Updated with option to return from BP screen to main screen, resolved screen navigation issues

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem TFTLCD_8bit ds3231 program mbed

Fork of poc_dis_5 by SenseSemi

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sdcard.cpp	Mon Jan 30 07:45:41 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ #include "mbed.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "SDFileSystem.h"
+ #include "sdcard.h"
+  #include "rtc.h"
+   #include "main.h" 
+  SDFileSystem sd(PTE1, PTE3, PTE2, PTE4, "sd");
+  FILE *fp=NULL;
+ void sd_open_GLCfile(int pid)
+ {
+  char buffer[32];
+  char buffer1[32];
+  time_t  epoch_time1;
+  epoch_time1=rtc_read();
+ // strftime(buffer, 32, "GLC_%s", pid);
+ sprintf(buffer1,"/sd/GLC_%d.csv",pid);
+  fp = fopen(buffer1,"a"); 
+  fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ctime(&epoch_time1) );
+ }   
+  void sd_open_ECGfile(int pid)
+ {
+ // char buffer[32];
+  char buffer1[32];
+  time_t  epoch_time1;
+  epoch_time1=rtc_read();
+  // strftime(buffer, 32, "ECG_%d", pid);
+  sprintf(buffer1,"/sd/ECG_%d.csv",pid);
+  fp = fopen(buffer1,"a"); 
+  fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ctime(&epoch_time1) );
+ // strftime(buffer, 32, "ECG_%d-%m-%Y_%H_%M",localtime(&epoch_time1));
+ //  fprintf(fp,"%d\n",buffer ); 
+ } 
+  void sd_open_BPfile(int pid)
+ {
+  char buffer[32];
+  char buffer1[32];
+  time_t  epoch_time1;
+  epoch_time1=rtc_read();
+  // strftime(buffer, 32, "ECG_%d", pid);
+  sprintf(buffer1,"/sd/BP_%d.csv",pid);
+  fp = fopen(buffer1,"a"); 
+  fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ctime(&epoch_time1) );
+ } 
+ void sd_write (int value)
+ {
+  fprintf(fp,"%d\n", value); 
+  }
+  void sd_close()
+  {
+   fclose(fp);
+   }
\ No newline at end of file