attempt at tracker style music

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

diff -r 8ce494870ba6 -r 97a5deea7c94 My_settings.h
--- a/My_settings.h	Sat Nov 17 16:33:51 2018 +0000
+++ b/My_settings.h	Sun Nov 25 08:58:30 2018 +0000
@@ -1,29 +1,12 @@
-/* This is an example of how to set your own project settings 
-To use
-1. make a copy of this file by pressing right mouse button on top of this file 
-in the mbed online compiler, then choose "Clone"
-2. See that the copy is in the root of the project (where your main cpp files are), not inside the PokittoLib folder
-Drag & drop to move if needed
-3. rename the clone to "My_settings.h"
-#ifndef MY_SETTINGS_H
-#define MY_SETTINGS_H
+#define PROJ_HIRES              0            //1 = high resolution (220x176) , 0 = low resolution fast mode (110x88)
+#define PROJ_SOUND_BUFFERED     1
+#define PROJ_ENABLE_SOUND       1     // 0 = all sound functions disabled
+#define PROJ_AUD_FREQ           44100
-#define PROJ_HIRES              1       // 1 = high resolution (220x176) , 0 = low resolution fast mode (110x88)
-#define PROJ_ENABLE_SOUND       1       // 0 = all sound functions disabled
-#define PROJ_STREAMING_MUSIC    1       // 1 = enable streaming music from SD card
-#define PROJ_AUD_FREQ           22050     // 44100 //22050 //11025
 #define PROJ_STREAM_TO_DAC      1       // 1 use DAC for stream, 0 = use PWM for stream
-#define PROJ_USE_PWM            1       // 1 use PWM, 0 do not use PWM
+#define PROJ_USE_PWM            0       // 1 use PWM, 0 do not use PWM
 #define PROJ_GBSOUND            0       // 1 = use Gamebuino-compatible sound interrupt (choose this or the one below)
 #define PROJ_ENABLE_SYNTH       0       // 1 = use Rboy-compatible sound interrupt
 #define PROJ_GAMEBUINO          0       // 1 if you are making a Gamebuino-based graphics mode (84x48)
\ No newline at end of file