a test code to implement and test LP1768 power control mode

Dependencies:   mbed

This code implemented some LP1768 power mode : Sleep(), DeepSleep(), PowerDown(), DeepPowerDown(), BOGD_PowerDown(). It also has a test code to test these power modes and wakeup using watch dog. The wakeup part is based on Erik's code but add implementation for LP1768. As LP1768 has debug enabled in default, it cannot be waked up in DeepSleep mode. Therefore this code use WDC reset to wake up the chips from deep sleep. The test code also allow test the power under two clock frequency (96 MHz and 48MHz). Inspired by Paul and Michael Wang, I also tested the power reduction by power off PHY. The analysis could be found in http://mbed.org/users/steniu01/notebook/lp1768-power-mode-implementation-and-measurement-/#



File content as of revision 2:15d9501bf5b3:

/* mbed PowerControl Library
  * Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Wei

//shouldn't have to include, but fixes weird problems with defines
//#include "LPC1768/LPC17xx.h"

//System Control Register
// bit 0: Reserved
// bit 1: Sleep on Exit
#define LPC1768_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT     0x2
// bit 2: Deep Sleep
#define LPC1768_SCR_SLEEPDEEP       0x4
// bit 3: Resereved
// bit 4: Send on Pending
#define LPC1768_SCR_SEVONPEND        0x10
// bit 5-31: Reserved

//Power Control Register
// bit 0: Power mode control bit 0 (power-down mode)
#define LPC1768_PCON_PM0            0x1
// bit 1: Power mode control bit 1 (deep power-down mode)
#define LPC1768_PCON_PM1            0x2
// bit 2: Brown-out reduced power mode
#define LPC1768_PCON_BODRPM         0x4
// bit 3: Brown-out global disable
#define LPC1768_PCON_BOGD           0x8
// bit 4: Brown-out reset disable
#define LPC1768_PCON_BORD           0x10
// bit 5-7 : Reserved
// bit 8: Sleep Mode Entry Flag
#define LPC1768_PCON_SMFLAG         0x100
// bit 9: Deep Sleep Entry Flag
#define LPC1768_PCON_DSFLAG         0x200
// bit 10: Power Down Entry Flag
#define LPC1768_PCON_PDFLAG         0x400
// bit 11: Deep Power Down Entry Flag
#define LPC1768_PCON_DPDFLAG        0x800
// bit 12-31: Reserved

//"Sleep Mode" (WFI).
inline void Sleep(void)

//"Deep Sleep" Mode
inline void DeepSleep(void)

//"Power-Down" Mode
inline void PowerDown(void)
   LPC_SC->PCON &= ~LPC1768_PCON_PM1;
   LPC_SC->PCON |= LPC1768_PCON_PM0;
   //reset back to normal
  LPC_SC->PCON &= ~(LPC1768_PCON_PM1 | LPC1768_PCON_PM0);

//"Deep Power-Down" Mode
inline void DeepPowerDown(void)
   LPC_SC->PCON |= LPC1768_PCON_PM1 | LPC1768_PCON_PM0;
   //reset back to normal
  LPC_SC->PCON &= ~(LPC1768_PCON_PM1 | LPC1768_PCON_PM0);

//shut down BOD during power-down/deep sleep
inline void BrownOut_ReducedPowerMode_Enable(void)

//turn on BOD during power-down/deep sleep
inline void BrownOut_ReducedPowerMode_Disable(void)

//turn off brown out circutry
inline void BrownOut_Global_Disable(void)

//turn on brown out circutry
inline void BrownOut_Global_Enable(void)

//turn off brown out reset circutry
inline void BrownOut_Reset_Disable(void)

//turn on brown outreset  circutry
inline void BrownOut_Reset_Enable(void)
//Peripheral Control Register
// bit 0: Reserved
// bit 1: PCTIM0: Timer/Counter 0 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCTIM0        0x2
// bit 2: PCTIM1: Timer/Counter 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCTIM1        0x4
// bit 3: PCUART0: UART 0 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCUART0       0x8
// bit 4: PCUART1: UART 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCUART1       0x10
// bit 5: Reserved
// bit 6: PCPWM1: PWM 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCPWM1        0x40
// bit 7: PCI2C0: I2C interface 0 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCI2C0        0x80
// bit 8: PCSPI: SPI interface power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCSPI         0x100
// bit 9: PCRTC: RTC power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCRTC         0x200
// bit 10: PCSSP1: SSP interface 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCSSP1        0x400
// bit 11: Reserved
// bit 12: PCADC: A/D converter power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCADC         0x1000
// bit 13: PCCAN1: CAN controller 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCCAN1        0x2000
// bit 14: PCCAN2: CAN controller 2 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCCAN2        0x4000
// bit 15: PCGPIO: GPIOs power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCGPIO        0x8000
// bit 16: PCRIT: Repetitive interrupt timer power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCRIT         0x10000
// bit 17: PCMCPWM: Motor control PWM power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCMCPWM       0x20000
// bit 18: PCQEI: Quadrature encoder interface power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCQEI         0x40000
// bit 19: PCI2C1: I2C interface 1 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCI2C1        0x80000
// bit 20: Reserved
// bit 21: PCSSP0: SSP interface 0 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCSSP0        0x200000
// bit 22: PCTIM2: Timer 2 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCTIM2        0x400000
// bit 23: PCTIM3: Timer 3 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCQTIM3       0x800000
// bit 24: PCUART2: UART 2 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCUART2       0x1000000
// bit 25: PCUART3: UART 3 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCUART3       0x2000000
// bit 26: PCI2C2: I2C interface 2 power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCI2C2        0x4000000
// bit 27: PCI2S: I2S interface power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCI2S         0x8000000
// bit 28: Reserved
// bit 29: PCGPDMA: GP DMA function power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCGPDMA       0x20000000
// bit 30: PCENET: Ethernet block power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCENET        0x40000000
// bit 31: PCUSB: USB interface power/clock enable
#define LPC1768_PCONP_PCUSB         0x80000000

//Powers Up specified Peripheral(s)
inline unsigned int Peripheral_PowerUp(unsigned int bitMask)
    return LPC_SC->PCONP |= bitMask;

//Powers Down specified Peripheral(s) 
inline unsigned int Peripheral_PowerDown(unsigned int bitMask)
    return LPC_SC->PCONP &= ~bitMask;

//returns if the peripheral is on or off
inline bool Peripheral_GetStatus(unsigned int peripheral)
    return (LPC_SC->PCONP & peripheral) ? true : false;
