Shows first bitcoin address of an HD wallet
- Committer:
- stepansnigirev
- Date:
- 2019-02-05
- Revision:
- 2:44e51c3d3bda
- Parent:
- 1:6fc207e6e60d
File content as of revision 2:44e51c3d3bda:
#include <mbed.h> #include "gui.h" #include "Bitcoin.h" /* to drop std:: part in the code */ using std::string; GUI gui; /* our GUI instance */ Label lbl; /* label in the global scope, we will change text from the button callback */ QR qr; /* QR in the global scope, we will change text from the button callback */ /* we gonna use testnet here, will be used in address generation and key derivation */ /* to switch to the mainnet just change this to false */ #define USE_TESTNET true int main() { /* init the key. handy tool: https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ */ HDPrivateKey hd("rhythm witness display knock head cable era exact submit boost exile seek topic pool sound", "my secret password"); HDPrivateKey first_key = hd.hardenedChild(84).hardenedChild(USE_TESTNET).hardenedChild(0).child(0).child(0); string address = first_key.address(); gui.init(); /* Create a label to display addresses and xpub */ lbl = Label(address); lbl.size(gui.width()-40, 100); // full width lbl.position(20, 400); lbl.alignText(ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER); qr = QR("bitcoin:"+address); qr.size(300); qr.position(0, 50); qr.align(ALIGN_CENTER); while(1) { gui.update(); } }