nRF51822 serves as the bridge between BLE central and MCU, which makes cental able to fetch photos from serial camera.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of nRF51822_blinky by RedBearLab


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
21:4753996b0bcb 2016-05-22 stormysun513 Saperate turn on and off command into different packet headers default tip
20:f6e313950373 2016-05-21 stormysun513 Change low power threshold from 100 to 103
19:03d39b923919 2016-05-19 stormysun513 Unlock butto after cassette is unplugged
18:d146cee0a80e 2016-05-01 stormysun513 Fix bug: termination without reset flag
17:0c7951915608 2016-04-17 stormysun513 Fixed bug of low power alert
16:5552833a3401 2016-04-09 stormysun513 Add device code version API
15:c099dd509203 2016-04-08 stormysun513 Fix check insertion bug;
14:f62d55b7dead 2016-04-07 stormysun513 Modify LED Mode and implement low power constraint
13:65c9b7d667f6 2016-02-23 stormysun513 Ketdiary workable version for commanding from central and forwarding data from nRF51822
12:7060e287bdae 2016-02-22 stormysun513 Workable version 1
11:b3929de96933 2016-02-19 stormysun513 I2C LEDs workable
10:9e24f9f4ac47 2016-01-07 RedBearLab Update libraries.
9:d44d16ffd48c 2016-02-19 stormysun513 commit for upgrade library
8:d355609af408 2015-07-27 RedBearLab Update libraries
7:053e387ebb6f 2014-10-31 RedBearLab First commit
6:e8cd76f38fa9 2014-05-09 screamer Fixed the builds URL
5:0ee0afc66ccd 2014-04-03 screamer Always import the latest mbed SDK build
4:81cea7a352b0 2014-03-18 stevep Re-add newline
3:2e347c65be00 2014-03-18 stevep revert
2:c30dc3ae7426 2014-03-18 stevep add comment
1:0e7c9a80e2a6 2014-02-21 Stephen Paulger Use latest build
0:7dec7e9ac085 2013-10-11 dan First commit