
Dependencies:   MPU6050_SIM5320_TEST

Fork of MPU_SDCARD by Suad Suljic

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Nov 10 14:45:54 2017 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 203cf529f52a -r 483775fd3399 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Sep 14 16:50:16 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 10 14:45:54 2017 +0000
@@ -1,191 +1,148 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
-#include "SIM5320.h"
-#include "MPU6050.h"
-#include "SensorBoards.h"
-#include "WakeUp.h"
-uint8_t write_sd_buffer[12];
-void create_sensor_data(uint8_t *write_sd_buffer, uint8_t *sensor_board_readings, uint8_t b_id, uint8_t s_id);
-//SIM5320 sim5320(PA_9,PA_10);
-DigitalOut SIM5320_PWR(PA_1);
-DigitalOut SIM_PWR_KEY(PA_15);
-InterruptIn mpuInterrupt(PB_6);
-uint8_t sensor_board_readings[4];
-bool test = false;
-//              MOSI, MISO, SCLK, CS, name
-SDFileSystem sd(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5, PA_4, "sd");
+#include "mbed.h"
+ time_t read_rtc(void) {
+    return 0;
+int main() {
+       // attach_rtc(&read_rtc, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-int go_to_sleep = 0;
-void mpuInterruptCallback()
-    test=!test;
-void rtc_wakeup()
-    go_to_sleep = 1;
+    set_time(1256729737);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
+    while (true) {
+        time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+        printf("Time as seconds since January 1, 1970 = %d\n", seconds);
+        printf("Time as a basic string = %s", ctime(&seconds));
+        char buffer[32];
+        strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M %p\n", localtime(&seconds));
+        printf("Time as a custom formatted string = %s", buffer);
+        wait(1);
+    }
-MPU6050 mpu;
-int main()
-    mpuInterrupt.fall(mpuInterruptCallback);
-    wait(2);
-    mpu.calibrate(accelBias, gyroBias);
-    mpu.initialize();
-    mpu.setSleepEnabled(0);
-    wait(2);
-    mpu.setIntFreefallEnabled(1);
-    mpu.setIntZeroMotionEnabled(0);
-    mpu.setIntMotionEnabled(1);
-    printf("Setting mpu parameters...\r\n");
-    mpu.setMotionDetectionThreshold(1);
-    mpu.setMotionDetectionDuration(15);
-    while(1){
-        printf("sleep\r\n");
-        deepsleep();
-        if(test){
-            wait(1);
-            printf("Desio se motion\r\n");
-            test = 0;
-            }
-        }
-  //  wait(3);
-  //  SIM5320_PWR = 1;
-   // SIM_PWR_KEY = 1;
-   // wait(1);
-   // SIM_PWR_KEY = 0;
-    /*   
-    wait(25);
-    wait(2);
-    printf("Starting...\r\n");
-    printf("Starting...\r\n");
-    printf("Starting...\r\n");
-    printf("Starting...\r\n");
-    sim5320.sendCommand("AT+CNUM",2);
-    printf("Checking credit balance...\r\n");
-    sim5320.sendCommand("AT+CUSD=1, \"*100#\",15",5);
-    //Testing GPS
-    sim5320.enableGPS(true);
-    wait(30);
-    //Gettting GPS location
-    sim5320.sendCommand("AT+CGPSINFO",2);
-    sim5320.sendCommand("AT+CGPSINFO",2);
-    sim5320.sendCommand("AT+CGPSINFO",2);
-    //Testing network connection and disconnection
-    sim5320.connect("","","");
-    wait(2);
-    if(sim5320.disconnect()) {
-        printf("Disconnected\r\n");
-    }
+#include "mbed.h"
+void get(char* buffer,uint16_t &tempDate,uint16_t &tempTime);
-    else {
-        printf("Still connected or error occured!\r\n");
-    }
+char buffer[26];
+time_t read_rtc(void) {
+    return 0;
-    while(1) {
-        wait(1);
-        sim5320.sendCommand("AT",1);
-    }
-    */
+int main() {
- /*   
-    set_time(1495040081);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
-    WakeUp::attach(&rtc_wakeup);
-    WakeUp::calibrate();
-    while (1) {
-        WakeUp::set_ms(5000);
+    set_time(1503687670);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
+    while (true) {
+    uint16_t datum;
+  uint16_t vrijeme;
         time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-        printf("Time = %s\n", ctime(&seconds));
+        //printf("Time as seconds since January 1, 1970 = %d\n", seconds);
+        sprintf(buffer,"%s", ctime(&seconds));
+      //  char buffer[32];
+      //  strftime(buffer, 32,"%s",ctime(&seconds));
+      //  printf("Time as a custom formatted string = %s\n", seconds);
+        //sprintf (buffer,"%s",seconds);
+        printf("|%s|",buffer);
+        buffer[25]='\0';
+        get(buffer,datum,vrijeme);
+        printf("aaa %d  bb  %d\n",datum,vrijeme);
-        printf("sleep\n");
-        deepsleep();
-        if (go_to_sleep == 1) {
-            wait(1);
-            printf("Wake_up\n");
-            go_to_sleep=0;
-        }
-//////////////////////////////////////////////CODE FOR SENDOR_BOARDS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /*
-        uint8_t IDBuffer[8];
-        uint8_t IDMeasure[4];
-        float measure=0.0;
-        float measure2=0.0;
+void get(char* buffer,uint16_t &tempDate,uint16_t &tempTime){
+   // char *a=buffer;
+//uint8_t month=0;
+char month[2]={'0','0'};
+char hour[2];
+char minute[2];
+char day[2];
-        SensorBoards B1;
-         B1.getSensorReadings(0x4a,0x10,IDMeasure);
-        printf("number_of__boards= %d\n",B1.numberOfBoards);
-        B1.sensorBoardScanner();
-        printf("SnesorBoardAdress= %d\n",B1.boards[0].I2CAddress);
-        B1.getSensorNumbers();
-        printf("SensorBoardsensors= %d\n",B1.boards[0].numberOfSensors);
-        B1.getSensorIDs();
-        printf("SensorBoardIDs=%d     %d  \n",B1.boards[0].sensorIDs[0],B1.boards[0].sensorIDs[1]);
-        B1.getSensorReadings(0x4a,0x10,IDMeasure);
-        for(int k=0; k<1; k++) {
-            printf("broj senzora %d \n",B1.boards[k].numberOfSensors);
-            for(int i=0; i<B1.boards[k].numberOfSensors; i++){
-                B1.getSensorReadings(B1.boards[k].I2CAddress,B1.boards[k].sensorIDs[i],IDMeasure);
-                printf("measure=%d %d %d %d keaj\n",IDMeasure[0],IDMeasure[1],IDMeasure[2],IDMeasure[3]);
-                //create_sensor_data(write_sd_buffer,IDMeasure,B1.boards[k].I2CAddress,B1.boards[k].sensorIDs[i]);
-                }
-        }
+char *output = NULL;
+//output = strstr (buffer,"Mar");
+if(strstr (buffer,"Jan")) 
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Feb"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Mar"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Apr"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"May"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Jun"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Jul"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Aug"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Sep"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Okt"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Nov"))
+else if(strstr (buffer,"Dec"))
+printf("Datum je |%s|.|%s|  |%s|:|%s| \n",day,month,hour,minute);
+char tempdate [4];
+int i =atoi(tempdate);
-    for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
-    printf("_%d\n",write_sd_buffer[i]);
-  */  
+printf("Datum je |%d|\n",i);
+char temptime [4];
+int x=atoi(temptime);
+printf("Vrijeme je |%d|\n",x);
-return 0;    
-void create_sensor_data(uint8_t *write_sd_buffer, uint8_t *sensor_board_readings, uint8_t b_id, uint8_t s_id)
-    //pcf8563_read(&rtc);
-    write_sd_buffer[0]=0;
-    write_sd_buffer[1]=1;
-    write_sd_buffer[2]=2;
-    write_sd_buffer[3]=3;
-    write_sd_buffer[4]=4;
-    write_sd_buffer[5] =b_id;       //sensor boaard id
-    write_sd_buffer[6] =s_id;    //sensor id
-    write_sd_buffer[7] =sensor_board_readings[3];          //sensor reading
-    write_sd_buffer[8] =sensor_board_readings[2];          //sensor reading
-    write_sd_buffer[9] =sensor_board_readings[1];          //sensor reading
-    write_sd_buffer[10]=sensor_board_readings[0];         //sensor reading
-    write_sd_buffer[11]=0xFF;
-    write_sd_buffer[12]=0xFF;
\ No newline at end of file
+ }   
+ */