RDA5807M FM Radio library with RDS.

Dependents:   RDA5807M-FM-Radio EFM32 RDA5807M RDS Radio

Example program here:


--- a/RDA5807M.cpp	Sun Apr 12 16:26:11 2015 +0000
+++ b/RDA5807M.cpp	Thu Jun 11 20:17:16 2015 +0000
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
-void RDA5807M::Read(){
+void RDA5807M::Readregisters(){
    int i;
    char rcv[12];    
    i2c.read(0x20, rcv,12);   // read 12 bytes for reg 0x0A .. reg 0x0F 
@@ -200,117 +200,118 @@
                                                         //11= 6+ errors or error in checkword, correction not possible.
 void RDA5807M::RDSinit() {
+  strcpy(StationName, "        ");
+  strcpy(PSName, "        ");
   strcpy(PSName1, "        ");
-  strcpy(PSName2, PSName1);
-  strcpy(StationName, "        ");
+  strcpy(PSName2, "        ");
   memset(RDSText, '\0', sizeof(RDSText));
+  memset(RDSTxt, '\0', sizeof(RDSTxt));
   lastTextIDX = 0;
+  mins=0;
+  sprintf(CTtime, "CT --:--");
-void RDA5807M::processData()
+void RDA5807M::ProcessData()
-  char c1, c2;
-  int  idx;     // index of rdsText
-  int mins;     // RDS time in minutes
-  int offset;      // RDS time offset and sign
-  Read();
-  if (block1==0) {
-    // reset all the RDS info.
-    RDSinit();
-    // Send out empty data
-    if (sendServiceName) sendServiceName(StationName);
-    if (sendText)        sendText("");
-    return;
-  } 
+    Readregisters();        
+    if (rdssynchro != 0x1000){  // reset all the RDS info.
+        RDSinit();
+        return;
+    }   
   // analyzing Block 2
-  rdsGroupType = 0x0A | ((block2 & 0xF000) >> 8) | ((block2 & 0x0800) >> 11);
-  rdsTP = (block2 & 0x0400);
-  rdsPTY = (block2 & 0x0400);
+    rdsGroupType = 0x0A | ((block2 & 0xF000) >> 8) | ((block2 & 0x0800) >> 11);
+    rdsTP = (block2 & 0x0400);
+    rdsPTY = (block2 & 0x0400);
-  switch (rdsGroupType) {
-  case 0x0A:
-  case 0x0B:
-    // The data received is part of the Service Station Name 
-    idx = 2 * (block2 & 0x0003);
-    // new data is 2 chars from block 4
-    c1 = block4 >> 8;
-    c2 = block4 & 0x00FF;
-    // check that the data was received successfully twice
-    // before publishing the station name
-    if ((PSName1[idx] == c1) && (PSName1[idx + 1] == c2)) {
-      // retrieved the text a second time: store to _PSName2
-      PSName2[idx] = c1;
-      PSName2[idx + 1] = c2;
-      PSName2[8] = '\0';
-      if ((idx == 6) && strcmp(PSName1, PSName2) == 0) {
-        if (strcmp(PSName2, StationName) != 0) {
-          // publish station name
-          if(strlen(PSName2)<9){strcpy(StationName, PSName2);}
-          if (sendServiceName)
-            sendServiceName(StationName);            
+    switch (rdsGroupType) {
+        case 0x0A:
+        case 0x0B:
+        // The data received is part of the Service Station Name  
+            idx = 2 * (block2 & 0x0003);
+            // new data is 2 chars from block 4
+            c1 = block4 >> 8;
+            c2 = block4 & 0x00FF;
+        // check that the data was received successfully twice
+        // before sending the station name
+        if ((PSName1[idx] == c1) && (PSName1[idx + 1] == c2)) {
+            // retrieve the text a second time: store to _PSName2
+            PSName2[idx] = c1;
+            PSName2[idx + 1] = c2;
+            PSName2[8] = '\0';
+            if (strcmp(PSName1, PSName2) == 0) {
+                // publish station name          
+                n=0;
+                for(i=0;i<(8);i++){ // remove non-printable error ASCCi characters               
+                    if(PSName2[i] > 31 && PSName2[i] < 127){          
+                        StationName[n] = PSName2[i];         
+                        n++;
+                    }                  
+                } 
+            }
+        }
+        if ((PSName1[idx] != c1) || (PSName1[idx + 1] != c2)) {
+            PSName1[idx] = c1;
+            PSName1[idx + 1] = c2;
+            PSName1[8] = '\0';
-      }
-    }
-    if ((PSName1[idx] != c1) || (PSName1[idx + 1] != c2)) {
-      PSName1[idx] = c1;
-      PSName1[idx + 1] = c2;
-      PSName1[8] = '\0';
-    } 
-  case 0x2A:
-    // RDS text
-  //  if(rdsblockerror > 1){memset(RDSText, '\0', sizeof(RDSText));lastTextIDX = 0;}
-    // The data received is part of the RDS Text.
+    case 0x2A:
+        // RDS text
+        // The data received is part of the RDS Text.
     textAB = (block2 & 0x0010);
     idx = 4 * (block2 & 0x000F);
+    if(idx>64){memset(RDSTxt, '\0', sizeof(RDSTxt));idx=0;}    
     if (idx < lastTextIDX) {
       // the existing text might be complete because the index is starting at the beginning again.
       // now send it to the possible listener.
-      if (sendText)
-        sendText(RDSText);
-    }
+        n=0;       
+        for(i=0;i<64;i++){                
+            if(RDSTxt[i] > 31 && RDSTxt[i] < 127){    // remove any non printable error charcters      
+                RDSText[n] = RDSTxt[i];         
+                n++;
+            }
+        }
+      }
     lastTextIDX = idx;
     if (textAB != lasttextAB) {
       // when this bit is toggled the whole buffer should be cleared.
       lasttextAB = textAB;
-    } 
-    // new data is 2 chars from block 3
-    RDSText[idx] = (block3 >> 8);     idx++;
-    RDSText[idx] = (block3 & 0x00FF); idx++;
-    // new data is 2 chars from block 4
-    RDSText[idx] = (block4 >> 8); idx++;
-    RDSText[idx] = (block4 & 0x00FF); idx++;
+      memset(RDSTxt, 0, sizeof(RDSTxt));
+      memset(RDSText, '\0', sizeof(RDSText));
+    }    
+    if(rdsblockerror < 4){     
+        // new data is 2 chars from block 3
+        RDSTxt[idx] = (block3 >> 8);     idx++;
+        RDSTxt[idx] = (block3 & 0x00FF); idx++;
+        // new data is 2 chars from block 4
+        RDSTxt[idx] = (block4 >> 8); idx++;
+        RDSTxt[idx] = (block4 & 0x00FF); idx++;
+    }             
   case 0x4A:
     // Clock time and date
-    offset = (block4) & 0x3F; // 6 bits
-    mins = (block4 >> 6) & 0x3F; // 6 bits
-    mins += 60 * (((block3 & 0x0001) << 4) | ((block4 >> 12) & 0x0F));
+    if(rdsblockerror ==0){ // allow no RDS data errors as we have no correctioin code 
+        offset = (block4) & 0x3F; // 6 bits
+        mins = (block4 >> 6) & 0x3F; // 6 bits
+        mins += 60 * (((block3 & 0x0001) << 4) | ((block4 >> 12) & 0x0F));
+    }
     // adjust offset
     if (offset & 0x20) {
       mins -= 30 * (offset & 0x1F);
     else {
       mins += 30 * (offset & 0x1F);
-    }
-//    Serial.print(" >>"); Serial.print(mins/60); Serial.print(':'); Serial.println(mins % 60);
-    //if ((sendTime) && (mins != _lastRDSMinutes)) {
-      CTtime = mins;
-    // sendTime(mins / 60, mins % 60);
-    //  } 
+    }    
+    if(mins == lastmins+1){ // get CT time twice before sending time
+        minutes=mins;}
+        lastmins=mins;    
+    if(rdssynchro == 0x1000){
+        if(minutes>0 && minutes<1500){sprintf(CTtime, "CT %2d:%02d",(minutes/60),(minutes%60));}
+        }
+        else{minutes=0;sprintf(CTtime, "CT --:--");} // CT time formatted string         
   case 0x6A: 
@@ -334,7 +335,8 @@
-    // Serial.print("RDS_GRP:"); Serial.println(rdsGroupType, HEX);