new library for the EADOG LCD display from electronic assembly

Dependencies:   Fonts

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 30 14:39:40 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// display test for EA DOGM132x-5 with STM32F401RE Nucleo
+// sstaub(c)2016
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EADOGM132.h"
+#include "Small_7.h"
+#include "Fonts/ArialR12x14.h"
+/* DOGM132x-5 Wide Range
+Pins for STM32F401RE Nucleo
+DOG Pin   Purpose   ST Pin
+40        CS        PB_6(D10)
+39        Reset     PC_7(D9)
+38        A0        PA_9(D8)
+37        SCL       PA_5(D13)
+36        MOSI      PA_7(D11)
+35        VDD       3.3V
+34        VDD2      3.3V
+33        VSS       GND
+32        VOUT      1uF -> GND
+31        CAP3P     1uF -> CAP1N
+30        CAP1N     1uF -> CAP1P
+29        CAP1P
+28        CAP2P     1uF -> CAP2N
+27        CAP2N
+26        VSS       GND
+25        V4        1uF -> GND
+24        V3        1uF -> GND
+23        V2        1uF -> GND
+22        V1        1uF -> GND
+21        V0        1uF -> GND
+EADOGM132 lcd(PA_7, PA_5, PC_7, PA_9, PB_6); // MOSI, SCL, Reset, A0, CS
+int main() {
+  lcd.rect(0, 0, 131, 31, 1);
+  lcd.fillrect(2, 2, 4, 4, 1);
+  lcd.fillrect(2, 27, 4, 29, 1);
+  lcd.fillrect(61, 2, 63, 4, 1);
+  lcd.fillrect(61, 27, 63, 29, 1);
+  lcd.line(65, 0, 65, 31, 1);
+, 15, 10, 1);
+, 15, 6, 1);
+  lcd.fillcircle(33, 15, 3, 1);
+  lcd.locate(70, 1);
+  lcd.set_font((unsigned char*)ArialR12x14);
+  lcd.printf("mbed");
+  lcd.locate(70, 13);
+  lcd.set_font((unsigned char*)Small_7);
+  lcd.printf("EA");
+  lcd.locate(70, 22);
+  lcd.printf("DOGM132x-5");
+  wait(3);
+  while(1) {
+    lcd.invert(0);
+    wait(3);
+    lcd.invert(1);
+    wait(3);
+    }
+  }