Library for Firebase, PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, DELETE operations supported, (others are available, todo). Based on Mbed's https-example. Tested on STM32F767 using ETHERNET and ESP8266 WIFI interfaces and STM32F446 using ESP8266 WIFI interface.

Dependents:   Firebase-Example

Thu Jan 23 22:18:11 2020 +0000
Initial version.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
star297 0:768ae9838086 1 /* Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved.
star297 0:768ae9838086 2 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 3 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
star297 0:768ae9838086 4 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
star297 0:768ae9838086 5 * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
star297 0:768ae9838086 6 * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
star297 0:768ae9838086 7 * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
star297 0:768ae9838086 8 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
star297 0:768ae9838086 9 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 10 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
star297 0:768ae9838086 11 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
star297 0:768ae9838086 12 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 19 * IN THE SOFTWARE.
star297 0:768ae9838086 20 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 21 #ifndef http_parser_h
star297 0:768ae9838086 22 #define http_parser_h
star297 0:768ae9838086 23
star297 0:768ae9838086 24 #ifdef __cplusplus
star297 0:768ae9838086 25 extern "C" {
star297 0:768ae9838086 26 #endif
star297 0:768ae9838086 27
star297 0:768ae9838086 28 /* Also update SONAME in the Makefile whenever you change these. */
star297 0:768ae9838086 29 #define HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MAJOR 2
star297 0:768ae9838086 30 #define HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MINOR 7
star297 0:768ae9838086 31 #define HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_PATCH 1
star297 0:768ae9838086 32
star297 0:768ae9838086 33 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && \
star297 0:768ae9838086 34 (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER<1600) && !defined(__WINE__)
star297 0:768ae9838086 35 #include <BaseTsd.h>
star297 0:768ae9838086 36 #include <stddef.h>
star297 0:768ae9838086 37 typedef __int8 int8_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 38 typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 39 typedef __int16 int16_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 40 typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 41 typedef __int32 int32_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 42 typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 43 typedef __int64 int64_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 44 typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
star297 0:768ae9838086 45 #else
star297 0:768ae9838086 46 #include <stdint.h>
star297 0:768ae9838086 47 #endif
star297 0:768ae9838086 48
star297 0:768ae9838086 49 /* Compile with -DHTTP_PARSER_STRICT=0 to make less checks, but run
star297 0:768ae9838086 50 * faster
star297 0:768ae9838086 51 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 52 #ifndef HTTP_PARSER_STRICT
star297 0:768ae9838086 53 # define HTTP_PARSER_STRICT 1
star297 0:768ae9838086 54 #endif
star297 0:768ae9838086 55
star297 0:768ae9838086 56 /* Maximium header size allowed. If the macro is not defined
star297 0:768ae9838086 57 * before including this header then the default is used. To
star297 0:768ae9838086 58 * change the maximum header size, define the macro in the build
star297 0:768ae9838086 59 * environment (e.g. -DHTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE=<value>). To remove
star297 0:768ae9838086 60 * the effective limit on the size of the header, define the macro
star297 0:768ae9838086 61 * to a very large number (e.g. -DHTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE=0x7fffffff)
star297 0:768ae9838086 62 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 63 #ifndef HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE
star297 0:768ae9838086 64 # define HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE (80*1024)
star297 0:768ae9838086 65 #endif
star297 0:768ae9838086 66
star297 0:768ae9838086 67 typedef struct http_parser http_parser;
star297 0:768ae9838086 68 typedef struct http_parser_settings http_parser_settings;
star297 0:768ae9838086 69
star297 0:768ae9838086 70
star297 0:768ae9838086 71 /* Callbacks should return non-zero to indicate an error. The parser will
star297 0:768ae9838086 72 * then halt execution.
star297 0:768ae9838086 73 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 74 * The one exception is on_headers_complete. In a HTTP_RESPONSE parser
star297 0:768ae9838086 75 * returning '1' from on_headers_complete will tell the parser that it
star297 0:768ae9838086 76 * should not expect a body. This is used when receiving a response to a
star297 0:768ae9838086 77 * HEAD request which may contain 'Content-Length' or 'Transfer-Encoding:
star297 0:768ae9838086 78 * chunked' headers that indicate the presence of a body.
star297 0:768ae9838086 79 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 80 * Returning `2` from on_headers_complete will tell parser that it should not
star297 0:768ae9838086 81 * expect neither a body nor any futher responses on this connection. This is
star297 0:768ae9838086 82 * useful for handling responses to a CONNECT request which may not contain
star297 0:768ae9838086 83 * `Upgrade` or `Connection: upgrade` headers.
star297 0:768ae9838086 84 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 85 * http_data_cb does not return data chunks. It will be called arbitrarily
star297 0:768ae9838086 86 * many times for each string. E.G. you might get 10 callbacks for "on_url"
star297 0:768ae9838086 87 * each providing just a few characters more data.
star297 0:768ae9838086 88 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 89 typedef int (*http_data_cb) (http_parser*, const char *at, uint32_t length);
star297 0:768ae9838086 90 typedef int (*http_cb) (http_parser*);
star297 0:768ae9838086 91
star297 0:768ae9838086 92
star297 0:768ae9838086 93 /* Status Codes */
star297 0:768ae9838086 94 #define HTTP_STATUS_MAP(XX) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 95 XX(100, CONTINUE, Continue) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 96 XX(101, SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, Switching Protocols) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 97 XX(102, PROCESSING, Processing) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 98 XX(200, OK, OK) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 99 XX(201, CREATED, Created) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 100 XX(202, ACCEPTED, Accepted) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 101 XX(203, NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION, Non-Authoritative Information) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 102 XX(204, NO_CONTENT, No Content) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 103 XX(205, RESET_CONTENT, Reset Content) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 104 XX(206, PARTIAL_CONTENT, Partial Content) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 105 XX(207, MULTI_STATUS, Multi-Status) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 106 XX(208, ALREADY_REPORTED, Already Reported) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 107 XX(226, IM_USED, IM Used) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 108 XX(300, MULTIPLE_CHOICES, Multiple Choices) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 109 XX(301, MOVED_PERMANENTLY, Moved Permanently) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 110 XX(302, FOUND, Found) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 111 XX(303, SEE_OTHER, See Other) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 112 XX(304, NOT_MODIFIED, Not Modified) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 113 XX(305, USE_PROXY, Use Proxy) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 114 XX(307, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, Temporary Redirect) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 115 XX(308, PERMANENT_REDIRECT, Permanent Redirect) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 116 XX(400, BAD_REQUEST, Bad Request) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 117 XX(401, UNAUTHORIZED, Unauthorized) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 118 XX(402, PAYMENT_REQUIRED, Payment Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 119 XX(403, FORBIDDEN, Forbidden) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 120 XX(404, NOT_FOUND, Not Found) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 121 XX(405, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, Method Not Allowed) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 122 XX(406, NOT_ACCEPTABLE, Not Acceptable) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 123 XX(407, PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, Proxy Authentication Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 124 XX(408, REQUEST_TIMEOUT, Request Timeout) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 125 XX(409, CONFLICT, Conflict) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 126 XX(410, GONE, Gone) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 127 XX(411, LENGTH_REQUIRED, Length Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 128 XX(412, PRECONDITION_FAILED, Precondition Failed) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 129 XX(413, PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE, Payload Too Large) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 130 XX(414, URI_TOO_LONG, URI Too Long) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 131 XX(415, UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, Unsupported Media Type) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 132 XX(416, RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, Range Not Satisfiable) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 133 XX(417, EXPECTATION_FAILED, Expectation Failed) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 134 XX(421, MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, Misdirected Request) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 135 XX(422, UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, Unprocessable Entity) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 136 XX(423, LOCKED, Locked) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 137 XX(424, FAILED_DEPENDENCY, Failed Dependency) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 138 XX(426, UPGRADE_REQUIRED, Upgrade Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 139 XX(428, PRECONDITION_REQUIRED, Precondition Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 140 XX(429, TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, Too Many Requests) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 141 XX(431, REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE, Request Header Fields Too Large) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 142 XX(451, UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS, Unavailable For Legal Reasons) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 143 XX(500, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Internal Server Error) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 144 XX(501, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, Not Implemented) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 145 XX(502, BAD_GATEWAY, Bad Gateway) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 146 XX(503, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, Service Unavailable) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 147 XX(504, GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, Gateway Timeout) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 148 XX(505, HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, HTTP Version Not Supported) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 149 XX(506, VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES, Variant Also Negotiates) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 150 XX(507, INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE, Insufficient Storage) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 151 XX(508, LOOP_DETECTED, Loop Detected) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 152 XX(510, NOT_EXTENDED, Not Extended) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 153 XX(511, NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, Network Authentication Required) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 154
star297 0:768ae9838086 155 enum http_status
star297 0:768ae9838086 156 {
star297 0:768ae9838086 157 #define XX(num, name, string) HTTP_STATUS_##name = num,
star297 0:768ae9838086 158 HTTP_STATUS_MAP(XX)
star297 0:768ae9838086 159 #undef XX
star297 0:768ae9838086 160 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 161
star297 0:768ae9838086 162
star297 0:768ae9838086 163 /* Request Methods */
star297 0:768ae9838086 164 #define HTTP_METHOD_MAP(XX) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 165 XX(0, DELETE, DELETE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 166 XX(1, GET, GET) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 167 XX(2, HEAD, HEAD) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 168 XX(3, POST, POST) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 169 XX(4, PUT, PUT) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 170 /* pathological */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 171 XX(5, CONNECT, CONNECT) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 172 XX(6, OPTIONS, OPTIONS) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 173 XX(7, TRACE, TRACE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 174 /* WebDAV */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 175 XX(8, COPY, COPY) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 176 XX(9, LOCK, LOCK) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 177 XX(10, MKCOL, MKCOL) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 178 XX(11, MOVE, MOVE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 179 XX(12, PROPFIND, PROPFIND) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 180 XX(13, PROPPATCH, PROPPATCH) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 181 XX(14, SEARCH, SEARCH) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 182 XX(15, UNLOCK, UNLOCK) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 183 XX(16, BIND, BIND) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 184 XX(17, REBIND, REBIND) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 185 XX(18, UNBIND, UNBIND) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 186 XX(19, ACL, ACL) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 187 /* subversion */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 188 XX(20, REPORT, REPORT) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 189 XX(21, MKACTIVITY, MKACTIVITY) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 190 XX(22, CHECKOUT, CHECKOUT) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 191 XX(23, MERGE, MERGE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 192 /* upnp */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 193 XX(24, MSEARCH, M-SEARCH) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 194 XX(25, NOTIFY, NOTIFY) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 195 XX(26, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 196 XX(27, UNSUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 197 /* RFC-5789 */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 198 XX(28, PATCH, PATCH) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 199 XX(29, PURGE, PURGE) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 200 /* CalDAV */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 201 XX(30, MKCALENDAR, MKCALENDAR) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 202 /* RFC-2068, section */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 203 XX(31, LINK, LINK) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 204 XX(32, UNLINK, UNLINK) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 205
star297 0:768ae9838086 206 enum http_method
star297 0:768ae9838086 207 {
star297 0:768ae9838086 208 #define XX(num, name, string) HTTP_##name = num,
star297 0:768ae9838086 209 HTTP_METHOD_MAP(XX)
star297 0:768ae9838086 210 #undef XX
star297 0:768ae9838086 211 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 212
star297 0:768ae9838086 213
star297 0:768ae9838086 214 enum http_parser_type { HTTP_REQUEST, HTTP_RESPONSE, HTTP_BOTH };
star297 0:768ae9838086 215
star297 0:768ae9838086 216
star297 0:768ae9838086 217 /* Flag values for http_parser.flags field */
star297 0:768ae9838086 218 enum flags
star297 0:768ae9838086 219 { F_CHUNKED = 1 << 0
star297 0:768ae9838086 220 , F_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE = 1 << 1
star297 0:768ae9838086 221 , F_CONNECTION_CLOSE = 1 << 2
star297 0:768ae9838086 222 , F_CONNECTION_UPGRADE = 1 << 3
star297 0:768ae9838086 223 , F_TRAILING = 1 << 4
star297 0:768ae9838086 224 , F_UPGRADE = 1 << 5
star297 0:768ae9838086 225 , F_SKIPBODY = 1 << 6
star297 0:768ae9838086 226 , F_CONTENTLENGTH = 1 << 7
star297 0:768ae9838086 227 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 228
star297 0:768ae9838086 229
star297 0:768ae9838086 230 /* Map for errno-related constants
star297 0:768ae9838086 231 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 232 * The provided argument should be a macro that takes 2 arguments.
star297 0:768ae9838086 233 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 234 #define HTTP_ERRNO_MAP(XX) \
star297 0:768ae9838086 235 /* No error */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 236 XX(OK, "success") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 237 \
star297 0:768ae9838086 238 /* Callback-related errors */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 239 XX(CB_message_begin, "the on_message_begin callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 240 XX(CB_url, "the on_url callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 241 XX(CB_header_field, "the on_header_field callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 242 XX(CB_header_value, "the on_header_value callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 243 XX(CB_headers_complete, "the on_headers_complete callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 244 XX(CB_body, "the on_body callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 245 XX(CB_message_complete, "the on_message_complete callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 246 XX(CB_status, "the on_status callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 247 XX(CB_chunk_header, "the on_chunk_header callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 248 XX(CB_chunk_complete, "the on_chunk_complete callback failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 249 \
star297 0:768ae9838086 250 /* Parsing-related errors */ \
star297 0:768ae9838086 251 XX(INVALID_EOF_STATE, "stream ended at an unexpected time") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 252 XX(HEADER_OVERFLOW, \
star297 0:768ae9838086 253 "too many header bytes seen; overflow detected") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 254 XX(CLOSED_CONNECTION, \
star297 0:768ae9838086 255 "data received after completed connection: close message") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 256 XX(INVALID_VERSION, "invalid HTTP version") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 257 XX(INVALID_STATUS, "invalid HTTP status code") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 258 XX(INVALID_METHOD, "invalid HTTP method") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 259 XX(INVALID_URL, "invalid URL") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 260 XX(INVALID_HOST, "invalid host") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 261 XX(INVALID_PORT, "invalid port") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 262 XX(INVALID_PATH, "invalid path") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 263 XX(INVALID_QUERY_STRING, "invalid query string") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 264 XX(INVALID_FRAGMENT, "invalid fragment") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 265 XX(LF_EXPECTED, "LF character expected") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 266 XX(INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, "invalid character in header") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 267 XX(INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH, \
star297 0:768ae9838086 268 "invalid character in content-length header") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 269 XX(UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTH, \
star297 0:768ae9838086 270 "unexpected content-length header") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 271 XX(INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE, \
star297 0:768ae9838086 272 "invalid character in chunk size header") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 273 XX(INVALID_CONSTANT, "invalid constant string") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 274 XX(INVALID_INTERNAL_STATE, "encountered unexpected internal state")\
star297 0:768ae9838086 275 XX(STRICT, "strict mode assertion failed") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 276 XX(PAUSED, "parser is paused") \
star297 0:768ae9838086 277 XX(UNKNOWN, "an unknown error occurred")
star297 0:768ae9838086 278
star297 0:768ae9838086 279
star297 0:768ae9838086 280 /* Define HPE_* values for each errno value above */
star297 0:768ae9838086 281 #define HTTP_ERRNO_GEN(n, s) HPE_##n,
star297 0:768ae9838086 282 enum http_errno {
star297 0:768ae9838086 283 HTTP_ERRNO_MAP(HTTP_ERRNO_GEN)
star297 0:768ae9838086 284 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 285 #undef HTTP_ERRNO_GEN
star297 0:768ae9838086 286
star297 0:768ae9838086 287
star297 0:768ae9838086 288 /* Get an http_errno value from an http_parser */
star297 0:768ae9838086 289 #define HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(p) ((enum http_errno) (p)->http_errno)
star297 0:768ae9838086 290
star297 0:768ae9838086 291
star297 0:768ae9838086 292 struct http_parser {
star297 0:768ae9838086 293 /** PRIVATE **/
star297 0:768ae9838086 294 unsigned int type : 2; /* enum http_parser_type */
star297 0:768ae9838086 295 unsigned int flags : 8; /* F_* values from 'flags' enum; semi-public */
star297 0:768ae9838086 296 unsigned int state : 7; /* enum state from http_parser.c */
star297 0:768ae9838086 297 unsigned int header_state : 7; /* enum header_state from http_parser.c */
star297 0:768ae9838086 298 unsigned int index : 7; /* index into current matcher */
star297 0:768ae9838086 299 unsigned int lenient_http_headers : 1;
star297 0:768ae9838086 300
star297 0:768ae9838086 301 uint32_t nread; /* # bytes read in various scenarios */
star297 0:768ae9838086 302 uint64_t content_length; /* # bytes in body (0 if no Content-Length header) */
star297 0:768ae9838086 303
star297 0:768ae9838086 304 /** READ-ONLY **/
star297 0:768ae9838086 305 unsigned short http_major;
star297 0:768ae9838086 306 unsigned short http_minor;
star297 0:768ae9838086 307 unsigned int status_code : 16; /* responses only */
star297 0:768ae9838086 308 unsigned int method : 8; /* requests only */
star297 0:768ae9838086 309 unsigned int http_errno : 7;
star297 0:768ae9838086 310
star297 0:768ae9838086 311 /* 1 = Upgrade header was present and the parser has exited because of that.
star297 0:768ae9838086 312 * 0 = No upgrade header present.
star297 0:768ae9838086 313 * Should be checked when http_parser_execute() returns in addition to
star297 0:768ae9838086 314 * error checking.
star297 0:768ae9838086 315 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 316 unsigned int upgrade : 1;
star297 0:768ae9838086 317
star297 0:768ae9838086 318 /** PUBLIC **/
star297 0:768ae9838086 319 void *data; /* A pointer to get hook to the "connection" or "socket" object */
star297 0:768ae9838086 320 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 321
star297 0:768ae9838086 322
star297 0:768ae9838086 323 struct http_parser_settings {
star297 0:768ae9838086 324 http_cb on_message_begin;
star297 0:768ae9838086 325 http_data_cb on_url;
star297 0:768ae9838086 326 http_data_cb on_status;
star297 0:768ae9838086 327 http_data_cb on_header_field;
star297 0:768ae9838086 328 http_data_cb on_header_value;
star297 0:768ae9838086 329 http_cb on_headers_complete;
star297 0:768ae9838086 330 http_data_cb on_body;
star297 0:768ae9838086 331 http_cb on_message_complete;
star297 0:768ae9838086 332 /* When on_chunk_header is called, the current chunk length is stored
star297 0:768ae9838086 333 * in parser->content_length.
star297 0:768ae9838086 334 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 335 http_cb on_chunk_header;
star297 0:768ae9838086 336 http_cb on_chunk_complete;
star297 0:768ae9838086 337 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 338
star297 0:768ae9838086 339
star297 0:768ae9838086 340 enum http_parser_url_fields
star297 0:768ae9838086 341 { UF_SCHEMA = 0
star297 0:768ae9838086 342 , UF_HOST = 1
star297 0:768ae9838086 343 , UF_PORT = 2
star297 0:768ae9838086 344 , UF_PATH = 3
star297 0:768ae9838086 345 , UF_QUERY = 4
star297 0:768ae9838086 346 , UF_FRAGMENT = 5
star297 0:768ae9838086 347 , UF_USERINFO = 6
star297 0:768ae9838086 348 , UF_MAX = 7
star297 0:768ae9838086 349 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 350
star297 0:768ae9838086 351
star297 0:768ae9838086 352 /* Result structure for http_parser_parse_url().
star297 0:768ae9838086 353 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 354 * Callers should index into field_data[] with UF_* values iff field_set
star297 0:768ae9838086 355 * has the relevant (1 << UF_*) bit set. As a courtesy to clients (and
star297 0:768ae9838086 356 * because we probably have padding left over), we convert any port to
star297 0:768ae9838086 357 * a uint16_t.
star297 0:768ae9838086 358 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 359 struct http_parser_url {
star297 0:768ae9838086 360 uint16_t field_set; /* Bitmask of (1 << UF_*) values */
star297 0:768ae9838086 361 uint16_t port; /* Converted UF_PORT string */
star297 0:768ae9838086 362
star297 0:768ae9838086 363 struct {
star297 0:768ae9838086 364 uint16_t off; /* Offset into buffer in which field starts */
star297 0:768ae9838086 365 uint16_t len; /* Length of run in buffer */
star297 0:768ae9838086 366 } field_data[UF_MAX];
star297 0:768ae9838086 367 };
star297 0:768ae9838086 368
star297 0:768ae9838086 369
star297 0:768ae9838086 370 /* Returns the library version. Bits 16-23 contain the major version number,
star297 0:768ae9838086 371 * bits 8-15 the minor version number and bits 0-7 the patch level.
star297 0:768ae9838086 372 * Usage example:
star297 0:768ae9838086 373 *
star297 0:768ae9838086 374 * unsigned long version = http_parser_version();
star297 0:768ae9838086 375 * unsigned major = (version >> 16) & 255;
star297 0:768ae9838086 376 * unsigned minor = (version >> 8) & 255;
star297 0:768ae9838086 377 * unsigned patch = version & 255;
star297 0:768ae9838086 378 * printf("http_parser v%u.%u.%u\n", major, minor, patch);
star297 0:768ae9838086 379 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 380 unsigned long http_parser_version(void);
star297 0:768ae9838086 381
star297 0:768ae9838086 382 void http_parser_init(http_parser *parser, enum http_parser_type type);
star297 0:768ae9838086 383
star297 0:768ae9838086 384
star297 0:768ae9838086 385 /* Initialize http_parser_settings members to 0
star297 0:768ae9838086 386 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 387 void http_parser_settings_init(http_parser_settings *settings);
star297 0:768ae9838086 388
star297 0:768ae9838086 389
star297 0:768ae9838086 390 /* Executes the parser. Returns number of parsed bytes. Sets
star297 0:768ae9838086 391 * `parser->http_errno` on error. */
star297 0:768ae9838086 392 uint32_t http_parser_execute(http_parser *parser,
star297 0:768ae9838086 393 const http_parser_settings *settings,
star297 0:768ae9838086 394 const char *data,
star297 0:768ae9838086 395 uint32_t len);
star297 0:768ae9838086 396
star297 0:768ae9838086 397
star297 0:768ae9838086 398 /* If http_should_keep_alive() in the on_headers_complete or
star297 0:768ae9838086 399 * on_message_complete callback returns 0, then this should be
star297 0:768ae9838086 400 * the last message on the connection.
star297 0:768ae9838086 401 * If you are the server, respond with the "Connection: close" header.
star297 0:768ae9838086 402 * If you are the client, close the connection.
star297 0:768ae9838086 403 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 404 int http_should_keep_alive(const http_parser *parser);
star297 0:768ae9838086 405
star297 0:768ae9838086 406 /* Returns a string version of the HTTP method. */
star297 0:768ae9838086 407 const char *http_method_str(enum http_method m);
star297 0:768ae9838086 408
star297 0:768ae9838086 409 /* Return a string name of the given error */
star297 0:768ae9838086 410 const char *http_errno_name(enum http_errno err);
star297 0:768ae9838086 411
star297 0:768ae9838086 412 /* Return a string description of the given error */
star297 0:768ae9838086 413 const char *http_errno_description(enum http_errno err);
star297 0:768ae9838086 414
star297 0:768ae9838086 415 /* Initialize all http_parser_url members to 0 */
star297 0:768ae9838086 416 void http_parser_url_init(struct http_parser_url *u);
star297 0:768ae9838086 417
star297 0:768ae9838086 418 /* Parse a URL; return nonzero on failure */
star297 0:768ae9838086 419 int http_parser_parse_url(const char *buf, uint32_t buflen,
star297 0:768ae9838086 420 int is_connect,
star297 0:768ae9838086 421 struct http_parser_url *u);
star297 0:768ae9838086 422
star297 0:768ae9838086 423 /* Pause or un-pause the parser; a nonzero value pauses */
star297 0:768ae9838086 424 void http_parser_pause(http_parser *parser, int paused);
star297 0:768ae9838086 425
star297 0:768ae9838086 426 /* Checks if this is the final chunk of the body. */
star297 0:768ae9838086 427 int http_body_is_final(const http_parser *parser);
star297 0:768ae9838086 428
star297 0:768ae9838086 429 #ifdef __cplusplus
star297 0:768ae9838086 430 }
star297 0:768ae9838086 431 #endif
star297 0:768ae9838086 432 #endif