communication mbed/pld altera lib

Dependents:   scooter_mbed_etudiant scooter_mbed_correction_mbed_os scooter_ scooter_mbed_etudiant_fini_1 ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r 49abff3f269a bloc_io.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bloc_io.h	Thu Aug 06 06:27:00 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#ifndef BLOC_IO_H
+#define BLOC_IO_H
+ #endif
+#include "mbed.h"
+/** bloc_io class.
+ *  Used for exchange byte with altera 7064 PLD.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "bloc_io.h"
+ *
+ * Bloc_IO My_PLD (pin RD_WRn,pin CS, pin D0......,pin D7);
+ * unsigned char byVal; 
+ * 
+ * int main() {
+ *     My_PLD.write (byVal);// send byte from Mbed to PLD
+*;// read byre from PLD to Mbed 
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+class Bloc_IO {
+ /** Bloc_IO construct
+         *
+         * @param RD_WRn pin reserved for R/W control signal  on mbed
+         * @param CS pin reserved for chip select control signal  on mbed
+         * @param __D0 pin reserved for lsb on Mbed data bus
+         * @param __D7 pin reserved for msb on Mbed data bus
+         * @returns
+         *  no return
+         */
+    Bloc_IO(PinName RD_WRn,PinName CS,PinName __D0,PinName __D1,PinName __D2,PinName __D3,PinName __D4,PinName __D5,PinName __D6,PinName __D7);
+    /**  read byte method
+         *@param : no parameter
+         * @returns
+         *  byte red from PLD
+         */
+    unsigned char read(void);
+    /**  write byte method
+         *@param byWrVal: byte to write to PLD
+         * @returns
+         *  no returns
+         */
+    void write (unsigned char byWrVal);
+    DigitalOut _RD_WRn;
+    DigitalOut _CS;
+    BusInOut Bloc_IoPort; 
+  // DigitalInOut _D0,_D1,_D2,_D3,_D4,_D5,_D6,_D7;