Updated with option to return from BP screen to main screen, resolved screen navigation issues

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem TFTLCD_8bit ds3231 program mbed

Fork of poc_dis_5 by SenseSemi

diff -r 000000000000 -r c47fb0c1bbf6 touch_modules.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/touch_modules.cpp	Tue Dec 27 10:30:48 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ili9325.h"
+#include "lcd_base.h"
+#include "display_modules.h"
+#include "touch_modules.h"
+InterruptIn Touch_D(PTD6);
+int i;
+unsigned int xt;
+unsigned int yt;
+void touch1()  //determining the touch co-ordinates
+   xt = (X_MAX*readTouchX()/TOTAL1);
+            yt = (Y_MAX*readTouchY()/TOTAL1);
+    }
+void detect_touch()   // detect the touch //debounce
+    while(Touch_D)//touch detection 
+    {
+         wait_ms(200); ///wait for debounce check
+           if (Touch_D)
+           {  
+             Touch_D.fall(&touch1);  //determine the touch co-ordinates
+             break;
+            }
+         DisableTouch(); 
+         }
+ }
+  }
+unsigned char touch_main()    //determining the touch for home screen
+    unsigned char state;
+                  if ( ((xt >=35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) // GLC
+                       {
+                          state=1;
+                        }
+                 else if ( ((xt >=130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) // ECG
+                      {
+                           state=2;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) ) // BP
+                      {
+                                state=3;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) ) // SET
+                       {
+                                 state=4;
+                       }
+         return state;     
+    }
+unsigned char touch_ecg()     // determining the touch for ecg screen
+      unsigned char state;
+if ( ((xt >=28) && (xt<=125)) && ( (yt>= 225) && (yt<= 285) ) ) // home screen 
+                            {
+                                state=5;
+                            }
+                      if ( ((xt >=35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) // SET
+                            {
+                               state=6;
+                            }
+                    else if ( ((xt >=150) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 80) && (yt<= 190) ) ) // start
+                            {
+                                 state=7;
+                             }
+                    else if ( ((xt >= 35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) ) // history
+                            {
+                              state=8;
+                             }
+           return state;
+    }
+unsigned char touch_bp()   // //determining the touch for bp screen
+        unsigned char state;
+if ( ((xt >=28) && (xt<=125)) && ( (yt>= 225) && (yt<= 285) ) ) 
+                       {
+                          state=1;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >=35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) 
+                       {
+                          state=2;
+                        }
+                 else if ( ((xt >=130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) 
+                      {
+                           state=3;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) ) 
+                      {
+                                state=4;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) )
+                       {
+                                 state=5;
+                       }
+           return state;
+    }
+unsigned char touch_glc()        ////determining the touch for home screen
+    {
+        unsigned char state;
+if ( ((xt >=28) && (xt<=125)) && ( (yt>= 225) && (yt<= 285) ) ) 
+                       {
+                          state=1;
+                        }
+                 else if ( ((xt >=35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) 
+                       {
+                          state=2;
+                        }
+                 else if ( ((xt >=130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 135) && (yt<= 185) ) ) 
+                      {
+                           state=3;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 35) && (xt<=100)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) )
+                      {
+                                state=4;
+                       }
+                 else if ( ((xt >= 130) && (xt<=195)) && ( (yt>= 65) && (yt<= 118) ) ) // SET
+                       {
+                                 state=5;
+                       }
+           return state;
+    } 
+int readTouchY(void) {
+    DigitalOut YD(PTD6);
+     DigitalIn XL(PTD7);
+     DigitalOut YU(PTC0);
+     YU = 1;
+     YD = 0;
+     AnalogIn XR(PTB0);
+     XL.mode(PullNone);
+     return XR.read_u16();
+int readTouchX(void) {
+    DigitalOut XR(PTB0);
+    DigitalIn YD(PTD6);
+     DigitalOut XL(PTD7);
+     XR = 1;
+     XL = 0;
+     AnalogIn YU(PTC0);
+     YD.mode(PullNone);
+     return YU.read_u16();
+void EnableTouch(void){
+    DigitalIn YD(PTD6);
+    DigitalOut XL(PTD7);
+    DigitalIn YU(PTC0);
+    DigitalIn XR(PTB0);
+     XL=0;
+      YD.mode(PullUp);
+     YU.mode(PullNone);
+     XR.mode(PullNone);
+   i=1;
+    Touch_D.fall(&touch1);
+    Touch_D.enable_irq();
+    }
+void DisableTouch (void){
+    Touch_D.disable_irq();
+    i=0;
+    DigitalOut YD(PTD6);
+    DigitalOut XL(PTD7);
+    DigitalOut YU(PTC0);
+    DigitalOut XR(PTB0);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file