)  ((x)*1.8+32)
+int main() {
+    HTS221 hts221;
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    int i,
+        CreateASCIIstr(string& in, string& out), 
+        DecodeASCIIstr(string& ins, string& outs);
+    string ins, outs;
+    void hts221_init(void);
+    pc.printf(BLU "Hello World from AT&T Shape!\r\n");
+    pc.printf(GRN "Initialize the HTS221\n\r");
+    i = hts221.begin();  
+    if( i ) 
+        pc.printf(BLU "HTS221 Detected! (0x%02X)\n\r",i);
+    else
+        pc.printf(RED "HTS221 NOT DETECTED!!\n\r");
+    printf("Temp  is: %0.2f F \n\r",CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()));
+    printf("Humid is: %02d %%\n\r",hts221.readHumidity());
+    // Initialize the modem
+    printf(GRN "Modem initializing... will take up to 60 seconds" DEF "\r\n");
+    i=mdm_init();
+    if (!i) {
+        pc.printf(RED "Modem initialization failed!" DEF "\n");
+        while (1);
+    }
+    // Now that the modem is up and running, transfer characters
+    // between the pc terminal and the modem to give the user
+    // a virtual terminal to the modem.
+    pc.printf(YEL "\rAT command interface ready, completed in %d seconds.  You may now type AT commands" DEF "\r\n",i);
+    while(1) {
+        if(pc.readable()) {
+            char char_in = TOUPPER(pc.getc());
+            static char last_char_in = 0;
+            if (('\r' == char_in) || ('\n' == char_in))
+            {
+                if (('\r' == char_in) || ('\r' != last_char_in))
+                {
+                    mdm.puts("\r\n");
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pc.putc(char_in);
+                mdm.putc(char_in);
+            }
+            last_char_in = char_in;
+        }
+        if(mdm.readable()) {
+            char ser_char = mdm.getc();
+                pc.putc(ser_char);
+            }
+    }