debug version

Dependents:   HTTPClient_WiFi_HelloWorld_src

Fork of SNICInterface by muRata

diff -r ae95309643aa -r 33f1bc919486 Socket/UDPSocket.cpp
--- a/Socket/UDPSocket.cpp	Fri May 30 08:30:40 2014 +0000
+++ b/Socket/UDPSocket.cpp	Tue Jun 03 08:53:07 2014 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
  * ***********************************************************************/
 #include "Socket/UDPSocket.h"
 #include <cstring>
 UDPSocket::UDPSocket() {
@@ -45,19 +44,233 @@
 // Server initialization
-int UDPSocket::bind(int port) 
+int UDPSocket::bind(short port) 
+    int ret;
+    C_SNIC_Core               *snic_core_p  = C_SNIC_Core::getInstance();
+    C_SNIC_UartCommandManager *uartCmdMgr_p = snic_core_p->getUartCommand();
+    // Get local ip address.
+    // Get buffer for response payload from MemoryPool
+    tagMEMPOOL_BLOCK_T *payload_buf = snic_core_p->allocCmdBuf();
+    if( payload_buf == NULL )
+    {
+        printf("UDP bind payload_buf NULL\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_GET_DHCP_INFO_REQ_T req;
+    // Make request
+    req.cmd_sid      = UART_CMD_SID_SNIC_GET_DHCP_INFO_REQ;
+    req.seq          = mUartRequestSeq++;
+    req.interface    = 0;
+    unsigned char command_array[UART_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_MAX];
+    unsigned int  command_len;
+    // Preparation of command
+    command_len = snic_core_p->preparationSendCommand( UART_CMD_ID_SNIC, req.cmd_sid, (unsigned char *)&req
+                            , sizeof(C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_GET_DHCP_INFO_REQ_T), payload_buf->buf, command_array );
+    // Send uart command request
+    snic_core_p->sendUart( command_len, command_array );
+    // Wait UART response
+    ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
+    if( ret != 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "UDP bind failed\r\n" );
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != UART_CMD_RES_SNIC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        printf("UDP bind status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    unsigned int local_addr = (payload_buf->buf[9]  << 24)
+                            | (payload_buf->buf[10] << 16)
+                            | (payload_buf->buf[11] << 8)
+                            | (payload_buf->buf[12]);
+    C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_UDP_CREATE_SOCKET_REQ_T create_req;
+    // Make request
+    create_req.cmd_sid  = UART_CMD_SID_SNIC_UDP_CREATE_SOCKET_REQ;
+    create_req.seq      = mUartRequestSeq++;
+    create_req.bind     = 1;
+    // set ip addr ( byte order )
+    C_SNIC_UartMsgUtil::convertIntToByteAdday( local_addr, (char *)create_req.local_addr );
+    create_req.local_port[0] = ( (port & 0xFF00) >> 8 );
+    create_req.local_port[1] = (port & 0xFF);
+    // Preparation of command
+    command_len = snic_core_p->preparationSendCommand( UART_CMD_ID_SNIC, create_req.cmd_sid, (unsigned char *)&create_req
+                            , sizeof(C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_UDP_CREATE_SOCKET_REQ_T), payload_buf->buf, command_array );
+    // Send uart command request
+    snic_core_p->sendUart( command_len, command_array );
+    // Wait UART response
+    ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
+    if( ret != 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "UDP bind failed\r\n" );
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != 0 )
+    {
+        printf("UDP bind status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    mSocketID = payload_buf->buf[3];
+    C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_UDP_START_RECV_REQ_T recv_start_req;
+    // Make request
+    recv_start_req.cmd_sid         = UART_CMD_SID_SNIC_UDP_START_RECV_REQ;
+    recv_start_req.seq             = mUartRequestSeq++;
+    recv_start_req.socket_id       = mSocketID;
+    recv_start_req.recv_bufsize[0] = ( (SNIC_UART_RECVBUF_SIZE & 0xFF00) >> 8 );
+    recv_start_req.recv_bufsize[1] = (SNIC_UART_RECVBUF_SIZE & 0xFF);
+    // Preparation of command
+    command_len = snic_core_p->preparationSendCommand( UART_CMD_ID_SNIC, recv_start_req.cmd_sid, (unsigned char *)&recv_start_req
+                            , sizeof(C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_UDP_START_RECV_REQ_T), payload_buf->buf, command_array );
+    // Send uart command request
+    snic_core_p->sendUart( command_len, command_array );
+    // Wait UART response
+    ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
+    if( ret != 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "UDP recv start failed\r\n" );
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != 0 )
+    {
+        printf("UDP recv start status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
     return 0;
 // -1 if unsuccessful, else number of bytes written
 int UDPSocket::sendTo(Endpoint &remote, char *packet, int length)
+    C_SNIC_Core               *snic_core_p  = C_SNIC_Core::getInstance();
+    C_SNIC_UartCommandManager *uartCmdMgr_p = snic_core_p->getUartCommand();
+    // Get buffer for response payload from MemoryPool
+    tagMEMPOOL_BLOCK_T *payload_buf = snic_core_p->allocCmdBuf();
+    if( payload_buf == NULL )
+    {
+        printf("connect payload_buf NULL\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // Make request
+    req.cmd_sid       = UART_CMD_SID_SNIC_UDP_SIMPLE_SEND_REQ;
+    req.seq           = mUartRequestSeq++;
+    int addr_temp;
+    addr_temp = C_SNIC_UartMsgUtil::addrToInteger( remote.get_address() );
+    C_SNIC_UartMsgUtil::convertIntToByteAdday( addr_temp, (char *)req.remote_ip );
+    req.remote_port[0]= ( (remote.get_port() & 0xFF00) >> 8 );
+    req.remote_port[1]= (remote.get_port() & 0xFF);
+    req.payload_len[0]= ( (length & 0xFF00) >> 8 );
+    req.payload_len[1]= (length & 0xFF);
+    int req_size = sizeof(C_SNIC_Core::tagSNIC_UDP_SIMPLE_SEND_REQ_T);
+    char *send_buf_p = getSocketSendBuf();
+    memcpy( send_buf_p, &req, req_size );
+    memcpy( &send_buf_p[req_size], packet, length );
+    unsigned char *command_array = snic_core_p->getCommandBuf();
+    unsigned int   command_len;
+    // Preparation of command
+    command_len = snic_core_p->preparationSendCommand( UART_CMD_ID_SNIC, req.cmd_sid, (unsigned char *)send_buf_p
+                            , req_size + length, payload_buf->buf, command_array );
+    // Send uart command request
+    snic_core_p->sendUart( command_len, command_array );
+    // Wait UART response
+    int ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
+    if( ret != 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "send failed\r\n" );
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != UART_CMD_RES_SNIC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        printf("send status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf );
     return 0;
 // -1 if unsuccessful, else number of bytes received
-int UDPSocket::receiveFrom(Endpoint &remote, char *buffer, int length)
+int UDPSocket::receiveFrom(Endpoint &remote, char *data_p, int length)
-    return 0;
+    if( (data_p == NULL) || (length < 1) )
+    {
+        printf("UDPSocket::receiveFrom parameter error\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    C_SNIC_Core                    *snic_core_p  = C_SNIC_Core::getInstance();
+    // Initialize connection information
+    C_SNIC_Core::tagUDP_RECVINFO_T *con_info_p = snic_core_p->getUdpRecvInfo( mSocketID );
+    if( con_info_p->recvbuf_p == NULL )
+    {
+//        printf("UDPSocket::receiveFrom Conncection info error\r\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if( con_info_p->is_received == false )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    char remote_ip[20] = {'\0'};
+    sprintf( remote_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d"
+        , (con_info_p->from_ip >>24) & 0x000000ff
+        , (con_info_p->from_ip >>16) & 0x000000ff
+        , (con_info_p->from_ip >>8)  & 0x000000ff
+        , (con_info_p->from_ip)      & 0x000000ff );
+    remote.set_address( remote_ip, con_info_p->from_port );
+    int i;
+    // Get packet data from buffer for receive.
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i ++) 
+    {
+        if (con_info_p->recvbuf_p->dequeue(&data_p[i]) == false)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if( con_info_p->recvbuf_p->isEmpty() )
+    {
+        con_info_p->is_received = false;
+    }
+    return i;