BMP180 Pressure/Temperature Sensor library

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BMP180 Class Reference

BMP180 class. More...

#include <BMP180.h>

Public Member Functions

 BMP180 (PinName sda, PinName scl, int address=BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS)
 Create a BMP180 instance.
 BMP180 (I2C &i2c, int address=BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS)
 Create a BMP180 instance.
int Initialize (float altitude=0.F, int overSamplingSetting=BMP180_OSS_NORMAL)
 Initialization: set member values and read BMP180 calibration parameters.
int ReadData (float *pTemperature=NULL, float *pPressure=NULL)
 Read pressure and temperature from the BMP180.
float GetTemperature ()
 Get temperature from a previous measurement.
float GetPressure ()
 Get pressure from a previous measurement.

Protected Member Functions

int ReadRawTemperature (long *pUt)
 Perform temperature measurement.
int ReadRawPressure (long *pUp)
 Perform pressure measurement.
float TrueTemperature (long ut)
 Calculation of the temperature from the digital output.
float TruePressure (long up)
 Calculation of the pressure from the digital output.

Detailed Description

BMP180 class.

Read Pressure and temperature from the BMP180 Breakout I2C sensor


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "BMP180.h"
 #if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
     #define PIN_SDA p9
     #define PIN_SCL p10
 #elif defined(TARGET_KL25Z) // watch out for the PTE0/PTE1 mixed up in the KL25Z doc 
     #define PIN_SDA PTE0
     #define PIN_SCL PTE1
 int main() 
     BMP180 bmp180(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL);
     float pressure, temperature;
     // bmp180.Initialize(); // no altitude compensation and normal oversampling 
     bmp180.Initialize(64, BMP180_OSS_ULTRA_LOW_POWER); // 64m altitude compensation and low power oversampling
         if (bmp180.ReadData(&pressure, &temperature))
             printf("Pressure(hPa): %8.2f \t Temperature(C): %8.2f\n", pressure, temperature);  

Definition at line 67 of file BMP180.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BMP180 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
int  address = BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS 

Create a BMP180 instance.

address,:I2C slave address

Definition at line 24 of file BMP180.cpp.

BMP180 ( I2C &  i2c,
int  address = BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS 

Create a BMP180 instance.

address,:I2C slave address

Definition at line 33 of file BMP180.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

float GetPressure (  )

Get pressure from a previous measurement.

pressure (hPa)

Definition at line 112 of file BMP180.h.

float GetTemperature (  )

Get temperature from a previous measurement.

temperature (C)

Definition at line 105 of file BMP180.h.

int Initialize ( float  altitude = 0.F,
int  overSamplingSetting = BMP180_OSS_NORMAL 

Initialization: set member values and read BMP180 calibration parameters.

altitude(in meter)

Definition at line 42 of file BMP180.cpp.

int ReadData ( float *  pTemperature = NULL,
float *  pPressure = NULL 

Read pressure and temperature from the BMP180.

1 on success, 0 on error

Definition at line 90 of file BMP180.cpp.

int ReadRawPressure ( long *  pUp ) [protected]

Perform pressure measurement.

temperature (C)

Definition at line 145 of file BMP180.cpp.

int ReadRawTemperature ( long *  pUt ) [protected]

Perform temperature measurement.

temperature (C)

Definition at line 112 of file BMP180.cpp.

float TruePressure ( long  up ) [protected]

Calculation of the pressure from the digital output.

Definition at line 197 of file BMP180.cpp.

float TrueTemperature ( long  ut ) [protected]

Calculation of the temperature from the digital output.

Definition at line 183 of file BMP180.cpp.