
Dependencies:   mbed SRF05

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Tue Feb 12 14:47:42 2019 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

SRF05.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 5ab762b6468f SRF05.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SRF05.lib	Tue Feb 12 14:47:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 5ab762b6468f main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 12 14:47:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ #include "mbed.h"
+#include "SRF05.h"
+Timer chrono1;
+Timer chrono2;
+Timer chrono3;
+Timer chrono4;
+Timer chrono5;
+Timer chrono6;
+Timer chrono7;
+Timer chrono8;
+InterruptIn ch1(p23);
+InterruptIn ch2(p24);
+InterruptIn ch3(p25);
+InterruptIn ch4(p26);
+InterruptIn ch5(p29);
+InterruptIn ch6(p30);
+InterruptIn Ultra1(p5);
+InterruptIn Ultra2(p7);
+//SRF05 srf1(p6, p5);//p6:trigger, p5:echo
+//SRF05 srf2(p8, p7);//p8:trigger, p7:echo
+Serial moteurs(p9, p10);
+DigitalOut del(LED1);
+DigitalOut puls1(p6);
+DigitalOut puls2(p8);
+char etat_US=0;
+double tps_ch1=0,tps_ch2=0,tps_ch3=0,tps_ch4=0,tps_ch5=0,tps_ch6=0,dist_US1=0,dist_US2=0;
+void initial_PWMIn(void);
+void initial_Ultrasons(void);
+int calcul_vitesse(void);
+int calcul_direction(void);
+void ecriture_moteurs(int vitesse, int gouvernail); 
+void impulsion1(void);
+void impulsion2(void);
+void ch1_start() {
+  chrono1.start();
+void ch1_stop()
+    chrono1.stop();
+    tps_ch1 = chrono1.read_us();
+    chrono1.reset();
+void ch2_start() {
+  chrono2.start();
+void ch2_stop()
+    chrono2.stop();
+    tps_ch2 = chrono2.read_us();
+    chrono2.reset();
+void ch3_start() {
+  chrono3.start();
+void ch3_stop()
+    chrono3.stop();
+    tps_ch3 = chrono3.read_us();
+    chrono3.reset();
+void ch4_start() {
+  chrono4.start();
+void ch4_stop()
+    chrono4.stop();
+    tps_ch4 = chrono4.read_us();
+    chrono4.reset();
+void ch5_start() {
+  chrono5.start();
+void ch5_stop()
+    chrono5.stop();
+    tps_ch5 = chrono5.read_us();
+    chrono5.reset();
+void ch6_start() {
+  chrono6.start();
+void ch6_stop()
+    chrono6.stop();
+    tps_ch6 = chrono6.read_us();
+    chrono6.reset();
+void Ultra1_start()
+    if(etat_US==0) 
+    {
+        chrono7.reset();
+        chrono7.start();
+    }
+void Ultra1_stop()//Arrêt du chronomètre du capteur 1 et impulsion capteur 2
+    if(etat_US==0)
+    {
+        chrono7.stop();
+        dist_US1=chrono7.read_us()/58.0;//donne la distance en cm
+        etat_US = 1;
+        impulsion2();
+    }
+void Ultra2_start()//Lancement du chronomètre du capteur 2 
+    if(etat_US==1) 
+    {
+        chrono8.reset();
+        chrono8.start();
+    }
+void Ultra2_stop()//Arrêt du chronomètre du capteur 2 et lancement d'une impulsion sur le capteur 1
+    if(etat_US==1)
+    {
+        chrono8.stop();
+        dist_US2=chrono8.read_us()/58.0;//donne la distance en cm
+        etat_US = 0;
+        impulsion1();
+    }
+int main() {
+  PC.baud(460800);
+  initial_PWMIn();
+  initial_Ultrasons();
+  impulsion1();
+  int vitesse,direction;
+  while(true) {
+    if(tps_ch6 > 1200) del = 1; //Allume la led si ch6 en position haute
+    if(tps_ch6 < 1200) del = 0; //Allume la led si ch6 en position basse
+    //vitesse = calcul_vitesse();
+    //direction = calcul_direction();
+    //ecriture_moteurs(vitesse,direction);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 1:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch1);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 2:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch2);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 3:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch3);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 4:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch4);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 5:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch5);
+    PC.printf("Tps haut entree 6:%.lfus\n\r",tps_ch6);
+    PC.printf("Distance 1:%.lfcm\n\r",dist_US1);
+    PC.printf("Distance 2:%.lfcm\n\r",dist_US2);
+    //PC.printf("Vitesse :%d\n\r",vitesse);
+    //PC.printf("Direction : %d\n\r",direction);
+    PC.printf("\n\r");
+    wait(0.2);
+  }
+void initial_PWMIn(void)
+  ch1.rise(&ch1_start);
+  ch1.fall(&ch1_stop); 
+  ch2.rise(&ch2_start);
+  ch2.fall(&ch2_stop);
+  ch3.rise(&ch3_start);
+  ch3.fall(&ch3_stop); 
+  ch4.rise(&ch4_start);
+  ch4.fall(&ch4_stop);
+  ch5.rise(&ch5_start);
+  ch5.fall(&ch5_stop); 
+  ch6.rise(&ch6_start);
+  ch6.fall(&ch6_stop);
+  chrono1.reset();
+  chrono2.reset();
+  chrono3.reset();
+  chrono4.reset();
+  chrono5.reset();
+  chrono6.reset();
+void initial_Ultrasons(void)
+    Ultra1.rise(&Ultra1_start);
+    Ultra1.fall(&Ultra1_stop);
+    Ultra2.rise(&Ultra2_start);
+    Ultra2.fall(&Ultra2_stop);
+void impulsion1(void)
+    puls1 = 1;
+    wait (0.00002);
+    puls1 = 0;
+void impulsion2(void)
+    puls2 = 1;
+    wait (0.00002);
+    puls2 = 0;
+int calcul_vitesse(void)
+    int val_ch2,val_ch3,vitesse;
+    val_ch2 = (tps_ch2-1500)/5; //calcul d'une valeur entre -100 et 100 selon la position du joystick
+    val_ch3 = (tps_ch3-1500)/5; 
+    //On compare les valeurs absolues des valeurs:c'est le joystick le plus éloigné
+    //de la position centrale qui domine
+    if(abs(val_ch2)>abs(val_ch3)) vitesse = val_ch2;
+    else vitesse = val_ch3;
+    //vitesse nulle si les infos ne sont pas cohérentes
+    if((tps_ch2<950)||(tps_ch2>2050)||(tps_ch3<950)||(tps_ch3>2050)) vitesse = 0; 
+    if(abs(vitesse)<5) vitesse = 0;//Moteur immobile si jostick pas actionné
+    if(vitesse>100) vitesse = 100; //saturation
+    if(vitesse<-100) vitesse = -100; //saturation
+    return vitesse;
+int calcul_direction(void)
+    int val_ch4,direction;
+    //calcul d'une valeur entre -100 et 100 selon la position du joustick
+    val_ch4 = (tps_ch4-1500)/5; 
+    //On compare les valeurs absolues des valeurs:c'est le joystick le plus éloigné
+    //de la position centrale qui domine
+    direction = val_ch4;
+    //vitesse nulle si les infos ne sont pas cohérentes
+    if((tps_ch4<950)||(tps_ch4>2050)) direction = 0; 
+    if(abs(direction)<5) direction = 0;//Moteur immobile si jostick pas actionné
+    if(direction>100) direction = 100; //saturation
+    if(direction<-100) direction = -100; //saturation
+    return direction;
+void ecriture_moteurs(int vitesse, int gouvernail)
+    moteurs.printf("$%d|%d*",vitesse,gouvernail);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 5ab762b6468f mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue Feb 12 14:47:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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