nice puzzle game

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

diff -r 000000000000 -r 3c929189abce main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 18 14:26:23 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+#include "Pokitto.h"
+#include "sens_levs.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+Pokitto::Core game;
+#define OFF_X 2
+#define OFF_Y 42
+#define LEVWIDTH 18
+#define LEVHEIGHT 11
+#define SCROLLHEIGHT 112
+#define RUMBLEFRAMES 15
+#define STEPSIZE 1
+byte teleportMap[LEVWIDTH * LEVHEIGHT];
+byte telArray[32];
+char satTime = 0;
+int numTiles;
+int px,py,ps,pd;
+int levelNum=0;
+int maxLevels=sizeof(levels)/102;
+int tileSize=12;
+uint32_t frameNumber=0;
+int score=0;
+int hiscore=0;
+bool stillExploding=0;
+int telNum = 0;
+byte gameMode;
+unsigned int myInt=0;
+byte scroller=0;
+char musicName[] = "sensitiv.raw";
+int lives;
+uint32_t myDelay;
+uint32_t tempTime;
+// explosion
+uint8_t explode = 0;
+void rumbleOn(){
+    DigitalOut outPin(P0_13);
+    DigitalOut inPin(P0_11);
+    inPin=0;
+    outPin=1;
+void rumbleOff(){
+    DigitalOut outPin(P0_13);
+    DigitalOut inPin(P0_11);
+    inPin=0;
+    outPin=0;
+#define HELD 0
+#define NEW 1
+#define RELEASE 2
+byte CompletePad, ExPad, TempPad, myPad;
+bool _A[3], _B[3], _C[3], _Up[3], _Down[3], _Left[3], _Right[3];
+DigitalIn _aPin(P1_9);
+DigitalIn _bPin(P1_4);
+DigitalIn _cPin(P1_10);
+DigitalIn _upPin(P1_13);
+DigitalIn _downPin(P1_3);
+DigitalIn _leftPin(P1_25);
+DigitalIn _rightPin(P1_7);
+void UPDATEPAD(int pad, int var) {
+  _C[pad] = (var >> 1)&1;
+  _B[pad] = (var >> 2)&1;
+  _A[pad] = (var >> 3)&1;
+  _Down[pad] = (var >> 4)&1;
+  _Left[pad] = (var >> 5)&1;
+  _Right[pad] = (var >> 6)&1;
+  _Up[pad] = (var >> 7)&1;
+void UpdatePad(int joy_code){
+  ExPad = CompletePad;
+  CompletePad = joy_code;
+  UPDATEPAD(HELD, CompletePad); // held
+  UPDATEPAD(RELEASE, (ExPad & (~CompletePad))); // released
+  UPDATEPAD(NEW, (CompletePad & (~ExPad))); // newpress
+byte updateButtons(byte var){
+   var = 0;
+   if (_cPin) var |= (1<<1);
+   if (_bPin) var |= (1<<2);
+   if (_aPin) var |= (1<<3); // P1_9 = A
+   if (_downPin) var |= (1<<4);
+   if (_leftPin) var |= (1<<5);
+   if (_rightPin) var |= (1<<6);
+   if (_upPin) var |= (1<<7);
+   return var;
+void new2BitTile(int x1, int y1, int wide, int high, int tile, const uint16_t *gfx, int palNumber){
+    uint16_t tileBuffer[wide*high];
+    uint8_t pix;
+    uint8_t quartWide=wide/4;
+    uint8_t pic;
+    int palNo = palLookup[palNumber]*4;
+    for(int y=0; y<high; y++){
+        for(int x=0; x<quartWide; x++){
+            pic = gfx[(tile*quartWide*high)+(x+quartWide*y)];
+            pix = (pic >> 6)&3; tileBuffer[y+high*(  x*4)]=_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]];
+            pix = (pic >> 4)&3; tileBuffer[y+high*(1+x*4)]=_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]];
+            pix = (pic >> 2)&3; tileBuffer[y+high*(2+x*4)]=_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]];
+            pix = pic &3;       tileBuffer[y+high*(3+x*4)]=_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]];
+        }
+    }
+    game.display.directTile(x1, y1, x1+wide, y1+high, tileBuffer);
+void new4BitTile(int x1, int y1, int wide, int high, int tile, int transparentColor, const uint8_t *gfx){
+    uint16_t tileBuffer[wide*high];
+    int pix1,pix2;
+    int halfWide=wide/2;
+    for(int y=0; y<high; y++){
+        for(int x=0; x<halfWide; x++){
+            pix1 = gfx[(tile*halfWide*high)+(x+halfWide*y)]>>4;
+            pix2 = gfx[(tile*halfWide*high)+(x+halfWide*y)]&15;
+            tileBuffer[y+high*(  x*2)]=_pal[pix1];
+            tileBuffer[y+high*(1+x*2)]=_pal[pix2];
+        }
+    }
+    game.display.directTile(x1, y1, x1+wide, y1+high, tileBuffer);
+int RandMinMax(int min, int max){
+    return rand() % max + min;
+void refreshDisplay(){
+    // place holder to replace a simulator command.
+void draw4BitTile(int x1, int y1, int wide, int high, int tile, int transparentColor, const uint8_t *gfx){
+    int pix1,pix2;
+    int halfWide=wide/2;
+    for(int y=0; y<high; y++){
+        for(int x=0; x<halfWide; x++){
+            pix1 = gfx[(tile*halfWide*high)+(x+halfWide*y)]>>4;
+            pix2 = gfx[(tile*halfWide*high)+(x+halfWide*y)]&15;
+            if(pix1 != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(x1+(x*2),y1+y,_pal[pix1]);}
+            if(pix2 != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(1+x1+(x*2),y1+y,_pal[pix2]);}
+        }
+    }
+void draw2BitTile(int x1, int y1, int wide, int high, int tile, int transparentColor, const uint8_t *gfx, int palNumber, int palReplace = -1){
+    uint8_t pix;
+    uint8_t quartWide=wide/4;
+    uint8_t pic;
+    int palNo = palLookup[palNumber]*4;
+    for(int y=0; y<high; y++){
+        for(int x=0; x<quartWide; x++){
+            pic = gfx[(tile*quartWide*high)+(x+quartWide*y)];
+            pix = (pic >> 6)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(  x1+(x*4),y1+y,_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]]);}
+            pix = (pic >> 4)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(1+x1+(x*4),y1+y,_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]]);}
+            pix = (pic >> 2)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(2+x1+(x*4),y1+y,_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]]);}
+            pix = pic &3;       if(pix != transparentColor){game.display.directPixel(3+x1+(x*4),y1+y,_pal[_miniPal[palNo+pix]]);}
+        }
+    }
+void drawFont(int x1, int y1, int wide, int high, int tile, int transparentColor, const uint8_t *gfx, int palReplace = -1){
+    uint16_t tileBuffer[(wide+1)*(high+1)];
+    uint8_t pix;
+    uint8_t quartWide=wide/4;
+    uint8_t pic;
+    for(int y=0; y<high; y++){
+        for(int x=0; x<quartWide; x++){
+            pic = gfx[(tile*quartWide*high)+(x+quartWide*y)];
+            pix = (pic >> 6)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){tileBuffer[y+high*(  x*4)]=numbers_pal[pix];}else{tileBuffer[y+high*(  x*4)]=palReplace;}
+            pix = (pic >> 4)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){tileBuffer[y+high*(1+x*4)]=numbers_pal[pix];}else{tileBuffer[y+high*(1+x*4)]=palReplace;}
+            pix = (pic >> 2)&3; if(pix != transparentColor){tileBuffer[y+high*(2+x*4)]=numbers_pal[pix];}else{tileBuffer[y+high*(2+x*4)]=palReplace;}
+            pix = pic &3;       if(pix != transparentColor){tileBuffer[y+high*(3+x*4)]=numbers_pal[pix];}else{tileBuffer[y+high*(3+x*4)]=palReplace;}
+        }
+    }
+    game.display.directTile(x1, y1, x1+wide, y1+high, tileBuffer);
+// print text
+void print(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const char* text, uint8_t bgCol, signed int repCol=-1){
+    if(repCol==-1)repCol=bgCol;
+    for(uint8_t t = 0; t < strlen(text); t++){
+        uint8_t character = text[t]-32;
+        drawFont(x, y, 8, 8, character, bgCol, myFont, repCol);
+        x += 8;
+    }
+void loadLevel(int number) {
+    // store level number in file for testing
+   FILE *fp;
+   fp = fopen("test.txt", "w+");
+   fwrite(&number, sizeof(int),1, fp);
+   fclose(fp);
+  numTiles = 0;
+  satTime = 0;
+  int numTels = 0;
+  int amount = (LEVWIDTH/2)*LEVHEIGHT;
+  for (int t = amount-1; t >= 0; t--) {
+    int s = pgm_read_byte(levels + t + ((amount+3) * number));
+    curLev[t * 2] = pgm_read_byte(lookUpTile + (s >> 4));
+    curLev[(t * 2) + 1] = pgm_read_byte(lookUpTile + (s & 15));
+    s = t * 2;
+    teleportMap[s] = 0;
+    teleportMap[s+1] = 0;
+    switch (curLev[s]) {
+      case 1:
+        numTiles++;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        numTiles += 2;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 5;
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH] = 6;
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH+1] = 7;
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 9;
+        break;
+      case 10:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 11;
+        break;
+      case 12:
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH] = 13;
+        break;
+    }
+    s = (t * 2) + 1;
+    switch (curLev[s]) {
+      case 1:
+        numTiles++;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        numTiles += 2;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 5;
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH] = 6;
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH+1] = 7;
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 9;
+        break;
+      case 10:
+        curLev[s + 1] = 11;
+        break;
+      case 12:
+        curLev[s + LEVWIDTH] = 13;
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  px = pgm_read_byte(levels + amount + ((amount+3) * number))*tileSize;
+  py = pgm_read_byte(levels + amount+1 + ((amount+3) * number))*tileSize;
+  int telNumber = pgm_read_byte(levels + amount+2 + ((amount+3) * number));
+  ps = 0; pd = 0;
+  satTime = 0;
+  for(int t=0; t<31; t++){
+    telArray[t] = pgm_read_byte(telPath + t + (telNumber*32));
+  }
+    // teleport locations
+    numTels=0;
+    for (int y = 0; y <LEVHEIGHT; y++) {
+      for (int x = 0; x <LEVWIDTH ; x++) {
+        int tn = (y * LEVWIDTH) + x;
+        if(curLev[tn]==16){
+            teleportMap[tn] = numTels;
+            numTels++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  // draw part of the screen here
+  // bad practice I know, but so what!
+    for(byte t=0; t<LEVWIDTH * LEVHEIGHT; t++){
+        oldLev[t] = 255;
+    }
+    for (int x = LEVWIDTH-1; x >= 0 ; x--) {
+        new2BitTile(OFF_X+x*tileSize, 42, tileSize, tileSize, 0, gbTiles, 0);
+    }
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,0,218,40,_pal[10]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,0,218,0,_pal[4]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,1,218,1,_pal[10]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,2,218,2,_pal[15]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,3,218,3,_pal[15]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,4,218,4,_pal[10]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,5,218,5,_pal[4]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,36,218,36,_pal[4]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,37,218,37,_pal[10]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,38,218,38,_pal[15]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,39,218,39,_pal[15]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,40,218,40,_pal[10]);
+    game.display.directRectangle(OFF_X,41,218,41,_pal[4]);
+    // pause if any buttons held
+    while(_Up[HELD] || _Down[HELD] || _Left[HELD] || _Right[HELD] || _A[HELD] || _B[HELD] || _C[HELD]){
+      myPad = updateButtons(myPad);
+      UpdatePad(myPad);
+    }
+void renderLevel(bool drawPlayer = 1, bool fullLevel=0){
+    signed int xStart=(px / tileSize)+4;
+    signed int yStart=(py / tileSize)+4;
+    signed int xEnd=(px / tileSize)-4;
+    signed int yEnd=(py / tileSize)-4;
+    if(xEnd<0){xStart+=-xEnd; xEnd=0;}
+    if(yEnd<0){yStart+=-yEnd; yEnd=0;}
+    if(xStart>LEVWIDTH-1){xStart=LEVWIDTH-1; xEnd=xStart-9;}
+    if(yStart>LEVHEIGHT-1){yStart=LEVHEIGHT-1; yEnd=yStart-9;}
+//  if(fullLevel){
+        xStart=LEVWIDTH-1;
+        yStart=LEVHEIGHT-1;
+        xEnd=0;
+        yEnd=1;
+//  }
+//        oldLev[t] = curLev[t];
+ //   int transp=-1;
+    for (int y = yStart; y >= yEnd; y--) {
+      for (int x = xStart; x >= xEnd; x--) {
+        int tn = (y * LEVWIDTH) + x;
+            if(oldLev[tn] != curLev[tn]){
+                oldLev[tn] = curLev[tn];
+                if(curLev[tn]==0){
+                    // water tile with shaddow
+                    uint8_t tile = 0;
+                    if(y>0){
+                        if(curLev[((y-1) * LEVWIDTH) + (x)]){ tile += 1; }
+                        if(x>0){if(curLev[((y-1) * LEVWIDTH) + (x-1)]){ tile += 2; }}
+                    }
+                    if(x>0){if(curLev[((y) * LEVWIDTH) + (x-1)]){ tile += 4; }}
+                    new2BitTile(OFF_X+x*tileSize, OFF_Y+y*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, shaddow[tile], gbTiles, shaddow[tile]);
+                }else{
+                    // all other tiles
+                    new2BitTile(OFF_X+x*tileSize, OFF_Y+y*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, curLev[tn], gbTiles, curLev[tn]);
+                }
+            }
+      }
+    }
+        // explosions
+        stillExploding=0;
+        for (int t = 0; t < EXPLODESPRITES; t++) {
+          if (expU[t] == 1) {
+            oldLev[expX[t] + LEVWIDTH * expY[t]] = 255;
+            stillExploding=1;
+            if(expF[t]<=1){
+                new2BitTile(OFF_X+(expX[t]*tileSize), OFF_Y+expY[t]*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, 1, gbTiles, 1);
+            }
+            draw4BitTile(OFF_X+(expX[t]*tileSize), OFF_Y+expY[t]*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, expF[t], 8, explode_tiles);
+            if (frameNumber % EXPLODESPEED == 0) {
+              expF[t]++;
+              if (expF[t] == 8) {
+                expU[t] = 0;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // player sprite
+        if(drawPlayer){
+            uint16_t tileBuffer[10];
+            for(byte y=0; y<8; y++){
+                int offX = ball[y][0];
+                int wide = ball[y][1];
+                for(byte x=0; x<wide; x++){
+                    tileBuffer[x]=_pal[ball[y][x+2]];
+                }
+                game.display.directTile(OFF_X+px+offX+2, OFF_Y+py+y+2, OFF_X+px+wide+offX+2, OFF_Y+py+3+y , tileBuffer);
+            }// y
+        }//drawplayer
+    print(8, 14, "SCORE  LEV LIVES  HISCORE",0,_pal[10]);
+    char text[] = "      ";
+    sprintf(text, "%05d",score);
+    print(8, 24, text,0,_pal[10]);
+    sprintf(text, "%03d",levelNum+1);
+    print(64, 24, text,0,_pal[10]);
+    sprintf(text, "%02d",lives);
+    print(104, 24, text,0,_pal[10]);
+    sprintf(text, "%05d",hiscore);
+    print(160, 24, text,0,_pal[10]);
+void explodeHere(){
+    for (int t = 0; t < EXPLODESPRITES; t++) {
+        if (expU[t] == 0) {
+            expX[t] = px / tileSize;
+            expY[t] = py / tileSize;
+            expF[t] = 0;
+            expU[t] = 1;
+            score++;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void checkTile(int x, int y) {
+  int t = curLev[x + LEVWIDTH * y];
+  switch (t) {
+    case 1:
+      curLev[x + LEVWIDTH * y] = 0;
+      oldLev[x + LEVWIDTH * y] = 255;
+      oldLev[(x+1) + LEVWIDTH * y] = 255;
+      oldLev[(x+1) + LEVWIDTH * (y+1)] = 255;
+      oldLev[x + LEVWIDTH * (y+1)] = 255;
+      numTiles--;
+      explodeHere();
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      curLev[x + LEVWIDTH * y] = 1;
+      numTiles--;
+      score++;
+      break;
+  }
+  if(score > 9999) {
+    score = 9999;
+  }
+  if(score > hiscore) {
+    hiscore = score;
+  }
+void movePlayer() {
+    char x = px/tileSize;
+    char y = py/tileSize;
+      oldLev[(x-1) + LEVWIDTH * y] = 255;
+      oldLev[x + LEVWIDTH * y] = 255;
+      oldLev[(x+1) + LEVWIDTH * y] = 255;
+      oldLev[x + LEVWIDTH * (y+1)] = 255;
+  if (ps == 0) { // not moving
+    // sneeky exit check
+    if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] == 10 || curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] == 11) {
+      if (numTiles == 0) {
+        levelNum++;
+        if (levelNum >= maxLevels) {
+          levelNum = 0;
+        }
+        // make sure explosions have finished :-)
+        for (int t = 0; t < EXPLODESPRITES; t++){expU[t] = 0;}
+        renderLevel(); refreshDisplay();
+        loadLevel(levelNum);
+        renderLevel(0,1);
+      }
+    }
+    // sneeky water check
+    int p = curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)];
+    if (p == 0 || (p>=24 && p<=32)) {
+      lives--;
+      rumbleOn();
+      if (lives >= 0) {
+        explodeHere();
+        // make sure explosions have finished :-)
+        for(frameNumber=0; frameNumber<30; frameNumber++){
+            if(frameNumber>=RUMBLEFRAMES){rumbleOff();}
+            renderLevel(0); // 0 to hide player
+            refreshDisplay();
+        }
+        loadLevel(levelNum);
+        renderLevel(0,1);
+      } else {
+        explodeHere();
+        // make sure explosions have finished :-)
+        for(frameNumber=0; frameNumber<30; frameNumber++){
+            if(frameNumber>=RUMBLEFRAMES){rumbleOff();}
+            renderLevel(0); // 0 to hide player
+            refreshDisplay();
+        }
+        gameMode = 0; // titlescreen
+      }
+    }
+    pd = 0;
+//    if (!_B[HELD]) {
+      if (_Up[HELD]) {
+        if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 14 && curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * ((py-tileSize) / tileSize)] != 14) {
+          pd = 1;
+          checkTile(px / tileSize, py / tileSize);
+        }
+      }
+      if (_Down[HELD]) {
+        if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 14 && curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 14) {
+          pd = 2;
+          checkTile(px / tileSize, py / tileSize);
+        }
+      }
+      if (_Left[HELD]) {
+        if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 15 && curLev[((px-tileSize) / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 15) {
+          pd = 3;
+          checkTile(px / tileSize, py / tileSize);
+        }
+      }
+      if (_Right[HELD]) {
+        if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 15 && curLev[((px+tileSize) / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] != 15) {
+          pd = 4;
+          checkTile(px / tileSize, py / tileSize);
+        }
+      }
+      if (_A[NEW]) {
+        if (curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)] == 16) { // teleport
+          int t = (px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize);
+          telNum = teleportMap[t];
+          px = (telArray[telNum]%LEVWIDTH)*tileSize;
+          py = (telArray[telNum]/LEVWIDTH)*tileSize;
+          renderLevel(1,1);
+        }
+      }
+  }
+  switch (pd) {
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      py-=STEPSIZE;
+      ps+=STEPSIZE;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      py+=STEPSIZE;
+      ps+=STEPSIZE;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      px-=STEPSIZE;
+      ps+=STEPSIZE;
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      px+=STEPSIZE;
+      ps+=STEPSIZE;
+      break;
+  }
+  if (ps == tileSize) {
+    ps = 0; pd = 0;
+    satTime = 0;
+  }
+void drawTitleScreen(){
+    game.display.directRectangle(0,0,220,176,_pal[0]); // clear the screen
+    draw4BitTile(4, 41, 212, 23, 0, -1, title);
+    print(40, 80, "Remade for Pokitto",0,_pal[0]);
+    print(40, 96, "    By Spinal",0,_pal[0]);
+    print(8, 136, "    Original on C64 by",0,_pal[0]);
+    print(8, 152, "   Oliva Kirwa (C) 1990",0,_pal[0]);
+    for(int x=0; x<220; x++){
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT,_pal[4]);
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT+1,_pal[10]);
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT+2,_pal[15]);
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT+11,_pal[15]);
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT+12,_pal[10]);
+        game.display.directPixel(x,SCROLLHEIGHT+13,_pal[4]);
+    }
+    gameMode=1;
+void titleScreen(){
+    char text1[34];
+    memcpy(text1, &text[myInt],33);
+    text1[32]=0;
+    //titleprint(-scroller, 6 , text1);
+    print(-scroller, SCROLLHEIGHT+3, text1,0,_pal[14]);
+    if(frameNumber%3==0){
+        scroller++;
+        if(scroller==8){
+        scroller=0;
+        myInt++;
+        if(myInt==strlen(text)){myInt=0;}
+        }
+    }
+    if(_A[NEW]){
+        lives = 5;
+        score = 0;
+        levelNum = 0;
+        gameMode = 10;
+        game.display.directRectangle(0,0,220,176,0x0000); // clear the screen
+    }
+void playLevel(){
+    movePlayer();
+    // sit still too long at your peril!
+    if (pd == 0) {
+        satTime++;
+        int t=curLev[(px / tileSize) + LEVWIDTH * (py / tileSize)];
+        char satCount = 16;
+        if(t==2) satCount = 8;
+        if(satTime == satCount) {
+            checkTile(px / tileSize, py / tileSize);
+            satTime = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    renderLevel();
+int main(){
+    rumbleOff(); // just in case
+    game.begin();
+    game.display.width = 220; // full size
+    game.display.height = 174;
+    game.sound.ampEnable(true);
+    game.sound.playMusicStream(musicName);
+    gameMode = 0; // titleScreen
+    tempTime = game.getTime();
+    while (game.isRunning()) {
+          // if it is time to update the screen
+ //       if (game.update(true)){
+            game.sound.updateStream();
+            myPad = updateButtons(myPad);
+            UpdatePad(myPad);
+            frameNumber++;
+            char oldMode = gameMode;
+            switch(gameMode){
+                case 0:
+                    drawTitleScreen();
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    levelNum = 0;
+                    myDelay = 10;
+                    titleScreen();
+                    break;
+                case 10:
+                    // start new game.
+                    loadLevel(levelNum);
+                    renderLevel(0,1);
+                    gameMode = 20;
+                    break;
+                case 20:
+                    // play levels
+                    myDelay = 30;
+                    playLevel();
+                    break;
+            }
+        // timing loop
+        while(game.getTime()-tempTime < myDelay){
+            refreshDisplay();
+        };
+        tempTime = game.getTime();
+//  } // update
+  }
+    return 1;