Library for Bosch Sensortech BMI160 IMU

Fork of BMI160 by Justin Jordan

diff -r 598e601e5846 -r e1770675eca4 bmi160.h
--- a/bmi160.h	Thu Dec 08 00:32:41 2016 +0000
+++ b/bmi160.h	Fri Dec 09 00:29:29 2016 +0000
@@ -54,103 +54,143 @@
     ///Return value on success.
-    static const uint8_t NO_ERROR = 0;
+    static const uint8_t RTN_NO_ERROR = 0;
     ///BMI160 registers
     enum Registers
-        CHIP_ID = 0x00,
-        ERR_REG = 0x02,
-        PMU_STATUS,
-        DATA_0,
-        DATA_1,
-        DATA_2,
-        DATA_3,
-        DATA_4,
-        DATA_5,
-        DATA_6,
-        DATA_7,
-        DATA_8,
-        DATA_9,
-        DATA_10,
-        DATA_11,
-        DATA_12,
-        DATA_13,
-        DATA_14,
-        DATA_15,
-        DATA_16,
-        DATA_17,
-        DATA_18,
-        DATA_19,
-        SENSORTIME_0,
-        SENSORTIME_1,
-        SENSORTIME_2,
-        STATUS,
-        INT_STATUS_0,
-        INT_STATUS_1,
-        INT_STATUS_2,
-        INT_STATUS_3,
-        TEMPERATURE_0,
-        TEMPERATURE_1,
-        FIFO_LENGTH_0,
-        FIFO_LENGTH_1,
-        FIFO_DATA,
-        ACC_CONF = 0x40,
-        ACC_RANGE,
-        GYR_CONF,
-        GYR_RANGE,
-        MAG_CONF,
-        FIFO_DOWNS,
-        FIFO_CONFIG_0,
-        FIFO_CONFIG_1,
-        MAG_IF_0 = 0x4B,
-        MAG_IF_1,
-        MAG_IF_2,
-        MAG_IF_3,
-        MAG_IF_4,
-        INT_EN_0,
-        INT_EN_1,
-        INT_EN_2,
-        INT_OUT_CTRL,
-        INT_LATCH,
-        INT_MAP_0,
-        INT_MAP_1,
-        INT_MAP_2,
-        INT_DATA_0,
-        INT_DATA_1,
-        INT_LOWHIGH_0,
-        INT_LOWHIGH_1,
-        INT_LOWHIGH_2,
-        INT_LOWHIGH_3,
-        INT_LOWHIGH_4,
-        INT_MOTION_0,
-        INT_MOTION_1,
-        INT_MOTION_2,
-        INT_MOTION_3,
-        INT_TAP_0,
-        INT_TAP_1,
-        INT_ORIENT_0,
-        INT_ORIENT_1,
-        INT_FLAT_0,
-        INT_FLAT_1,
-        FOC_CONF,
-        CONF,
-        IF_CONF,
-        PMU_TRIGGER,
-        SELF_TEST,
-        NV_CONF = 0x70,
-        OFFSET_0,
-        OFFSET_1,
-        OFFSET_2,
-        OFFSET_3,
-        OFFSET_4,
-        OFFSET_5,
-        OFFSET_6,
-        STEP_CNT_0,
-        STEP_CNT_1,
-        STEP_CONF_0,
-        STEP_CONF_1,
-        CMD = 0x7E
+        CHIP_ID = 0x00,  ///<Chip Identification. 
+        ERR_REG = 0x02,  ///<Reports sensor error flags.  Flags reset when read.
+        PMU_STATUS,      ///<Reports current power mode for sensors.
+        DATA_0,          ///<MAG_X axis bits7:0
+        DATA_1,          ///<MAG_X axis bits15:8
+        DATA_2,          ///<MAG_Y axis bits7:0
+        DATA_3,          ///<MAG_Y axis bits15:8
+        DATA_4,          ///<MAG_Z axis bits7:0
+        DATA_5,          ///<MAG_Z axis bits15:8
+        DATA_6,          ///<RHALL bits7:0
+        DATA_7,          ///<RHALL bits15:8
+        DATA_8,          ///<GYR_X axis bits7:0
+        DATA_9,          ///<GYR_X axis bits15:8
+        DATA_10,         ///<GYR_Y axis bits7:0
+        DATA_11,         ///<GYR_Y axis bits15:8
+        DATA_12,         ///<GYR_Z axis bits7:0
+        DATA_13,         ///<GYR_Z axis bits15:8
+        DATA_14,         ///<ACC_X axis bits7:0
+        DATA_15,         ///<ACC_X axis bits15:8
+        DATA_16,         ///<ACC_Y axis bits7:0
+        DATA_17,         ///<ACC_Y axis bits15:8
+        DATA_18,         ///<ACC_Z axis bits7:0
+        DATA_19,         ///<ACC_Z axis bits15:8
+        SENSORTIME_0,    ///<24bit counter synchronized with data, bits7:0
+        SENSORTIME_1,    ///<24bit counter synchronized with data, bits15:8
+        SENSORTIME_2,    ///<24bit counter synchronized with data, bits23:16
+        STATUS,          ///<Reports sensors status flags
+        INT_STATUS_0,    ///<Contains interrupt status flags
+        INT_STATUS_1,    ///<Contains interrupt status flags
+        INT_STATUS_2,    ///<Contains interrupt status flags
+        INT_STATUS_3,    ///<Contains interrupt status flags
+        TEMPERATURE_0,   ///<Contains temperature of sensor, bits7:0
+        TEMPERATURE_1,   ///<Contains temperature of sensor, bits15:8
+        FIFO_LENGTH_0,   ///<Current fill level of FIFO, bits7:0
+        FIFO_LENGTH_1,   ///<Current fill level of FIFO, bits10:8
+        FIFO_DATA,       ///<FIFO data read out register, burst read
+        ACC_CONF = 0x40, ///<Set ODR, bandwidth, and read mode of accelerometer
+        ACC_RANGE,       ///<Sets accelerometer g-range
+        GYR_CONF,        ///<Set ODR, bandwidth, and read mode of gyroscope
+        GYR_RANGE,       ///<Sets gyroscope angular rate measurement range
+        MAG_CONF,        ///<Sets ODR of magnetometer interface
+        FIFO_DOWNS,      ///<Sets down sampling ratios of accel and gyro data 
+                         ///<for FIFO
+        FIFO_CONFIG_0,   ///<Sets FIFO Watermark
+        FIFO_CONFIG_1,   ///<Sets which sensor data is available in FIFO, 
+                         ///<Header/Headerless mode, Ext Int tagging, Sensortime
+        MAG_IF_0 = 0x4B, ///<Magnetometer 7-bit I2C address, bits7:1
+        MAG_IF_1,        ///<Magnetometer interface configuration
+        MAG_IF_2,        ///<Magnetometer address to read
+        MAG_IF_3,        ///<Magnetometer address to write
+        MAG_IF_4,        ///<Magnetometer data to write
+        INT_EN_0,        ///<Interrupt enable bits
+        INT_EN_1,        ///<Interrupt enable bits
+        INT_EN_2,        ///<Interrupt enable bits
+        INT_OUT_CTRL,    ///<Contains the behavioral configuration of INT pins
+        INT_LATCH,       ///<Contains the interrupt rest bit and the interrupt 
+                         ///<mode selection
+        INT_MAP_0,       ///<Controls which interrupt signals are mapped to the 
+                         ///<INT1 and INT2 pins
+        INT_MAP_1,       ///<Controls which interrupt signals are mapped to the 
+                         ///<INT1 and INT2 pins
+        INT_MAP_2,       ///<Controls which interrupt signals are mapped to the 
+                         ///<INT1 and INT2 pins
+        INT_DATA_0,      ///<Contains the data source definition for the two 
+                         ///<interrupt groups
+        INT_DATA_1,      ///<Contains the data source definition for the two 
+                         ///<interrupt groups
+        INT_LOWHIGH_0,   ///<Contains the configuration for the low g interrupt
+        INT_LOWHIGH_1,   ///<Contains the configuration for the low g interrupt
+        INT_LOWHIGH_2,   ///<Contains the configuration for the low g interrupt
+        INT_LOWHIGH_3,   ///<Contains the configuration for the low g interrupt
+        INT_LOWHIGH_4,   ///<Contains the configuration for the low g interrupt
+        INT_MOTION_0,    ///<Contains the configuration for the any motion and 
+                         ///<no motion interrupts
+        INT_MOTION_1,    ///<Contains the configuration for the any motion and 
+                         ///<no motion interrupts
+        INT_MOTION_2,    ///<Contains the configuration for the any motion and 
+                         ///<no motion interrupts
+        INT_MOTION_3,    ///<Contains the configuration for the any motion and 
+                         ///<no motion interrupts
+        INT_TAP_0,       ///<Contains the configuration for the tap interrupts
+        INT_TAP_1,       ///<Contains the configuration for the tap interrupts
+        INT_ORIENT_0,    ///<Contains the configuration for the oeientation 
+                         ///<interrupt
+        INT_ORIENT_1,    ///<Contains the configuration for the oeientation 
+                         ///<interrupt
+        INT_FLAT_0,      ///<Contains the configuration for the flat interrupt
+        INT_FLAT_1,      ///<Contains the configuration for the flat interrupt
+        FOC_CONF,        ///<Contains configuration for the fast offset 
+                         ///<compensation for the accelerometer and gyroscope
+        CONF,            ///<Configuration of sensor, nvm_prog_en bit
+        IF_CONF,         ///<Contains settings for the digital interface
+        PMU_TRIGGER,     ///<Sets trigger conditions to change gyro power modes
+        SELF_TEST,       ///<Self test configuration
+        NV_CONF = 0x70,  ///<Contains settings for the digital interface
+        OFFSET_0,        ///<Contains offset comp values for acc_off_x7:0
+        OFFSET_1,        ///<Contains offset comp values for acc_off_y7:0
+        OFFSET_2,        ///<Contains offset comp values for acc_off_z7:0
+        OFFSET_3,        ///<Contains offset comp values for gyr_off_x7:0
+        OFFSET_4,        ///<Contains offset comp values for gyr_off_y7:0
+        OFFSET_5,        ///<Contains offset comp values for gyr_off_z7:0
+        OFFSET_6,        ///<gyr/acc offset enable bit and gyr_off_(zyx) bits9:8
+        STEP_CNT_0,      ///<Step counter bits 15:8
+        STEP_CNT_1,      ///<Step counter bits 7:0
+        STEP_CONF_0,     ///<Contains configuration of the step detector
+        STEP_CONF_1,     ///<Contains configuration of the step detector
+        CMD = 0x7E       ///<Command register triggers operations like 
+                         ///<softreset, NVM programming, etc.
+    };
+    ///ERR_REG Bit Mask bit0
+    static const uint8_t FATAL_ERR = 0x01;
+    ///ERR_REG Bit Mask bits4:1
+    static const uint8_t ERR_CODE = 0x1E;
+    ///ERR_REG Bit Mask bit5
+    static const uint8_t I2C_FAIL_ERR = 0x20;
+    ///ERR_REG Bit Mask bit6
+    static const uint8_t DROP_CMD_ERR = 0x40;
+    ///ERR_REG Bit Mask bit7
+    static const uint8_t MAG_DRDY_ERR = 0x80;
+    ///ERR_REG bits4:1 codes
+    enum ErrorCodes
+    {
+        NO_ERROR = 0,        ///<No Error
+        ERROR_1,             ///<Listed as error   
+        ERROR_2,             ///<Listed as error
+        LPM_INT_PFD,         ///<Low-power mode and interrupt uses pre-filtered 
+                             ///<data
+        ODR_MISMATCH = 0x06, ///<ODRs of enabled sensors in headless mode do not 
+                             ///<match
+        PFD_USED_LPM         ///<Pre-filtered data are used in low power mode
@@ -204,7 +244,8 @@
     ///@param[out] data - holds contents of read registers on success
     ///@returns 0 on success, non 0 on failure
-    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, uint8_t *data) = 0;
+    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    uint8_t *data) = 0;
     ///@brief Writes a block of registers.\n
@@ -221,7 +262,31 @@
     ///@param[out] none
     ///@returns 0 on success, non 0 on failure
-    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, const uint8_t *data) = 0;
+    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    const uint8_t *data) = 0;
+    ///@brief Get die temperature.\n
+    ///
+    ///On Entry:
+    ///@param[in] temp - pointer to float for temperature 
+    ///
+    ///On Exit:
+    ///@param[out] temp - on success, holds the die temperature
+    ///
+    ///@returns 0 on success, non 0 on failure
+    int32_t getTemperature(float *temp);
+    ///@brief fx documentation template.\n
+    ///
+    ///On Entry:
+    ///@param[in] none 
+    ///
+    ///On Exit:
+    ///@param[out] none
+    ///
+    ///@returns none
@@ -256,8 +321,10 @@
     virtual int32_t readRegister(Registers reg, uint8_t *data);
     virtual int32_t writeRegister(Registers reg, const uint8_t data);
-    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, uint8_t *data);
-    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, const uint8_t *data);
+    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    uint8_t *data);
+    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    const uint8_t *data);
@@ -287,8 +354,10 @@
     virtual int32_t readRegister(Registers reg, uint8_t *data);
     virtual int32_t writeRegister(Registers reg, const uint8_t data);
-    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, uint8_t *data);
-    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, const uint8_t *data);
+    virtual int32_t readBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    uint8_t *data);
+    virtual int32_t writeBlock(Registers startReg, Registers stopReg, 
+    const uint8_t *data);
@@ -297,14 +366,3 @@
 #endif /* BMI160_H */
-///@brief fx documentation template.\n
-///On Entry:
-///@param[in] none 
-///On Exit:
-///@param[out] none
-///@returns none